#200211288Monday, October 17, 2016 1:40 AM GMT

Jack The cityscape flew by as the train thundered forwards, taking them through the city to their destination. Jack nervously drummed his fingers against the windowsill, looking at the people sitting around him in an attempt to gauge how to act. He'd never been on a train before, much less one with this many people, and the constant noise made it nearly impossible to focus. Gritting his teeth, he pressed his hand against the side of the train and took a deep breath. All at once the cacophony of noise dulled as he felt the make of the train, the many tiny parts interworking to become a powerful machine. He exhaled, letting his hand off the side of the train and back into the normal world, if a little more relaxed.
#200214878Monday, October 17, 2016 2:46 AM GMT

( I might join. )
#200218507Monday, October 17, 2016 4:04 AM GMT

Ada The speakers boom to life as the train conductor announces something I couldn't quite decipher, so I decided to assume that it meant we were going to arrive soon. Should take about five or six minutes at the least! I scavenged through my luggage, taking out my i-Pad. I opened up messages and texted my mom, "Almost there! Think in the meantime I'll try to see who else is going to Grace." I put my i-Pad back in my luggage, and asked the question lingering in my head. "So, who else is going to Grace Academy?"
#200224497Monday, October 17, 2016 10:45 AM GMT

Edin I fell asleep whilst I was enjoying watching the scenery outside, it seemed peaceful out there and that put me to sleep. It seemed so peaceful. I wish I could simply live among it and sleep for all of eternity. Heh. I love sleep after all. This peaceful slumber of mine, it brought to my own world. Heh. But that didn't seem to last a lone while. I was woken up by a person tapping my shoulder, and I woke up. Slowly. It took me a bit to notice the bells ringing, indicating that we were almost there to the academy. Then I looked at the person besides me and said, "What do you want?" in a soft tone. From his appearance and what he was holding, I suppose he was going to tell me to pack up my bags. Then, I heard a girl asking about who was going to Grace Academy and I had replied softly, "I am," before looking back to the person who tapped me, just waiting patiently for an answer.
#200228804Monday, October 17, 2016 2:35 PM GMT

Red I awake to the bells telling me that we are almost there and replyed "I am" to a girl who asked if anyone was going to Grace Academy.
#200238335Monday, October 17, 2016 7:40 PM GMT

James When he woke up, I answered I'm James, I'm going to Grace Academy and if you are, I was just warning you were almost there. I started to move to the door, I looked at the window and saw an amazing castle with animals, flowers and not so many kids. I shouted out, "Whoever's going to Grace Academy, pack up your bags! We're here!" As I heard the train stop, I was waiting for the doors to open and everyone to get up.
#200241194Monday, October 17, 2016 8:40 PM GMT

Red Picks up bags and walks out to Grace Academy and was going to ask the person who shouted what time it was but forgot to when I left the train
#200244211Monday, October 17, 2016 9:42 PM GMT

Jack "Whoa." He could only stare in awe at the sight before him. Living in Rosadelle he'd seen big buildings before, but none as majestic as the academy that lay before him. Towering spires, beautiful architecture, a grand figure; it was nothing short of awe-inspiring. He forced himself to look away and grabbed his carry bag, throwing it around his shoulder as he stepped out into the aisle. A slight misstep carried him into someone else, pushing them back a little. "Oh! Sorry!" Jack said, blushing a little from his mistake.
#200244543Monday, October 17, 2016 9:48 PM GMT

(Mora who was that directed to?)
#200244869Monday, October 17, 2016 9:53 PM GMT

(It wasn't directed towards a particular person.)
#200246039Monday, October 17, 2016 10:14 PM GMT

(Oh sorry BTRP) Red I was looking at the school and it was bigger than I thought it looked and went you to somebody and asked if there would be a tour. (Directed to you Mora)
#200248512Monday, October 17, 2016 11:07 PM GMT

#### ## the stranger's words hit him, he froze. "I, uh..." He had no idea what to say and internally started panicking. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, before turning to respond. "I don't actually know. I'd guess probably, maybe. It seems like the type of thing they'd arrange." Jack shrugged and nervously rubbed his head.
#200251403Monday, October 17, 2016 11:59 PM GMT

Red Ok thank you for telling me Red can see how nervous the person was and forgot that he was still walking and hit a lamp post.
#200259699Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:00 AM GMT

Ada Knowing plenty of others were going to Grace, I gently smiled. I was the last one off the train, typical. I walked towards the school, and couldn't help admiring the beauty. The architecture was so well done, and I loved the colors they chose, all so peaceful and calming. I walked inside the building, already seeing an office, hallways lined with classrooms, and gorgeous decoration. Again, the architecture was spot on.
#200260127Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:07 AM GMT

Red I rub the red pole mark on my face as I go into the academy and I think aloud wow this is a big Academy can't wait to study here.
#200261104Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:28 AM GMT

Jack He can't help but laugh as the other student runs headfirst into a pole before hurrying into the academy. Jack turned and gazed at the magnificent structure once more, taking a quick glance around the courtyard before having a seat on a bench. The academy could wait; right now he wanted a break.
#200261231Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:31 AM GMT

Ada "Haha, yeah." I reply, dropping my luggage and exploring the little entrance lobby. As I was near the office, I noticed there was a display stand for maps that showed the entire academy, all floors. I grabbed a map and started reading things from it. "Auditorium, cafeteria, dorms, physical education.." I'd mumble as I read from the map, then the school speakers came on. "Hello students! We'd like you to go to your dorms. You can locate them from the map which is near the office entrance." They made a static noise then turned off, I looked at my map then folded it up. I went over and picked up my luggage, heading to the dorms.
#200261368Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:34 AM GMT

(Um please wait, I'm making the headmaster right now. Soooo yea) (and I need everyone to act as though they're like "Who's that" to Lilliana because she's the only human.)
#200261632Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:41 AM GMT

EVERYONE, ATTENTION. THIS IS SET IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WHERE TECHNOLOGY IS ONLY HERE THANKS TO MAGIC. PHONES ARE COMMUNICATION CRYSTALS, COMPUTERS ARE ARCHIVE GLOBES, ETC. ALSO, WHAT PART OF "LILLIANA IS THE ONLY HUMAN" DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? THEY CAN'T COME FROM GERMANY, OR WHATEVER. (@moralizer is accepted! Welcome to the roleplay.) Name: Juvi "Master" Alanrei Age: 58 Gender: Female Physical traits: Even with old age, Juvi's magic keeps her looking young. She has dark brown hair and icy blue eyes. Somehow, she always looks taller than others, especially when she is scolding someone. As the headmaster, she wears a golden choker with a small "H" engraved on it, with an even smaller "Grace Academy" underneath it. Juvi's appearance starts off with the obvious; a purple cloak with a gold lining. No one really know what she wears underneath. Personality traits: Juvi, while being a very nice old lady (like a grandma... :P), she can be very strict. Everyone knows her strong power, and NO ONE wants to mess with her. Bio: Everybody knows that Juvi is the headmaster of Grace Academy, but almost NO ONE knows about her past. The only one who really knows ANYTHING is the old barmaid of Rosadelle, Ana. If you ask about her, she'll tell you a little about Juvi... Magic: She has a special magic named Force magic. No one else has this magic, and Force allows her to keep people and objects in place, force them away, or even pull them closer. Even as an old lady, she is incredibly strong. Other: Juvi carries a golden cane topped with a large ruby at the handle. Name: Lilliana Estibian Age: 17 Gender: Female Physical traits: Lilliana has brunette coloured hair, lighter than usual. This compliments her grey-green eyes, while matches a pair of grey-green earrings given by her grandmother. She usually wears a grey cashmere sweater or a black halter with a grey cardigan on top. Personality traits: Lilliana is usually a very outgoing and fun girl, but being the only human she is much more quiet than usual, scared of the other students. Bio: Lilliana Estibian is the legendary "hero" that everyone was waiting for. Except, she's not what they expected. She was a human, one of the prime forces of the universe. Everyone was scared of her, and soon she fell into a deep depression. Soon, however she had learnt to make friends in this world. Fighting against the sixth of the Board of Magicians, a group of the 12 strongest mages of the Academy. Magic: Sword Manipulation Other: N/A
#200261730Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:43 AM GMT

(Oh, I thought you'd already accepted my CS! My mistake.)
#200262109Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:52 AM GMT

James I walk in amazed at the amazing building, I saw celestials everywhere, but I saw a different kind of person. In my mind I was very confused but kept walking. I took a map and saw where my dorm was, waiting for the next step I waited looking at the girl that looked different. "Should I ask who she is" My brain got so confused I almost fainted, I went to sit down.
#200263672Tuesday, October 18, 2016 3:31 AM GMT

Edin I only responded with a simple, "oh," then proceeded to get up and get all of my bags. Before I did though, I adjusted my glasses and took out my pocket watch to check the time, then put it back in. After getting all of my stuff ready, I waited until the train stopped. Wonder what it's gonna be looking like, probably really nice. But we'll see. I got out of the train just as the have and took in the scene before me. It really is a great looking place huh? I'm just wondering about if whether or not this place would even suit a person like me. Probably won't, considering I'm not exactly what you'd call a hard worker. I'm nothing but a lazy bones after all. I'll try though, I'll try. Now, let's see what this place has to offer. I head inside the building and saw that it was flooded with other celestial. People huh? I guess I should've expected that. I really just want to go and do nothing and sleep but I'm going to this place for the reason of wanting to know of my magic more. I adjust my glasses a bit more and then began looking around the magnificent room. I can see people, a whole lot of it, including that kid and girl from the train. Seems like this place is gonna be tiring. Oh boy.
#200264070Tuesday, October 18, 2016 3:41 AM GMT

Jack Just as he set his bags down, a stern-looking administrator began patrolling the grounds, inspecting the newcoming students. Jack winced and elected to head inside the grand building rather than deal with...well, that. Shouldering his bag once more he headed inside, past a magnificent fountain and pods of chattering students. As he walked through the grand doors he fully realized the scale of the building, and it was glorious. "Wow..." Was all he could muster as he took in the grand decorations, the finely dressed staff, and the throng of students making their way through the elegant hallway. The fanciest place he'd ever been was the courthouse; this was something else entirely, akin to a palace from a fanciful fairy tale or the highest nobles' homes. Jack couldn't help but smile. The architecture, the way things were built and how it all just came together to work! It was like nothing he'd ever seen before, and he made sure he took his time to take it all in.
#200271417Tuesday, October 18, 2016 12:22 PM GMT

Red I walk to the Dorm not knowing where I'm going I pull out my map
#200283431Tuesday, October 18, 2016 8:44 PM GMT

James As I sat down, I looked at my map. I saw that Lonear Hall was the boys dorm room section so I took the stairs up there, I've always been afraid of elevators. When I was 5 I got stuck in one, so I never generally use them unless for special reasons. I saw a lot of confused people, even boys going to the girls dorm room section. As I went up the stairs, I began looking out the window, such an amazing sight.