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#199320411Thursday, September 29, 2016 5:26 AM GMT

i never wrote any rps except a semi successful isrp way back when about a scrap robot trying to add parts to yourself or something i also made one fantasy rp i think that didnt get any joiners since it was during the "branch off from rp" period of time feel good
#199322988Thursday, September 29, 2016 8:59 AM GMT

>anyways it was lng, creative, and a lot of people on dA Wait what? Hell yeah, I'm relevant! Graulus was the first person to kinda help me out so I consider him my "mentor" here. Good lord, does anybody remember Graulus?
#199323002Thursday, September 29, 2016 9:00 AM GMT

-Er.. Actually, I think it was Graulas.. Maybe.
#199323697Thursday, September 29, 2016 10:37 AM GMT

I can't think of anyone specific. I had this person teach me this, and that person teach me that, and eventually was let go to write my own rps. I just kinda looked up to anyone who was better, nobody specific. The last man on earth sat alone in a room... There was a knock at the door...
#199326210Thursday, September 29, 2016 1:18 PM GMT

I didn't really have a mentor, but I look/looked up to quite a few people at some point in time. GavinFireFox, PickachuGirl, MarkJarkson, Timpookie, JeopardizedJake, SwedishLemon, PurringThunder, TheCrabbyMars.
#199326224Thursday, September 29, 2016 1:19 PM GMT

Actually, I don't think Crabby had a 'the' in place. Also, adding HisseyLeSnake to that list. And PerryThePlatypus, Kenzieroo, Hydre, and Sammyman.
#199326242Thursday, September 29, 2016 1:20 PM GMT

wtf Pawz you've been here longer than me
#199326555Thursday, September 29, 2016 1:38 PM GMT

Maybe so, but I remember when you first started cranking out roleplays as PurringThunder, and you would post them, and I would read them and go, "Woah, how did this person come up with this?" I admire your creativity.

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