#198461595Thursday, September 15, 2016 2:49 AM GMT

(LNG, if I called in Ray from Fractured, what role should he be?)
#198462395Thursday, September 15, 2016 3:05 AM GMT

(Oh dang, Fractured. I had nearly forgotten about that. I want, I really want, to do that again. Ray has a Dreadnought, which really can't be taken down to a planet, so probably either a support or a damage dealer, with abilities including orbital strikes and squadron strafes.)
#198466964Thursday, September 15, 2016 4:58 AM GMT

############ Notes: I like ##### idea, so I'll be sure to let him upgrade that! Also, apologies, I had completely forgot to put both a status effect limit to On a Roll (now lasts for 2 turns) AND to take it into consideration. Whoops. DIALOGUE: Lucario: Really? Well, nice to know! By the way, ###### #### open when you're charging that attack up, Mr. R. Gear! Lucario fires an Aura Sphere at R. Gear, dealing 33 damage! Lucario Health: 441! R. Gear Health: 167! Aura Sphere is on ######### On a Roll is on ######### ### the House is on ######### NEXT TURN!
#198467258Thursday, September 15, 2016 5:08 AM GMT

Typhl(filter)osion's Notes: I like LN(Filter)G's idea, so I'll be sure to let him upgrade that! Also, apologies, I had completely forgot to put both a status effect limit to On a Roll (now lasts for 2 turns) AND to take it into consideration. Whoops. DIALOGUE: Lucario: Really? Well, nice to know! By the way, remember that you're open when you're charging that attack up, Mr. R. Gear! Lucario fires an Aura Sphere at R. Gear, dealing 33 damage! Lucario Health: 441! R. Gear Health: 167! Aura Sphere is on cool(filter)down! On a Roll is on cool(filter)down! R(filter)ok the house is on cool(filter)down! NEXT TURN!
#198467419Thursday, September 15, 2016 5:13 AM GMT

(I'm still planning to join, although my time to do so is being occupied by homework and, for some reason, mashing up DooM's At Doom's Gate with "Daddy, would you like some sausages?".)
#198468100Thursday, September 15, 2016 5:38 AM GMT

R. Gear He fired the Chaingun Storm. A storm of lasers hit Lucario, and R. Gear fired so much he was covered in a blue light. "Hey... is that A. G. over there?" The boxer revived Commander, and both were watching. (A. G.'s ult: Thor's Punch is a 10 turn cooldown move. A. G. jumps in the air, then punches 1 opponent with a lightning charged punch. 2 turn attack, A.G. is completely immune on the turn he ults and on the 2nd turn, he deals a 15-20 roll to his opponent with a 50% chance to stun.)
#198469497Thursday, September 15, 2016 6:32 AM GMT

Then North Korea comes and nukes everyone. (trolling, ignore/void this.)
#198477602Thursday, September 15, 2016 2:04 PM GMT

It had not been wounded, yet. But it might as well be a any other piece of flying, bouncing steel that peppered the hides of the giants. The creature could dodge and weave like this all day, barely getting weaker with each strike. It could only attack one of them at a time, and aside from that one, extremely powerful strike, it was merely delaying its inevitable end. WARden was too close now to stop. So it retracted its blades for just a moment. Then it reached the creature, and plunged its blades into the creature's abdomen with pneumatic force. (70% threshold, I'm on 7-8 rolls.)
#198487480Thursday, September 15, 2016 7:28 PM GMT

||| A few days ago... ||| -Henry- "So, what do we got in the mail today?" As I came through the door to our house and was greeted by Niko, who was checking our mail. -Niko- "Junk, junk, junk, junk..." Tearing each envelope to pieces as I scanned through them. Something catches my eye. "Ooh... What's this?" -Henry (part-Ninetales)- In her paws she holds an envelope... Sent from Riolu several days ago. I tore open the envelope in haste and read what was in it... "Wow. I ACCEPT!" I yelled, and a portal popped up right next to me. "Okay, I'm going off to a different universe, I'll call for you guys later..." ||| Present Day (or Night, time of day please) ||| Okay, I have no idea where the hell I am... But there appears to be a battle going on. Humans and more humans... Fighting a single Pokémon, a Lucario... Which has 600 HP. Triple wow! I ran over to the battleground. "So, am I late for something?" I say in a polite manner to a guy carrying two guns. (Richofen)
#198488776Thursday, September 15, 2016 7:53 PM GMT

(Success, is The Name's Saxton Hale still on a cooldown?)
#198495279Thursday, September 15, 2016 9:56 PM GMT

(Getting impatient...) -Henry (part-Ninetales)- Why, in every single universe, do humans ignore me? I turn my attention over to the Lucario. "Hey, Lucario! Am I late for something?!"
#198495599Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:01 PM GMT

Lucario gets hit with both attacks! He seems pretty hurt, but he still stands tall! He tries to hit R. Gear, but the increased evasion from On a Roll allows R. Gear to dodge! Lucario Health: 300! NEXT TURN! The Name's Saxton Hale is now ready for use! On a Roll and Rok the House's effects are now over! Wait for them to recharge and unleash mayhem!
#198495778Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:05 PM GMT

(Ready for a Smash Bros. reference? Master Hand SSBB = 300 HP on Hard.)
#198495946Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:08 PM GMT

DIALOGUE: Lucario: Henry! Heeey! Nice to see you!
#198496047Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

R. Gear I calmly reload. Looks like this rolling boulder is pretty helpful... I fire normally with my laser chaingun.
#198496116Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:11 PM GMT

-Henry- "So, are we having a fight or something?" I reach over on both sides of the waist to pull out both pistols and flip them a bit. There was a great swelling of pride to be a Pokémon... After all... PEOPLE DIDN'T IGNORE YOU AS MUCH...
#198496131Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:12 PM GMT

(Wow, we skipped past 60% right down to the 50% threshold! 11-12 rolls for WARden) A successful strike. The creature is wavering, its accuracy off, and vulnerable to more strikes. WARden's blades are starting to glow, pulsating blue lines shimmering across their surfaces, it has more speed, more strength, more power. This is how to kill gods. The creature is tough, but not tough enough. Not enough to resist another few blows. WARden, now behind the creature, turns and moves in a whirlwind, striking all points on the creature's body with blades, rockets, and sharp claws serving as its feet made for climbing and clinging.
#198497695Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:40 PM GMT

The German scientist paused for a split-second, considering his next move. It seemed that his comrade was getting stronger the longer this battle went on, and this combatant in front of him had to be starting to get his strength whittled down. There's no reason not to try one strong push in an effort to end this battle prematurely, right? The ex-935 whipped out his experimental 115-powered rifle before flipping a switch. He fired all three shots from his weapon, the electrical chained shots targeted right at Lucario. "BEHOLD THE POWER OF THE WUNDERWAFFE!" [Wunderwaffe (or the Waffle Oven, your pick): Utilize the Wunderwaffe and electrocute every enemy! This does an initial 5 roll, dealing the same 5 roll every turn for 3 turns! Has a 5 turn cooldown!]
#198498701Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:55 PM GMT

~Saxton Hale~ As Hale began to pause his attack to reload his weapons, he gave a casual annoyed glance in the direction of the person with way too much hair. He appeared to be called Henry, as his opponent seemed to know him. He put his weapons away, and shouted over to Henry before finally beginning to attack. "Get a haircut and then maybe I'll consider not making a fist-shaped hole in your skull, you HIPPIE!" Hale screamed, before immediately turning head head over to Lucario. Why wasn't he getting right in there and dishing out some Australian justice, and shooting him from a distance like a pan(filter)sy? Well, I'm no pan(filter)sy, he thought, and then started to charge in, a large grin on his face as his feet trudged across the ground, making a threatening stamping sound as he came closer. When he was within punching range, he swung at Lucario with an incredible clothesline on the side of his head, which, if if hit, would make a loud "CRUNCH" sound. He then attempted to sung at his chin with a devastating uppercut, and then went into a string of attacks. He grabbed Lucario by the head and slammed him down into his knees four times, before punching him in the gut to push him backwards. Hale then put one foot backwards, got down lower, and raised his right fist. "Have a second helping of knuckle sandwich! SAXTON HAAAAALE!" He cried, and he rocketed forward to Lucario at incredible speeds with his fists out, with red and blue energy crackling around his fists, with a sort of metallic sheen as he flew forward. If his fist met Lucario's face, an unpleasant cracking sound would be heard, as well as likely launching him back quite a bit. Saxton clenched his fist in adrenaline and power, before standing up. "Ha, ha! Crikey, that felt great! You never get tired of that! Nice gun, there, by the way!" Hale commented, as he gave a thumbs-up over to the man with the gun that shot electricity (Richtofen). That gun wasn't even from Mann Co., and it still managed to impress Hale. (I used Hale's Own Fists, with an 8-12 roll and a 30% chance to stun.)
#198499388Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:06 PM GMT

Lucario Health: 124! DIALOGUE: Lucario: Wow! You guys do lots of damage when you work together! Lucario uses Close Combat on Richtofen, dealing 60 damage! Richtofen health: 40!
#198499781Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:14 PM GMT

R. Gear I fire my Rocket Launcher. "This should finish him off!" Commander "Saxton Hale? Impressive fighting, maybe you could help my organization fight the alien invaders from my world?"
#198499898Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:15 PM GMT

(Yeah, we just skipped past 40%, 30%, and 20% all in one round. I'm doing a 17-18 with my normal attack. And I haven't taken any damage this entire battle.) WARden was at maximum charge. Its blades were vibrating with the energy flowing through them. WARden could decapitate other beings, no matter their size or strength, with this much power. It felt glorious. It felt... powerful. Something it rarely was allowed to feel. Fast as lightning, it grabbed the creature, crushing it within a powerful grip, draining the lifeblood out of it. "You may be the first to die, animal. Then I will discover what brought me here.
#198500238Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:21 PM GMT

-Henry (full-shift, Ninetales)- I use Fire Blast at Saxton, creating a large explosion of purple flames, and follow up with a Quick Attack on him and Ritchofen. "What's a hippie?... Aww well... I don't care. You just got on my bad side." (Morning Flame, passive, +2 for special attacks) (Fraternity, passive, +1 for overall) (Fire Blast, 13-17 roll, 10% burn chance) (Quick Attack, 5-7 roll)
#198500823Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:30 PM GMT

(Wait, are you allowed to attack each other? Also, I'm pretty sure you can only use one special move per attack. Also, why are you attacking Richtofen?! He didn't do anything, lol.)
#198500931Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:31 PM GMT

(Oops, cancel the Quick Attack. I never knew you could only use 1... But what's with Saxton then?)