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#198571222Saturday, September 17, 2016 4:53 AM GMT

Epic Duck: A epic duck head basically, this should be easy to make, just remove the epic duck mesh's body and resize it to fit a head. It has a price of 1337. Ninja Mask of Nature: A green ninja mask is all i ask for q.q it has a price range like the others, 15 robux. The Poor Teapot: A blue teapot. Its description should be: Clockwork wasn't pleased with this one, he was simply thrown out and replaced with the pink one you see today. Teapot Out Of Ammo: A Teapot turret without the tools and size, just a yellow teapot. Ninja mask of azurewrath: A purple ninja mask with a sparkle time-ish pattern. DIY Domino crown: A yellow head wearing a domino crown on a paper bag. Halloween items coming soon.
#198571252Saturday, September 17, 2016 4:53 AM GMT

im not good with names and prices so feel free to help me
#198571498Saturday, September 17, 2016 4:58 AM GMT

The epic duck was already a hat at one point. It's not for sale anymore (I think), but maybe they'll make it for sale again some time.
#198571532Saturday, September 17, 2016 4:59 AM GMT

Just checked, it's for sale but it's limited. Current price is 3600R$
#198573604Saturday, September 17, 2016 5:45 AM GMT

Support, and Can you add Duck head roll?
#198575177Saturday, September 17, 2016 6:24 AM GMT

I like the turret one, clockwork will applaud you when he logs back on in 3 years or so.
#202449436Friday, November 25, 2016 1:53 AM GMT

Scince halloween passed and today is thanksgiving, im gonna skip to christmas hats. Festive penguin: A tokyokhaos penguin with a greenish tint wearing a santa hat. aand im out of ideas

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