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#198205078Saturday, September 10, 2016 9:06 PM GMT

Good luck. You'll need it. 1. When did the flash happen? 2. What was the two strategic alliances that were responsible for the Flash? 3. Which assassin killed the Southside Mayor? 4. When did the Atlanta Crisis happen? 5. Are the Red's hostile to the PRT? (Despite the fact they were ex-cdf) 6. What are the two major factions in the post war? 7. Does Dune Rangers have an Protocol? 8. What were their patrols goal? Please briefly explain. 9. Why was the recruitment in CDF Scrap Towns were halted? 10. What were their Manpower in 2067's? 11. What was the most iconic vehicle of a Ranger? 12. When did they brought the ranking system in Dune Rangers? 13. Were the factories they made a deal with (actually, they afforded them.) were allied with dune rangers? 14. What are the Goal of other factions? 15. Please list all mutant species below. 15. What is the PRT's capitol 16. What is the US's capitol? 17. What were the two Major Hotspots in Pearl City, Hawaii? 18. Are ACMF hostile to everybody? 19. In the shell exchange, which faction started the shell exchange first? 20. How many Evaluation Stages does Rangers have? 21. Does Dune Rangers trade with RCO? 22. Please briefly explain that why the recruitment on Southside (and CDF scrap towns) were halted. 23. Where are the ATF games set? (including darkness) 24. When are the ATF games set? (including darkness) 25. Explain the events of the Atlanta Crisis. 26. Are the CDF allied with the MEB? 27. What is the radio named in ATF 6? 28. What was the Pre-War Mutation Experimental Clinic used to be? 29. Which ''faction'' habitated in the clinic and ''occupied'' it? 30. The name of the USCPF main supply point in ATF 3? 31. In the USCPF main supply point, Where does the UR-22 stationed there flies directly to? 32. Which faction owns the Supply Depot? 33. Describe your primary character below. Send this to a C Rank when you are finished. It has to be 100% accurate. Make sure Theres no mistakes.

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