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#200485667Monday, October 24, 2016 10:07 AM GMT

This is of course a subject i'm sure has been touched on many times. It's probably even been argued about before. But I have a few ideas for the "guest."First off these ideas may seem a bit odd at first but I need whoever reads this to try and understand what I'm saying. Idea #1 : I think that we should give guests the ability to talk. This is something that iv'e noticed with guests. They never talk. These are SUPPOSED TO BE GUESTS to your game, why would you not allow them to talk? I find it ridiculous that you're testing a game to see if you want to be serious about signing up and playing and you can't even talk. Now this is something that's going to attract more players. And I say its going to attract more players because it's social. And once you're######t############cial, everybody is going to want to play it. Idea #2 : I think that we should have the ability to "kick" guests. Now before I hear people reply to me that this is a bad idea please let me explain. I'm not sure if it's even possible, but I think that we should add the ability to kick guests. We should add that ability because there are exploiters that will actually become guests to test their exploits. And that's something annoying for other players and also for the real guests. I think that this "kicking" ability should be like a server vote, so if there are ten people in a game and someone says "lets kick the guest!" and starts a vote and the whole server agrees, the guest gets kicked out of the game. But it's not always that way, if someone just hears about the feature and wants to act like a mod, and start a vote to kick a guest and the majority of people in the server disagree, then the guest will be kicked and the player should be messaged a warning about false accusation. Idea #3 : My last idea for guests is to add SOME different looks. You never know what a guest want to look like, and sometimes it's the look that makes them go away from ROBLOX. I say this because I have experience. Back in 2012, when I heard of ROBLOX, I played alot of games as a guest. I saw many other people in the game, with confusing names btw, that had better looking characters than me. I would always try to talk but I couldn't and it would be seriously annoying because I would try to talk to ask how people get those clothes. After this I decided to create my first account which was around october 2012. But of course this is now my newest account. But more to the topic, when I signed up I could buy stuff and change my character. And I thought it was un-fair to guests. I don't mind criticism, but please don't reply "you're stupid" or anything related to that. I would like to hear why you agree/disagree instead of hearing that the ideas themselves are stupid or worthless. Telakinesis1
#200485692Monday, October 24, 2016 10:10 AM GMT

I'm so sorry, ROBLOX put some of my words in hashtags. Note that where you see the hashtags, I wrote ########## social, everybody..." Telakinesis1
#200485700Monday, October 24, 2016 10:11 AM GMT

They did it again, I put site is. Telakinesis1

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