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#200222458Monday, October 17, 2016 6:49 AM GMT

So, where to begin... I started ROBLOX in 2011 after a friend of mine told me he found a cool new game on the site, the game is now called "Classic: Rocket Arena". I found it fun, hilarious, and enjoyable and I came back to Rocket Arena almost everyday playing non-stop till my parents told me to get off. After I got burnt out on that, I started playing other games, "Pirates Life" and "Work at a Pizza Place" were among my favorite. In 2012 I discovered the clan aspect of ROBLOX, and I joined a group I found cool called "UTSF". I did rise through the ranks but I had a pretty big ego and wasn't the greatest fighter so after I scuffle during a raid with the leader I quit. I decided to create my own clan "FBI Agency". Now, I do admit I did steal ads to grow my group because I was to stupid to create my own. Looking back at it, I feel guilty doing it but I know if I didn't I wouldn't be where I am today. Anywho, the group was pretty inactive thanks to me being incompetent and not knowing what I was doing. I went back to UTSF to see if they let me in, but when I came back I met a guy called "SpectorElite", little did I know meeting this guy would change my perception so much on ROBLOX and on RL issues. He owned a group called "Robloxian UNIT Command" and he offered me to become Second in Command, the group had less then 30 members but I thought "What the heck?" and went along with it. Within 4 days of me joining we had amassed over 500 members and our fort was on the top 50 games of ROBLOX, it was insane. We grew to 4000 members within few weeks, and I met people that I would create real bonds with. RUC taught me how to lead and how to have social skills I didn't previously have. However, the group fell due to corrupt leaders and after a mass exile the group was shutdown. Now, I need to add that the majority of the HRs in that group didn't like me, and from looking back I understand why. I was a kid yelling at them telling them what to do and didn't really know how to do anything other then to host training's. After RUC, I restarted my FBI Agency clan and it was much successful then it had been previously. During my time as leader we grew to 1,500 members, and I am proud to say that I used 0 alts to get there. No matter how many people slander me, I know I used no alts to get that group to where it was. However, I grew inactive after my constant playing ROBLOX and I soon got scammed off the group. At this point, it's late 2013 and i'm a bit lost on what to do on the site, I kept quitting and coming back trying to remake RUC and failing hilariously. I decided to join a group called "Republic of Greece". Before I continue, I must say I had no clue there was Ro-nations on ROBLOX and I had no idea this community existed. Anyway, when I joined immediately took a liking to the concept and was the most active in the group. I became Prime Minister after the President appointed me and Greece became a fast growing group, at its height we had 1,000 members. But, after a disagreement with the President he fired me and I was out of the job. Now, I don't want to sound like a jerk but soon after I was fired Greece became very corrupt and the President soon sold it off to a guy who still owns it till this day. I forgot to mention, during my time in Greece I befriended a guy called "EmperorMaxwell", he was the Emperor of the Japan Ro-nation and we became close friends. After I was fired he let me into Japan and I became the "Crown-Prince". Me and Maxwell became a sorta team, and we even created a family and renamed ourselves to Lincolns. Now, before I continue I need to say if you're not apart of the Ro-nation community or haven't heard of it the rest of this won't make much sense. Anyway, Max taught me the foreign-affairs aspect on Ro-nations and taught me on how to lead a Ro-nation the way he would. We kept group-hopping around till we made a mafia in which we didn't do much other then patrol a prison game and shoot people. However, after this I decided to "quit" (but I did come back 2 weeks later) and when I came back I learned he quit. I kept trying to contact him everyday and even till this day I PM him asking if he ever plans on coming back to ROBLOX. Making this as short as possible, I came back to the Ro-nation community and joined up with Russia, owned by Politburo and became his Chief General. He attempted to reform the USSR and we were in a civil war against the RLF. I soon quit after I won the Russian Presidential Election but Politburo rigged it and didn't let me become President. After, I helped Sephorus (the previous owner) get ownership back from Politburo. After Russia, I joined numerous other Ro-nations for short-periods of times till 2016. Where I begun to take Ro-nations much more seriously then before. I got ownership of Turkey (1.6k when I owned it) and I secretly bought Greece, Bulgaria, Romania (not secretly), Armenia (not official one), Syria, And I made Iraq a puppet. Now, leading all these countries separately is impossible, so I formed into a new Ottoman Empire, however the rest of the community hated the idea and soon I disbanded it after being pressured. After this, I sold off all my nations and created a Cafe. It was very active and we got a lot of members, but I got board of it quickly (and ROBLOX in general) and quit. I quit for 7 months till I came back when Sephorus (leader of Russia) asked me to head his political party United Russia (which I do currently). I did leave some stuff out, but there's no way I can describe everything ive done on this site. ROBLOX in my opinion is the best site in developing your social skills. When people say the community in ROBLOX is horrible, I wonder what do they mean by that? There is so differing communities. From the top of my head, I can name the Business community, the Cafe community, Ro-nations, Clans, Developing Games, and communities built around one game. I don't really know why I wrote this, and I don't know why you're even reading this at this point. :L
#200222481Monday, October 17, 2016 6:51 AM GMT

no one cares
#200222482Monday, October 17, 2016 6:51 AM GMT

October 17, 2016 Entry One, ATR IS NOT YOUR JOURNAL
#200222502Monday, October 17, 2016 6:53 AM GMT

Ur fingers are bleeding sir
#200222527Monday, October 17, 2016 6:55 AM GMT

This is not your personal journal, please don't do the again. 👉 Follow me on www.roblox.com to send me a private message 👈
#200222529Monday, October 17, 2016 6:55 AM GMT

#200222628Monday, October 17, 2016 7:04 AM GMT

I actually did read this all and think you have had quite an amazing experience here at Roblox! Especially with your groups! Happy October! 🌞 | 🎃🍂👻
#200222675Monday, October 17, 2016 7:08 AM GMT

"I started ROBLOX in 2011" >>Account created in 2009 PG'ed confirm'd?
#200222697Monday, October 17, 2016 7:10 AM GMT

Oh wow, just noticed. Happy October! 🌞 | 🎃🍂👻
#200222713Monday, October 17, 2016 7:11 AM GMT

You should change "Happy October! 🌞 | 🎃🍂👻" to "Happy Bloxtober! 🌞 | 🎃🍂👻"
#200222786Monday, October 17, 2016 7:18 AM GMT

Nice story! Loved it!
#200222806Monday, October 17, 2016 7:19 AM GMT

Oh, wow. Awesome idea! Well I'll change it now. >:D Thank you @Wrathoxic! Happy Bloxtober! 🌞 | 🎃🍂👻
#200222815Monday, October 17, 2016 7:20 AM GMT

yw l0l
#200222816Monday, October 17, 2016 7:20 AM GMT

> Joined: 04 Dec 2009 > I started ROBLOX in 2011 after a friend of mine told me he found a cool new game on the site, the game is now called totally legit
#200222845Monday, October 17, 2016 7:22 AM GMT

I also just noticed I keep on saying "Oh wow". Oh well. Happy Bloxtober! 🌞 | 🎃🍂👻
#200222923Monday, October 17, 2016 7:28 AM GMT

who cares?
#200222934Monday, October 17, 2016 7:29 AM GMT

Am I the only one who is actually impressed that roblox didn't filter this?
#200223156Monday, October 17, 2016 7:52 AM GMT

Well OP, to make it more attractive and not look like a complete Docummentary, I recommend separating the text into more paragraphs - other from that, liked the story of you and your business and your groups
#200223183Monday, October 17, 2016 7:56 AM GMT

#200223311Monday, October 17, 2016 8:11 AM GMT

"rekt" ????
#200223852Monday, October 17, 2016 9:43 AM GMT

Nice massive block of text, I enjoyed reading it
#200224624Monday, October 17, 2016 10:55 AM GMT

^ yea right
#200224655Monday, October 17, 2016 10:57 AM GMT

OP is PG
#200224687Monday, October 17, 2016 10:59 AM GMT

I'd love to write one of these but I'm tooooo lazy.
#200224730Monday, October 17, 2016 11:02 AM GMT

OP joined in 2009 but says started in 2011 loominati confirmed?????

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