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#199022792Saturday, September 24, 2016 8:59 AM GMT

This is what I think the comment system should be today. I will first list the features that I would include if I worked at ROBLOX, the pros and cons, and why this would overall be a good idea. First off, owners of whatever is being commented on, I think we can all agree are the owner of their own comments page. That said, they should be able to have the following privileges: -Delete others' comments. If someone is simply being annoying, they should be able to have their comments deleted. Likewise you should be able to delete any comment you post. ROBLOX Administrators should obviously have immunity to having their comment(s) deleted and should be able to remove comments on any comment board. -Blacklist people from a comment section. Either blocking them should remove them from any of your comment sections, or simply adding their name to a blacklist on a comments section individually. Being blacklisted would mean not being able to post, not being able to read any comments, and have your posts deleted automatically. Once again, Administrators should have immunity to being blacklisted. -Ban phrases from your comments section. If you ban something like "Don't eat pears!" Yes, they could say, "Don't eat pears." and change one character, but if ROBLOX could make it possible to ban anything with that phrase or something EXTREMELY similar(as in not banning "pear","eat",or "Don't" but banning "Don't eat pears", I believe this would be harder to abuse. Stuff like "go to (insert phishing site here)" should be on your list if this was incorporated. This would be able to cut down on spam heavily, and I don't see how this could be abused in the slightest to where it would actually be harmful to the website. Likewise, Administrators should be able to post regardless of what phrases or words are banned. Pros: -No more comments sections with phishing sites spammed in the comments; actual comment sections for games now. -Annoying people can have their hate speech removed, as well as they can be removed from the conversation entirely. This results in less conflicts/flamewars in comments sections -Gives Administrators more room to moderate Cons: -Yes it CAN be abused by the owner but all they would be doing is messing up their own comments section, so there's no real reason to NOT ban spam. Overall, I see this update improving the ROBLOX community and comments sections. It would be helpful and allow actual conversations to take place. Please list your thoughts.
#199022826Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:01 AM GMT

I have a better idea. Support ROBLXO to make a system that confirming, called "Are you robot" before you use the comment section. Agree? Glorious are mine | https://www.roblox.com/Scotland-the-Brave-item?id=150398644 |
#199022848Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:02 AM GMT

You can spam without robots, although that would be an added bonus to it.
#199022889Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:04 AM GMT

true but it could stop robots spams a bit./ Glorious are mine | https://www.roblox.com/Scotland-the-Brave-item?id=150398644 |
#199022911Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:05 AM GMT

I know, that's why I think adding both wouldn't hurt anything.
#199022938Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:07 AM GMT

or a system called "you have to play this game before you using the commentary" This is my personal idea. Glorious are mine | https://www.roblox.com/Scotland-the-Brave-item?id=150398644 |
#199022967Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:09 AM GMT

That is also a good suggestion.
#199023128Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:17 AM GMT

Good Idea i guess. But could you just say "You have to play the game before posting?" That will stop the spam posts. Signing In.
#199023305Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:24 AM GMT

"Good Idea i guess. But could you just say "You have to play the game before posting?" That will stop the spam posts. Signing In." If you had paid attention to what I said, the only goal here is not to just eliminate spam. While what you are suggesting can eliminate people who don't want to do as much work to spam, people will still get around that. Anyways, I also mentioned the deletion of comments, in-case you're being harassed or you are a new game developer with people harassing you in your own comments.
#199023345Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:26 AM GMT

Skid sill "HATING" People post? How about i Sign Out? Skid Go Home!
#199023420Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:29 AM GMT

"Skid sill "HATING" People post?" Sure, I guess, although I can barely understand you. "How about i Sign Out?" How about you do. It'd be doing everyone a favor, and I honestly don't care what you're doing; that is unrelated to the conversation. "Skid Go Home!" No thanks. All I learned from this post is that you're triggered, immensely triggered apparently.
#199023474Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:32 AM GMT

"I'm Triggered? Your Complain about my posts" Skid Just Go Home.. Before a Flame War Starts
#199023561Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:35 AM GMT

Make me. Also, you are proving that this system would help me block annoying people like you. And yes, you're triggered.
#199023612Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:38 AM GMT

Skid Just go to a other Forum yo do any other "SILLY" Post
#199023713Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:43 AM GMT

No thanks. 1. You aren't robotmega, you can't say skid. 2. You are thinking you're the god of awesomeness and deserve worship, but in reality you're acting like a little kid about this. 3. You're obviously triggered mate. 4. We both can do better with our lives, so I'll just not respond if you are the last one to leave a reply from now on. Henceforth you'll also be ignored. I would listen to you if you had valid points, but seeing you're just looking for an argument without end, I'll move on to developing my game.
#199023740Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:44 AM GMT

By the way, you don't own the forums, either. So if you have a problem with me, how about you just leave the forum instead of trying to get me to leave when you know I wont? Just a thought. Now, farewell for good.

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