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#199380140Friday, September 30, 2016 8:35 PM GMT

All these are based on whos inside the Team group's 1st string and what i have seen myself plz understand if you are not ranked as high as you think you should be. Starting from Best Teams to Worst Rakuzan Offense(92) Defense(86) ZeroDevil(93) Z3roFang(86) ZeroTemp(83) ZeroCosmic(83) Banbiom(80) Unknownmomo(78) SteveJr(78) TrueGodAra(78) Zerovanish(76) wolfkiller(70) NoobisCare(70) Lumo(65) Sehio Offense(85) Defense(90) SuperSalynXI(100) Jokeing (90) StarDdrag(88) Haris(84) RageingGod(84) Varadon(80) XeroLight(76) natethefat(72) Pupemaker(68) Seirin Offense(83) Defense(80) ZeroPlasma(88) ZeroMorales(82) eaglewinds489(78) Luminousdeigo(78) lylux(76) AmoreBall(70) Tōō Offense(85) Defense (70) Dubz(92) Rest of the team 65 Down Yosen Offense(70) Defense(65) All of them 65 and down Shohoku No Info Kaijo No Info
#199391329Saturday, October 01, 2016 12:11 AM GMT

NAH NAH NAH NAH HOW IS EAGLE RATED MORE THAN ME >:O, Also diego is like a 86 how is haris higher than me litterly haris is just as good as wolfkillers ~natethefat~

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