#20001205Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:02 AM GMT

"Yeah."I say. Then a nurse walks in with a food cart. She pulls a platter out with two cheeseburgers and fries. She lays the food down on the table and walk out with the cart. "Food!" I say and grab one of the cheeseburgers.
#20001352Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:05 AM GMT

Lily looks at the cheeseburger and instantly takes it "haven't had one in 3 months!" she exclaims and takes one.
#20001402Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:06 AM GMT

"Life isn't good without a burger."I say,taking a bite of the cheeseburger.
#20001934Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:15 AM GMT

I put my burger down. "So do you know where Kaleigh is?"I ask.
#20002034Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:16 AM GMT

Lily laughs cheerfully and takes a big bite, she gets ketchup on her upper lip. She laughs and takes a bite of some fries.
#20002347Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:20 AM GMT

"So . . .do you know where Kaleigh is?"I ask.
#20002748Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:26 AM GMT

Lily frowns and shakes her head "no" she replies.
#20002958Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:30 AM GMT

"Ok . . ."I say,a little dissappointed. I frown for a second,then smile again and take a bite of my burger.
#20003464Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:37 AM GMT

Lily laughs and takes another bite of her cheeseeburger.
#20003566Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:38 AM GMT

I quickly finish my food and yawn. "Sorry,but the pain killers the doctors give me are making me sleepy. Mind if I sleep?"I ask.
#20003610Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:39 AM GMT

~YFK~ Well, today i saw her again. She had prepared a good ways up for this meeting, because i called ahead of time. I got no answer, so i just left out a text message for her and chose my absolute FAVORITE shirt: My tuxedo. I put it on with pride, then went to the park, humming the song thunder to myself as i went up. I felt slightly magnetized towards her, like a small pull. Not clingy, just small. A long kiss between us ensued shortly afterwards. Well, i finally got her name: Amy. Well, i went home after that. Who knows, maybe we were made for each other....
#20003889Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:43 AM GMT

"I don't mind" Lily yawned "mind if I sleep?" she asks.
#20003970Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:44 AM GMT

I shrug. "Don't see how I can when I'm asleep."I say. I lay back on my bed and fall asleep quickly.
#20004641Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:54 AM GMT

I fall into a deep sleep with no dreams.
#20004687Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:54 AM GMT

Lily falls asleep in her wheelchair, a nurse comes in and trys to roll her out, "stop" Lily whispers and rolls back to her spot and falls asleep again.
#20004823Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:56 AM GMT

I wake up suddenly,like I have been doing that last few nights. I see Lily in a wheelchair sleeping next to me,and for a second I am confused. Then I remember that she was staying here with me and I lean back in my bed,waiting for her to wake up.
#20009027Sunday, January 24, 2010 5:19 AM GMT

I walk into Jacobs hospital room just for a surprise and instantly stop. I walk away, angry.
#20018472Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:35 PM GMT

Lily wakes up, she stretches her arms "morning Jacob" she yawns and eats one of her fries.
#20018657Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:40 PM GMT

"Good morning."I say. I look at the clock and it says 6:00. "The doctors should come and tell me when I will be able to leave for school."I say.
#20019380Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:03 PM GMT

Lily nods and then asks, again back to her old cheery self, "want a fry?"
#20019609Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:08 PM GMT

I shake my head. "Nah,not hungry."I say and yawn."I'm still sleepy. Wake me when the doctor comes."I say. I lay back on the bed and fall asleep quickly.
#20022032Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:05 PM GMT

Lily nods again and eats the rest of her fries, then she eats her cheeseburger.
#20022136Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:08 PM GMT

A doctor walks in the room. I hear his loud footsteps and I wake up. "You are free to go."The doctor says simply and walks out. "Yes!"I say. I stand up and wait at the door for Lily, "Finally!"
#20022265Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:10 PM GMT

Lily rolls to Jacob and cheerfully says "I need to get an electric one" she laughs and starts to roll to the exit/enter door.
#20022348Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:12 PM GMT

I follow behind her. "You want me to push you?"I ask,pointing at the handels at the back of the wheelchair.