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#20015602Sunday, January 24, 2010 11:49 AM GMT

.:Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:. /|Sibling Legacy|\ You may start out at a nonevolved pokemon. Even shaymin is okay, but no legendaries. No, Shaymin is not legendary. Anyway, once you start out, tell us your partner. Nonevolved too. Then, we will hand out missions, which will give you points. When you have enough, which is when I say, you may evolve. Locations Town, Latios Guild, Latias Guild, Underground Town, Kecleon Shop, Dungeon (Whatever you're in), Those are the places in the rp. First for me. Character Sheet: Species: Gender: Partner Species: Partner Gender: Moveset: Partner Moveset: Hold Item: Partner Hold Item: Yes, I have permission to be legendary. I'm the maker of this topic. :P Besides, we need leaders for both the guilds. Okay, here's mine. Species:Latios Gender:Male Partner Species:Dusknoir Partner Gender:Male Moveset:Aerial Ace, Psy Wave, DragonBreath, DragonClaw Partner Moveset:Shadow Punch, Hyper Beam, Future Sight, Destiny Bond The position to be Latias is open.
#20015925Sunday, January 24, 2010 12:29 PM GMT

(Could I be latias? If so, here is my sheet.) Species:Latias Gender:Female (Yes, I think Latias is female.) Partner Species:Murkrow Partner Gender:Male Moveset:Psychic, DragonDance,(I think it learns that) Recover, Ice Beam. Partner Moveset:Drill Peck, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power (Fighting) Hold Item:Soul Dew Partner Hold Item: Liechi Berry
#20016259Sunday, January 24, 2010 12:57 PM GMT

Species:Mudkip Gender:Male Partner Species:Skarmoy(what i liek skarmory) Partner Gender:Female Moveset:Mud slap tackle water pulse growl Partner Moveset:Tackle sand aatck leer Hold Item:Oran berry Partner Hold Item:Leftovers
#20016461Sunday, January 24, 2010 1:10 PM GMT

Species:Misdreavius Gender:Female Partner Species:Gastly Partner Gender:Female Moveset: Psywave, Psybeam, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse Partner Moveset: Poison Gas, Astonish, Scary Face, Will-o-Wisp. Hold Item: Oran Berry Partner Hold item: Persim Berry
#20110370Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:35 AM GMT

Good job making your characters everyone. =P Anyway, if any new people come, they can post their characters here, but starting now, the rp starts.
#20110452Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:45 AM GMT

Dusknoir: "Hey, Latias." he said, Latias looking up. Latias: "What is it?" Dusknoir: "We have a decent mission to report to the Electivire Guards." Latias's attention was instantly on Dusknoir. Latias: "Tell me." Dusknoir: "There's been reports of a Scizor disrupting missions and knocking out the pokemon doing them." Latias: "Who in the world would do that?" Dusknoir: "Ask him," he said teasingly. (Yes, this Scizor will be an important character later on. :P)
#20120820Tuesday, January 26, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

Mudkip:*Asleep neer beach*ZzzzzZzzzz Skarmory:*asleep in tree*

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