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#198789854Tuesday, September 20, 2016 1:28 PM GMT

https://www.roblox.com/games/358357386/Peaceful-Residential-Apartment How is it? Anything wrong with the apartment? If yes,tell me any criticism about it.
#198791582Tuesday, September 20, 2016 2:32 PM GMT

#198800218Tuesday, September 20, 2016 6:27 PM GMT

1. Make the spawn transparent 2. Make the support beams less ehhh.. 3. Put support beams on each corner of the parts floating in mid air as the house would literally collapse in its current standpoint, also in the middle of each set of beams put one beam. 4. Remove the ugly security guard, please. 5. Make the welcome message brick transparent and put it on the wall right beside the staircase. 6.finish the wall on the porch 7. Make the porch less free modeled and cluttered. 8. you do not need that much food. 9. match up the top of the fish bowl. 10. you definitely do not need THAT much food. 11. Remove those ugly things on top of the cabinets in the kitchen 12. The lights do not go that way, they're suppose to be upside down, add a small cylinder just barely poking out from the ceiling and put the bulb upside down in that. 13. Why do you have a santa's sack filled with water? 14. add a drain to the sinks 15. A third floor will most likely make this look terrible.
#198839365Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:30 AM GMT

1.Good idea,but I really like to see the spawn being visible. Making it transparent makes the game more like new ROBLOX though,as new games nowadays don't have visible spawn. 2.Less? There are only ### beams and that isn't too many. 3.Oh,you're asking me to put them only on left and right corners (4),and each middle point (3). Then,the 4 isn't much difference to my current 5 or 6,and probably more support beams are better as it's more attractive.But,I will consider your idea whenever I want. 4.I can't find a better and nicer security guard,unfortunately. 5.Probably a good idea. 6.The porch is meant to be open,which means it's like an open corridor,so there won't be walls facing the outside scenery. The walls of the porch are therefore considered complete,unless I build another unit on top (3rd floor),or beside it. 7.I'm aware that it's cluttered,I'll fix this problem after I build more houses in the apartment,then move those cluttering stuff to the other empty houses. 8.Oh.:|. 9.Match up? Don't understand what you're trying to say. 10..Hmm... it just makes the house look very,very filled and complete to me. The more stuff I put in the house,the more comfortable it is. That's why I put lots and lots of food. 11.I suppose you mean the purple crystal and the recipes book? I need the recipes book and I'm not sure of the crystal I don't know where else to put the recipes book as the kitchen is quite full already. 12.Will make the bulbs upside down,and the reason they seem to poke out because if I put it pasted on the wall,the light won't work for some reason,so I had to move it more far from the wall to enable the pointlight to function properly,that's why it's poked out. But with your cylinder idea,will probably try your idea and see if the lights work. 13.I don't think there's 1,I will check and see. If there is,I just like to put cozy stuff in the house. 14. Good idea,if I want to add drains,I will need to use solid modelling which I know how to use,and building my own sink would be easier if I want to add a drain,instead of editing the current free stamper model. 15.No one's sure about that before I add the 3rd floor,and it's supposed to be 2nd floor,not 3rd,you said it wrongly. The spawn is considred ground floor,the 1st house is considered the 1st floor,and the floor above is the only 2nd/. If it's really ugly with 2nd/3rd floor,then its my building plan's fault. Hope it won't be ugly though.
#198842493Wednesday, September 21, 2016 8:51 AM GMT

A few scale issues with items like the big basket, light switches, buckets and the huge door outside. As stated, if you look at the fish bowl the base, rim, and glass don't line up. Learn from the ROBLOX and free model items, but then build your own.
#198842839Wednesday, September 21, 2016 9:44 AM GMT

1.Aware of the big basket.Will try to make it smaller when free. 2.For the light switches,will probably have to move to lower position. 3.The whole house used to be off-scaled to the character,which means it used to be quite huge,so the door used to be in that version for the kitchen to laundry/storage area's door. That's why it look quite big. I removed it away and put outside. Currently,no door for kitchen to laundry/storage area because now it looks weird to have a door there,to me. 4.Will check on that later.
#200818480Wednesday, November 02, 2016 10:12 AM GMT

Hmm...it's time to bump.
#200818702Wednesday, November 02, 2016 10:33 AM GMT

I am going to go into the ######### right now
#200818707Wednesday, November 02, 2016 10:34 AM GMT

I meant to say the name
#200818750Wednesday, November 02, 2016 10:38 AM GMT

I think the kitchen and the food were the BEST part. So decorative. VERY good job. I put a thumbs up on it.
#200820558Wednesday, November 02, 2016 12:49 PM GMT

why is there a well on the porch
#207288593Sunday, January 15, 2017 3:17 PM GMT

Brings up my post.
#207382704Monday, January 16, 2017 11:28 AM GMT

#207476814Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:16 AM GMT

#207554385Wednesday, January 18, 2017 2:29 PM GMT

Anyone else?
#207558838Wednesday, January 18, 2017 4:34 PM GMT

delete it pls I found a puppy it grew up, It's still a puppy.
#207558956Wednesday, January 18, 2017 4:36 PM GMT

Yeah, I agree with devewz. Delete it. -Sublivion, ruining skids' dreams.
#207610740Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:50 AM GMT

Why my thread should be deleted?
#207619773Thursday, January 19, 2017 1:42 PM GMT

Doesn't look bad, just a lot of free models. Not a big deal. I agree with the guy with the long list for the most part. I love it though, Downstairs should be finished though, the terrain looks nice, off scale, but it's fine. I actually like it. Good job. ~Max
#207697371Friday, January 20, 2017 10:47 AM GMT

#208721534Wednesday, February 01, 2017 3:15 PM GMT

#209344345Thursday, February 09, 2017 12:28 PM GMT


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