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#19739846Monday, January 18, 2010 6:07 PM GMT

As promised, here is the clan RPG. This is exclusive to the members of the Masters of Adventure clan (Sleinfer, Jetblade82, Seth07, pinkgloomybear, paintballman5566 and myself) so if you're not part of the clan then don't post here. Unlike most Roblox RPGs, this game will use the classic playing style with players and a GM (me). You post your character's actions in the thread and I post the result. Don't worry about dice rolls, I'll handle them. If you want to keep your action secret from the other players then PM me. The adventure takes place in a remote village somewhere in... New England, 1926. The characters for this game are premade, so you just need to pick one. There are only three stats; Physical, Mental, and Skill. 10 is the average value. This shows your character's strengths and weaknesses. CHARACTERS George Wickham, 47 Physical: 12 Mental: 11 Skill: 10 George Wickham is an ordinary farmer, married and with two children. He prefers a calm life. Anne Wickham, 42 Physical: 11 Mental: 12 Skill: 10 Anne is the wife of George Wickham. She reads a lot of books. Cathy Wickham, 19 Physical: 11 Mental: 10 Skill: 13 Cathy is the daughter of George and Anne. She is bored with the life on the farm and wants to move to a bigger city. John Wickham, 14 Physical: 10 Mental: 14 Skill: 9 John is the younger brother of Cathy. He is satisfied with his life and hopes to take over the farm after his parents. Clark Smith, 25 Physical: 15 Mental: 8 Skill: 10 Clark is the farmhand of the Wickham farm. He gets a decent pay for his work and is quite content.
#19742458Monday, January 18, 2010 6:54 PM GMT

Bio: "I am John Wickham, youngest child of George and Anne Wickham. I work hard for my parents and I hope to one day inherit my family's farm" *John goes to Village to pick up bottles of milk* (A simple start, i know >_>)
#19744221Monday, January 18, 2010 7:20 PM GMT

We don't start quite yet, we'll wait for at least one more player. This RPG will be more like a tabletop RPG than a forum RPG, so I'll 'set the scene' when we start.
#19799938Tuesday, January 19, 2010 10:39 PM GMT

dot. dot. dot.
#19830145Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:10 PM GMT

Meh, let's start now. I'll NPC the other characters until players show up. _____________________________________ It is late autumn. Thursday. And the middle of the night. You, John Wickham, is asleep in your bed. ... Suddenly you are awoken by a loud scream. A scream in pain. You believe it is a man who is screaming. The scream is coming from your neighbor's house, across the road. Your neighbor is a poet who moved here from Boston a few years ago. You don't know him very well. As suddenly as it begun, the scream is cut off. What do you do?
#19849230Thursday, January 21, 2010 12:54 AM GMT

Well, ok. I Don't do this much, so don't criticize to much if I do something "strange" or "illegal" as my mother calls it _>> I'm just the designer, ok? ___________________________________________ John walks across the road to find out what is happening. Instead of knocking on the door, he walks toward the window and peeks inside.
#19864845Thursday, January 21, 2010 10:36 AM GMT

You go out of your bed and get dressed. It seems that nobody else in your family woke up. You go outside and walk up to your neighbor's house, peeking in through a window. You are looking at a kitchen. The kitchen is dark and you can't make out any details. You see light coming from a doorway leading out of the kitchen. Everything is silent. What do you do?
#19921818Friday, January 22, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

I bring it upon myself to knock on the door.
#19923717Friday, January 22, 2010 10:48 PM GMT

Your knocking makes the door swing open. You are looking at a dark entrance hall. To the left is a doorway leading to the kitchen. To the right is a dark stair leading up to the second floor. Straight ahead is a doorway to a lit room. You can hear a faint dripping sound from somewhere, otherwise everything is silent. What do you do?
#19928745Friday, January 22, 2010 11:56 PM GMT

I quickily snatch up a blunt stick. I walk inside and head towards the lit room. I hold the stick at ready like a bat. I slowly walk into the room...
#19954412Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:32 AM GMT

You pick up a blunt stick from the ground and walk inside, going towards the lit room. As you come closer, you hear that the dripping sound is coming from that room. You enter the room. What you see almost makes you stumble. Lying limp on a couch is the body of your neighbor, with a huge wound ripped across his chest. Blood is dripping from the couch onto the floor. You find yourself staring at the scene for several seconds, then you force your eyes away from his body. In front of to the couch is a table with an open bloodstained book on it. The book seems to be a diary. Next to it is a pen. The walls of the room are hidden behind dusty bookshelves. What do you do?
#19988956Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

I walk towards the book. I carefully flip open the cover with the end of the stick. I start reading...
#19990367Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:49 PM GMT

You read the book. It is indeed a diary. Most of the pages have been drenched in blood and are incomprehensible, but part of the last entry can be read. The text starts in the middle of a sentence. 'and since it is written in the great book that "the elder gods and Azathoth and those who dwell beyond do not multiply, they remain the same throughout all the worlds", I am assured that failure is impossible. I will begin the third phase tonight.' As you read this passage you shiver a little. There is nothing more in the diary that can be read. What do you do?
#20024869Sunday, January 24, 2010 5:00 PM GMT

...I think about the meaning of the passage. Elder Gods... Azathoth... What does it mean by the third phase? Is it an enemy to mankind? I turn to my neighbor's dead body. There's only one way to find the answers I need. I rummage through the corpse's pockets...
#20027190Sunday, January 24, 2010 5:41 PM GMT

You hesitate for a moment, then you search your neighbor's pockets. As you do this, you feel a wave of nausea every now and then, but you try not to think about what you are doing. You find a crumpled piece of paper in one of his pockets. It reads: "Phase One (10/28) Ubbo-Sathla aagh Azathoth, sudr! Phase Two (10/29) Y'bthnk, iä Kadath, iä Ooth-Nargai, vaa! Phase Three (10/30) Ulthar tzotzo, iä shoggoth, ks-tri! Phase Four (10/31) Yog-Sothoth ng'ngah, iä, iä, hmy! Phase Five (11/1) Uaaah! Yog-Sothoth! Uaaah!" Right now it is either the very late evening of 10/30 or the very early morning of 10/31. You are not sure which. What do you do?
#20030985Sunday, January 24, 2010 6:50 PM GMT

Er...My next action would require someone else to start roleplaying _>> Well, anyway... ___________________________________________________________________________ I look in terror at the piece of paper, then back at the diary. With a mind filled with dread, I dash home across the street with all the speed I can muster. I run upstairs and burst into my parents' room and start shaking my father, George Wickham, awake...
#20033764Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:39 PM GMT

Sorry it took so long I'll be George _____________________________- With a groan I awaken "Wha- What is it Son?"
#20037666Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:41 PM GMT

Stammering and shivering, I explain everything to my father in an almost incomprehensible haste... About the dead poet from Boston... About the passage in the diary... About the crumpled piece of paper...
#20038241Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

"Erm, if your having bad dreams just say so.... Oh wait your being serious? In that case I'm going back over there with you!." I get up and grab a flashlight from the closet. "And if what your saying is true, don't mention it to anyone else in this household."
#20039299Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

My bad I grabbed a lantern (forgot it was 1926)
#20043247Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:10 PM GMT

The two of you quietly leave the house and walk towards the neighbor's house. As you near it, you see that the door is closed - but you, John, never closed it in your haste to get out of there. What do you do?
#20046151Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:52 PM GMT

At first I figure the wind must have closed the door...But after the bizarre things I've seen, I'm beyond thinking that.....Well, that, and the fact that it's a still night, and there's no wind. I find that I never dropped the stick in my rush to get out, and it's still in my hand. I use it to poke open the door, as I tug my father inside...
#20048828Sunday, January 24, 2010 11:33 PM GMT

I step inside and take a good look at whatever my light falls upon.
#20069445Monday, January 25, 2010 7:39 AM GMT

As you enter the house, you hear a voice call "Who is it?" from the lit room where you, John, found the body. Someone comes into the entrance hall from there and turns the lights on. It is your neighbor. He is called Charles West since we need a name for him. He is very much alive, and not harmed in any way. There is no trace of blood on his clothes. "Mr Wickham? Um... what can I do for you?" he asks, looking rather puzzled at the sight of you two standing in his house with a lantern and a big stick. What do you do?
#20131095Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:48 PM GMT

"Oh, hello sir..." I glance angrily at my Son. "Uh, we heard a noise coming from this house, is everything alright?"

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