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#199661806Thursday, October 06, 2016 4:41 AM GMT

As we all know it, the world has come to listen to a genre of music called "Pop" or as I like to call it, garbage. Half the pop singers out there cant even play an instrument. I know all you kiddies are like "OMGOMGOMGG TAYLOR SWIFT CAN PLAY GUITAR," Yes, she can, but thats 1 out of thousands of pop stars. Now you're probably wondering, "What is real music?" Well here are a few bands for you: Nirvana, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Slayer, Iron Maiden, the list goes on and on and guess what, they know how to play instruments. Crazy, right? There are other garbage genres out there though, such as rap...they talk into a mic, wow much talent. No but really, they talk into a mic rhyming words with a computer generated beat. Garbage. Another point why pop and rap is garbage, is that they talk about the same topics. Money, Cars, Love, etc. And it gets really old...really fast. Now lets talk about some of your points that you might be making. "Metal Music has no words, its just screaming" well if you looked up the lyrics or had half decent ears, you would know. "Metal music has no melody, its just noise" actually metal has crap tons of melody, some specify in their genre they have melody, melodic death metal for example, it has MELODIC in its name. Convinced yet? No? Well you're probably braindead. Bye
#199662440Thursday, October 06, 2016 5:08 AM GMT

you're braindead if you think metal is an enjoyable genre of music newsflash: it isn't
#199663891Thursday, October 06, 2016 6:41 AM GMT

The world never "came" to listen to pop music. By virtue of its own definition. I also feel it necessary to tell you that only one of the bands you've listed is actually worth listening to (i.e. Slayer). Everything else is laughable.
#199664394Thursday, October 06, 2016 7:23 AM GMT

this post almost seems ironic but seeing that it's almost a complete copy-paste of boyinaband's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtzrdXP527U), something tells me you actually think this way
#199667872Thursday, October 06, 2016 12:56 PM GMT

Is this supposed to be satire?
#199667936Thursday, October 06, 2016 12:59 PM GMT

Ben you are correct when I said "Crap tons of melody" that was from a boyinaband video
#199667993Thursday, October 06, 2016 1:03 PM GMT

Also slow, you're in a Hollywood Undead group...which is pretty much nu metal
#199668002Thursday, October 06, 2016 1:04 PM GMT

''I also feel it necessary to tell you that only one of the bands you've listed is actually worth listening to (i.e. Slayer).'' (i.e. Iron Maiden)*** Corrected it for you
#199668393Thursday, October 06, 2016 1:28 PM GMT

But I put Maiden in there..lol
#199669424Thursday, October 06, 2016 2:26 PM GMT

lol, butthurt metal heads! XD User-Generated! |"This Was Over Before, It Began"| Boop
#199670169Thursday, October 06, 2016 2:54 PM GMT

please stop trying
#199672414Thursday, October 06, 2016 4:12 PM GMT

''But I put Maiden in there..lol'' I was replying to MrSpats duh Why can't metalheads see the obvious smh...
#199672630Thursday, October 06, 2016 4:19 PM GMT

Honestly, I can only feel pity for you guys, being as the music you listen to releases no where as much dopamine in your brain as mine does. I'm a classically trained musician, and started learning when I was about 8, around 13 I got really serious about music. The music I listen to can be proven with maths to be objectively better than what you listen to. For example right now I'm listening to Captain Beefheart's album Trout mask replica, which is the audio equivalent of starry starry night (painting by Vincent Van Gogh), it shows 100% musical turbulence. Now of course you may have listened to the beginning of Frownland and decided that Captain Beefheart sucks, but that's simply because your brain isn't as trained as mine is. I've been practising this so long that I became a synesthete, and I can tell you right now Frownland's visual representation follows the Fibonacci spiral. I can't imagine what it would be like to be one of you less educated folk, it must really suck for you guys, but you wouldn't understand as you haven't had the maximum possible amount of pleasure from music.
#199672652Thursday, October 06, 2016 4:19 PM GMT

Honestly, I can only feel pity for you guys, being as the music you listen to releases no where as much dopamine in your brain as mine does. I'm a classically trained musician, and started learning when I was about 8, around 13 I got really serious about music. The music I listen to can be proven with maths to be objectively better than what you listen to. For example right now I'm listening to Captain Beefheart's album Trout mask replica, which is the audio equivalent of starry starry night (painting by Vincent Van Gogh), it shows 100% musical turbulence. Now of course you may have listened to the beginning of Frownland and decided that Captain Beefheart sucks, but that's simply because your brain isn't as trained as mine is. I've been practising this so long that I became a synesthete, and I can tell you right now Frownland's visual representation follows the Fibonacci spiral. I can't imagine what it would be like to be one of you less educated folk, it must really suck for you guys, but you wouldn't understand as you haven't had the maximum possible amount of pleasure from music. x2
#199673207Thursday, October 06, 2016 4:37 PM GMT

i hope this is bait because you listed linkin park under "real music." even if this is, this is why no one likes metalheads.
#199676575Thursday, October 06, 2016 6:15 PM GMT

This Highted on the fourms. Listen to real music? You means Listen to THE real music? And this out of order! must people have different times of styles that they like, You like your 1960s music right? Well I'm not going to hate that but if you start hating on the music and telling us to listen to the right music made a hole. I Lwove Nightcore music. I understand that you have your own opposition or freedom to speak. "You're Not Alone!, You're worth more then they know! But you be runnin' runnin' runnin'! When you should Known. That you're not forgettable! forgettable!"
#199677728Thursday, October 06, 2016 6:46 PM GMT

Nirvana isn't even metal and they're a meme band lol Slipknot, Linkin Park, and Slayer all suck Get a real taste in music you giant nerd
#199689057Thursday, October 06, 2016 10:42 PM GMT

Nerd means smart, thanks!
#199689190Thursday, October 06, 2016 10:44 PM GMT

Also I never specified that the music I was referring to was metal, I was referring to all types of genres, grunge, rock, metal, etc.
#199689603Thursday, October 06, 2016 10:52 PM GMT

"Nerd means smart, thanks!" Honestly, I can only feel pity for you guys, being as the music you listen to releases no where as much dopamine in your brain as mine does. I'm a classically trained musician, and started learning when I was about 8, around 13 I got really serious about music. The music I listen to can be proven with maths to be objectively better than what you listen to. For example right now I'm listening to Captain Beefheart's album Trout mask replica, which is the audio equivalent of starry starry night (painting by Vincent Van Gogh), it shows 100% musical turbulence. Now of course you may have listened to the beginning of Frownland and decided that Captain Beefheart sucks, but that's simply because your brain isn't as trained as mine is. I've been practising this so long that I became a synesthete, and I can tell you right now Frownland's visual representation follows the Fibonacci spiral. I can't imagine what it would be like to be one of you less educated folk, it must really suck for you guys, but you wouldn't understand as you haven't had the maximum possible amount of pleasure from music.
#199690291Thursday, October 06, 2016 11:06 PM GMT

Slow im going to call you a bot since thats the only thing you're posting on your threads and other music related threads
#199691570Thursday, October 06, 2016 11:31 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#199692308Thursday, October 06, 2016 11:46 PM GMT

As we all know it, the world has come to listen to a genre of music called "Pop" or as I like to call it, garbage. Half the pop singers out there cant even play an instrument. I know all you kiddies are like "OMGOMGOMGG TAYLOR SWIFT CAN PLAY GUITAR," Yes, she can, but thats 1 out of thousands of pop stars. Now you're probably wondering, "What is real music?" Well here are a few bands for you: Nirvana, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Slayer, Iron Maiden, the list goes on and on and guess what, they know how to play instruments. Crazy, right? There are other garbage genres out there though, such as rap...they talk into a mic, wow much talent. No but really, they talk into a mic rhyming words with a computer generated beat. Garbage. Another point why pop and rap is garbage, is that they talk about the same topics. Money, Cars, Love, etc. And it gets really old...really fast. Now lets talk about some of your points that you might be making. "Metal Music has no words, its just screaming" well if you looked up the lyrics or had half decent ears, you would know. "Metal music has no melody, its just noise" actually metal has crap tons of melody, some specify in their genre they have melody, melodic death metal for example, it has MELODIC in its name. Convinced yet? No? Well you're probably braindead. Bye
#199692421Thursday, October 06, 2016 11:49 PM GMT

"Slow im going to call you a bot since thats the only thing you're posting on your threads and other music related threads" As we all know it, the world has come to listen to a genre of music called "Pop" or as I like to call it, garbage. Half the pop singers out there cant even play an instrument. I know all you kiddies are like "OMGOMGOMGG TAYLOR SWIFT CAN PLAY GUITAR," Yes, she can, but thats 1 out of thousands of pop stars. Now you're probably wondering, "What is real music?" Well here are a few bands for you: Nirvana, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Slayer, Iron Maiden, the list goes on and on and guess what, they know how to play instruments. Crazy, right? There are other garbage genres out there though, such as rap...they talk into a mic, wow much talent. No but really, they talk into a mic rhyming words with a computer generated beat. Garbage. Another point why pop and rap is garbage, is that they talk about the same topics. Money, Cars, Love, etc. And it gets really old...really fast. Now lets talk about some of your points that you might be making. "Metal Music has no words, its just screaming" well if you looked up the lyrics or had half decent ears, you would know. "Metal music has no melody, its just noise" actually metal has crap tons of melody, some specify in their genre they have melody, melodic death metal for example, it has MELODIC in its name. Convinced yet? No? Well you're probably braindead. Bye
#199695234Friday, October 07, 2016 12:48 AM GMT

You shouldnt really be talking, you're in a Hollywood Undead group noob. triggered kid

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