#20545998Friday, February 05, 2010 1:05 AM GMT

Cody shivered.
#20546210Friday, February 05, 2010 1:09 AM GMT

Cody saw that the path lead to the path Shari and Skinner were walking along. The path grew wider, and wider. Everyone saw lava pits below. Shari said, "We must be pretty far underground."
#20546301Friday, February 05, 2010 1:10 AM GMT

"YAY LAVA!"Cody cheered,clapping his paws.
#20546404Friday, February 05, 2010 1:12 AM GMT

Everyone glared at Cody. Then, as everyone walked along the path longer, there was a large body of water, that everyone noticed lead to another path. Nighthawk swam across, then Shari, then Skinner.
#20546478Friday, February 05, 2010 1:13 AM GMT

Cody waited for them to pass and stop staring at him,then he use dthe power of the communicator to run on top of the water.
#20546733Friday, February 05, 2010 1:18 AM GMT

There was a giant boulder in the way. Shari said, "Great. A boulder." A Charni Scientist used the microphone to talk to Cody. "Remember, when you get the gem, I'll hand you the syringe when you give us the gem. Then, when everyone else is sleeping, inject it ALL into the strongest of the group. Also, we have figured out the location of another gem, I'll tell you when you retrieve the gem."
#20549380Friday, February 05, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

"Let me handle this." Sigma suggested. He broke the boulder with a huge thrust from his blade.
#20549433Friday, February 05, 2010 2:08 AM GMT

Ahead, was another, larger, and stronger boulder. Shari said, "Karma hates us.." Skinner nodded.
#20549596Friday, February 05, 2010 2:11 AM GMT

"Yeah, that's going to be a problem. Do you think it's stable enough to use explosives?" Sigma asked.
#20549664Friday, February 05, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

"Oh yes, great idea: Boulder go boom, the rocks go boom, lava flows in and we all die." Shari said. "The best thing we can do is to try and get through it, without risking getting our everything burned."
#20549874Friday, February 05, 2010 2:17 AM GMT

"I'm not sure which is worse, the volcano, or this hole in the wall. Any other way around?" Sigma asked.
#20549974Friday, February 05, 2010 2:19 AM GMT

Shari said, "We could try walking through it. But we'd need a ghost. Wait a second.. Doesn't the 4th Wall Repair Crew have tools? Maybe they can destroy it, without using explosives that will result in death. But we just need to break the 4th wall.."
#20550116Friday, February 05, 2010 2:22 AM GMT

"I don't know, maybe I could try something that could break the fourth wall." Sigma suggested.
#20550150Friday, February 05, 2010 2:22 AM GMT

"Try away." Shari said. Nighthawk was playing Monopoly with Skinner.
#20550351Friday, February 05, 2010 2:26 AM GMT

"Ok, just need to make a complaint." Sigma said "You know, my controller needs to be on here more often instead of screwing around on Left 4 Dead 2." His controller appeared in front of him. "Look, the creator of this thread has broken the fourth wall enough times already. Don't get me involved with this." He complained, then disappeared.
#20550509Friday, February 05, 2010 2:29 AM GMT

The Fourth Wall began to break. Todd, Timmy, and the others from the Fourth Wall Repair crew walked in, and began to repair the fourth wall. Shari said, "Hey, you guys. We need your help." "Not this again. We're just repairing the Fourth Wall.." Timmy complained. "What is it exactly that you guys want?" Todd asked.
#20550798Friday, February 05, 2010 2:35 AM GMT

"Well, normally we'd have you to your business. There's just this hurdle that we would like for you to take care of." Sigma said, pointing at the boulder.
#20550986Friday, February 05, 2010 2:39 AM GMT

Ned said, "Okay. We'll do it. But that's only because we kinda don't like the dimensions where we come from." "Maybe you guys don't but I do!" Timmy bragged. "Wanda and Cosmo are awesome!" Timmy continued. Todd said, "Let's just get to work on this boulder.." and began to take out some laser drills. After a few minutes of working, the 4th Wall Repair Crew had finished completely destroying the boulder, but caused no harm to the rest of the enviroment. They then went back to their normal dimensions. "Hmmm, those guys are kind of familiar.." Shari said. The group continued on, until they saw a large stone statue of a triceratops, the Gem on a pedastal.
#20551264Friday, February 05, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

"Knowing the past experiences, this is probably a-yeah, I probably shouldn't talk about it. Otherwise it might happen." Sigma said.
#20551341Friday, February 05, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

Shari said, "Then what do we do, since it's probably a T-R-A-P."
#20551508Friday, February 05, 2010 2:48 AM GMT

Skinner poked the gem. The triceratops statue didn't become alive. But the gem exploded, it was a fake. The exit was sealed off.
#20551622Friday, February 05, 2010 2:50 AM GMT

"I. Freaking. Knew it." Sigma complained.
#20551801Friday, February 05, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

A ghost floated nearby. "I can help you get out." It said.
#20559977Friday, February 05, 2010 12:47 PM GMT

Oh no it wouldn't! I quickly hooked it's tail, then held on for a chance to get up and knock it out. At points, i was slammed about, but i didn't care. Holding on for dear life, i quickly used a spindash, carefully aimed up the line, to get atop it's back. I then used my hook by throwing it to a tusk, tying the rope around the other, and grabbing the rope.
#20560422Friday, February 05, 2010 1:18 PM GMT

"Okie Dokie."Cody agreed into the microphone.