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#199466489Sunday, October 02, 2016 6:17 AM GMT

You see, a daily 5 ROBUX would cause inflation and it would be bottable. The worst thing would be the price floors. If we had a daily 5 ROBUX, they'd have to boost the price floors to 50 ROBUX! That's a lot of ROBUX! And those who want 100 daily ROBUX, prepare to see the cheapest clothes priced 1,000 ROBUX each! Also, I could make 5 accounts and I'd have a lot of ROBUX! "Suggestion?" I am talking to those suggestion NBC daily income.
#199625594Wednesday, October 05, 2016 12:43 PM GMT

#199625840Wednesday, October 05, 2016 12:59 PM GMT

Glad to see someone who actually uses their brain for once. People are such hypocrites.
#199626882Wednesday, October 05, 2016 1:59 PM GMT

you also must keep in mind that a majority of the population asking for daily robux are young and do not understand how the market (in-game or real world) works, or even what inflation is, how it effects prices.
#199627193Wednesday, October 05, 2016 2:17 PM GMT

Thing is, ROBUX is a premium currency, and always has been. The only ways of getting it are: - Buying it (paid) - BC daily robux (paid) - Making a good game with gamepasses people buy (free, but hard) - Trading TIX ( TIX was removed :c ) Its supposed to equal ACTUAL money. People asking for free robux/no bc are stupid because roblox only gets money from the following: - Sponsored Events - Ads (BCers don't see the ads that give them money) - People buying ROBUX - People buying BC - People buying game cards (store gets a small portion for selling it) (TL;DR) Robux is a premium currency, its supposed to be PAID for with real money. Don't steal your parents credit cards, its just a game man!
#200049436Friday, October 14, 2016 4:32 AM GMT

Well, there is a way to get rich without paying. It's called not being lazy and learning how to build/script then working for other people as a builder or a scripter. The person who hired you will pay you good amounts of ROBUX. There.
#200053063Friday, October 14, 2016 7:14 AM GMT

what about just give nbc 1 robux daily but BCers: 20 robux TBCers: 40 robux OBCers: 65 robux
#200053297Friday, October 14, 2016 7:32 AM GMT

Just gonna add a few more ways to get ROBUX: - Donation (free but RARE) - People buying Assets that cost ROBUX (t-shirts, shirts, pants, etc. HARD) - Group Payouts OR Working for Someone (that pays you ROBUX... RARE)
#200053345Friday, October 14, 2016 7:36 AM GMT

- Promotional Links (usually gotta be popular... HARD) - PAID Access, VIP Servers & Gears (usually gotta be a developer or made a game)

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