#20259354Saturday, January 30, 2010 12:21 AM GMT

*fires 5 nukes into the major towns of hawksfania*
#20259595Saturday, January 30, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

*ship crashes into the earth* KABOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! *the ground shakes* *the microbes are either all dead or weak*
#20266579Saturday, January 30, 2010 2:17 AM GMT

i g2g so dont mess with me bye.
#20267282Saturday, January 30, 2010 2:29 AM GMT

Name: Khanate of Aralia Population: 79,000 Life Expectancy: 68 years Area (In Sq. Miles): 400 Languages: Karakalpak GDP Per Capita (How much people make a year): 12,000 USD Currency: Aralad Government: Totalitarian Khanate Location: Aral Sea Military: None Foreign Policy: Peaceful, Neutral Other Info: The Khanate of Aralia is a struggling nation in the area of the Aral Sea, zones which have always been danerous. People often die of cancer or starvation in the area due to the lack of good living conditions. Although the nation is not corrupt, the government does not have enough money to pay for the safety of its population.
#20279891Saturday, January 30, 2010 7:48 AM GMT

*runeland donates 200,000 aralad to the khanate of aralia*
#20281750Saturday, January 30, 2010 10:26 AM GMT

OH YA? *hawksfania blocks nukes* *numa numa plays*
#20281767Saturday, January 30, 2010 10:27 AM GMT

uhhh, hawksfania is my land.
#20284336Saturday, January 30, 2010 1:23 PM GMT

(back) oh. *lands in hawksfania*
#20284407Saturday, January 30, 2010 1:27 PM GMT

*or runeland WHATEVER!!!
#20286026Saturday, January 30, 2010 2:21 PM GMT

Jaldarian courier ship is surprised at how long it takes the low-tech Mustak to give them permission or non-permission. Planet-carrier completed. Stealth-fighter completed. Stealth-flagship completed. Secret project: 14%
Top 25 Poster
#20286317Saturday, January 30, 2010 2:28 PM GMT

The Tasen are completly safe, and are developing something.
#20288681Saturday, January 30, 2010 3:26 PM GMT

Project VIXEN is restarted on a remote planet. Since the project was nearly finished when canceled, it is completed ina weeks time. The documents, blueprints and other items needed to build VIXEN's are sent to the Tasen, and a VIXEN heads off to philips planet. If shot, or destroyed in anyway, the ships reactor will explode, with enough force to destroy the Earth 10 times over. We also build two more EBC's, and reinforcements are sent to the FHRU. EBC2: 40% EBC3:40% FHRU:50%
#20288748Saturday, January 30, 2010 3:28 PM GMT

EBC2: 80% EBC3: 80% FHRU: 60% Fireflys are sent to bomb the beachead that teh Arodans have set up. Reinforcements are sent to secure the beachead by land, and we pound the UN a bit more.
#20288936Saturday, January 30, 2010 3:33 PM GMT

EBC2: 120%!!COMPLETE!! EBC3: 120%!!COMPLETE!! FHRU: 70% THe battle was long, and casualtys were a great many, but the beachead was secured and scoured for survivors. Any found were immediatly captured and made POW's. We beef up security at the beachead and FHRU. With the completion of the extra EBC's, ever more reinforcements are sent. Florida is scoured again, turning the state into a pile of rubble and barely standing buildings. We send a Durza with a few of our meager battleships to Earth, and we then beef them up with rail cannons and Nanotech shields. Theya re sent to secure Europes western coast.
#20288997Saturday, January 30, 2010 3:35 PM GMT

Name: Monjar Variar. Population: 25,000. Life Expectancy: 100. Area (In Sq. Miles): 200,000 Languages: GDP Per Capita (How much people make a year): About 3,000. Currency: Good. Other Info: A very peaceful planet founder off it: Ironman358.
#20289039Saturday, January 30, 2010 3:36 PM GMT

Jaldarian millitary were still training. Planet-carrier completed. Stealth-fighter completed. Stealth-flagship completed. Secret project: 20%
#20289131Saturday, January 30, 2010 3:38 PM GMT

With all the fighting, the CODEX progress had supposedly freazed. But the war gave us more time, more resources, and more progress. Strangely enough, the CODEX is at 80% completion. Project CODEX: 80% The VIXEN we had sent to philips planet arrives, starts shooting, and generally creates hell. The naval force we had mustered now controls 40 miles of Europes west coast. ((OH DARN! I MEANT EAST COAST!!)) An European EBC is constructed, as the generals demand we need more land. More land is a good thing in a war; shrink your enemy then wipe them off the face of the planet. If it had a face.... Well it WOULD have a face if you Terraformed one.
#20291243Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:22 PM GMT

Europe EBC: 40% Project CODEX: 85% A peace treaty is sent to the Jalderians aboard a VIXEN. The extremely dangerous reactor, however, has bean removed as a sign of peace. DAR'ZIN PEACE TREATY SENT TO: Jalderian Empire
#20291539Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:28 PM GMT

Europe EBC: 80% Project CODEX: 90% With the nearness of completion to the CODEX, the Dar'Zin get excited, and work ahrder and faster than ever before. Finally, their own secret project would be complete! Project CODEX: 95%(Get ready for HELL ON EARTH, UN AND ARODANS!!) The nearness is so sweet, the Dar'Zin are whipp into a frenzy. Project CODEX: 100%!!COMPLETE!! As soon as the CODEX is complete, it is loaded up with tons of supplies, thousands of men and hundreds of ships, tanks, and other armor, and is sent to Earth to accomplish one thing: The destruction of teh UN and Arodans.
#20291632Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:30 PM GMT

the VIXEN was defeated by many fireball microns, and some of its tecknology has been stolen.
#20291715Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:32 PM GMT

*the microns look at plans and head for the CODEX* travel:25%
#20291725Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:32 PM GMT

Project CODEX: Thats the CODEX. Be nice or you go bye bye!
#20291758Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:33 PM GMT

(Um, dude, read the post again. You blew up. Bye bye.)
#20291822Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:34 PM GMT

*the microns in the fleet:yellow,red,green,blue,white, and 10 military. travel:35%
#20291883Saturday, January 30, 2010 4:35 PM GMT

(There are no more Microns unless some escaped to a different planet. The VIXEN's reactor, if destroyed in ANY way, can blow up Earth 10 TIME OVER!)