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#198501845Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:44 PM GMT

During the nuclear exchange between NATO and the ACMF, Finland was a target of the ACMF for the reason that Brazil was. Their cooperation and peaceful relations with NATO meant they could have been NATO’s saving grace after the fallout cleared, so they were bombed along with most of the globe. The vast forests once used for lumber were either wiped out or so irradiated the wood was useless. The economy collapsed, sending people into a severe famine without access to public services. People were left to fend for themselves for the first few decades after the war. In 2085, to rebuild the economy and fix this issue, people were sent down to mine Finland’s metals, which would be melted down into a new currency. This was the foundation of the new economy of Finland. The metals also had use to build towns for scavengers and survivors to live in. To protect these people a paramilitary force under the name of the Finnish Defense Front, was founded. The FDF mainly used updated weaponry of old Finnish weapons, like the RK 95 or Mendel. As the years passed, the civilians of the country earned jobs and received money, fuelling the economic boost. By the late 2090’s the forests of Finland were virtually clear of the effects of radiation, so wood was once again available for use in trade and construction. Towns were being made out of steel and wood across the country. A subdivision arose under the name of the Finnish Trading Company, created to manage the trading affairs of the nation. In 2113, the Finnish repaired a cargo vessel from their abundant supply of metals from the mines. Fuel came from ethanol, and the ship was loaded with goods. The Finnish Trading Company took over the operation, and set sail out of the Baltic Sea for the Atlantic Ocean. They expected to reach the United Kingdom, however missed and headed through the Atlantic to the United States. They landed in Georgia, and then headed west to New Atlanta. They brought with them their goods, however when they reached the United States-PRT border, they were denied entry into the PRT. So the FTC set up shop in the United States, a few miles north of the PRT-US border. They made a large fortune in the United States, selling their metals, lumber, and paper to factions and individuals across the region. The ship they came in was sent back to send their funds, and bring back more personnel and trading goods. The FTC has good intentions towards the United States and their allies, however will venture into the south for trade.

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