#200648345Saturday, October 29, 2016 12:45 AM GMT

Ok, so, my idea is a game like SIMS... You make your own Amusement park using buildings that you pay for in the game. You would start out with a smaller ride(idk lol), and you progress as you spend more time in the game. In this game, you earn money from people coming to the Amusement Park you made. You use this money to buy better rides to expand and advance your Park. You are also able to share your Amusement parks for other people to see by having either a Public or Private option on your game activated. This game is all about the Players designing what happens next. This game would have a leaderboard that would give rewards to the top players that have earned the most money on their own Amusement Park, such as in-game exclusives, or anything like bonus cash or XP! Also, as your Amusement Park progresses, you may level up based on the rides you have, or you get XP every time you upgrade a ride! _______________________________________________________________________ I hope you like this idea :)
#200649396Saturday, October 29, 2016 1:11 AM GMT

An MMO based around building a medieval society. You have three classes: Noble, Artisan, Soldier. Each class would feel like its own game. Noble are the leaders of the society, and gameplay is a bit of a political contest. Highest ranked noble is the ruler of that town. Artisans are merchants, architects, farmers, etc. Many different professions. They literally build the town and manage the economy. Soldiers would have their own profession lines, such as spearman, swordsman, pikeman, archer, cavalry, etc. When you join the game, you are randomly assigned to a village, or you can join friends through a home menu. Your job is to work together with these strangers to build the most powerful state. You start from a small camp and can travel around the open world until you find somewhere suitable, where your leader (noble) founds the town. Artisans build structures, soldiers protect from enemies and hunt for food and furs (to make early armor). Each class has their own specialty in ‘conquering’ the known world and other player’s societies. Nobles can marry into other towns, allying the two, artisans can make trade alliances, and soldiers, of course, can straight out conquer other towns. Lesser towns can swear fealty to stronger lords (the town leaders), getting upgrade discounts and military reinforcements in exchange for taxes.
#200661396Saturday, October 29, 2016 8:39 AM GMT

#200661590Saturday, October 29, 2016 8:55 AM GMT

1) add jobs for cash, you can use the cash for items like hats and such. 2) add weather (i saw the seasons one) but like add rain, sun, cloudy because sometimes the environment gets boring if it is the same the whole time. 3) add missions for cash, like have an npc standing somewhere and you can click on him to talk to him, and he needs you to find his wallet or something around the map, and he rewards you if you find it. And make like new ones every day or couple of days. + all these great ideas everyone else is coming up with ;)
#200670190Saturday, October 29, 2016 3:57 PM GMT

Keep going guys I'll shout the two winners in here tomorrow. And starting now do not copy others idea you will have less of a chance of being picked
#200672234Saturday, October 29, 2016 4:53 PM GMT

1. you should add like a team ######* (boys v girls) 2. you could add like a matchup thing where boys could find a perfect partner to dance with or vice - verser 3. you could also add a moneymaking mini tycoon thingy, where people can make money and buy the clothes and vehicle 4. in the end the game would be better if the whole community liked the idea. instead of a great - sounding idea, we could make a practical idea as a COMMUNITY not a SINGLE. hoped that gave you a good idea on what could help the game. :) Animator | Modeller *a ######## - where you walk slowly fades away so the groud basically breaks. Animator | Modeller
#200673863Saturday, October 29, 2016 5:38 PM GMT

If I win can you give Sky the kid RS 0505 half of my robux? Here some ideas: add planes, Intro GUI, bigger map, pets, foliage, stadium, morph magic, VIP Exclusives and VIP pass, hoverboards and custom hats.
#200674395Saturday, October 29, 2016 5:52 PM GMT

I really hope I will win. It would be an honor if any game would be influenced by my ideas, and especially one made by a well-known creator. And, who am I kidding, 2K Robux sounds pretty great too ;) This is a big deal to me. I'm awaiting tommorow! Good luck everyone!
#200676012Saturday, October 29, 2016 6:28 PM GMT

^^^ ty very much and good luck to you too! :) :D Animator | Modeller
#200684612Saturday, October 29, 2016 9:59 PM GMT

1.)Better Roleplay Names(As when you spawn in you'll redirect into Neutral so they can choose if they want to be a baby or adult ETC...) 2.)Morphs,Clothing,Faces(Optional) 3.)Houses(Don't need to be big but good enough) 4.)Cash systems(not to long neither short on getting paid each minute or second up to you) 5.)Day and Night Cycle(Not to short Neither to Long) 6.)Stores(for clothing,hats,etc...) 7.)Safe Chat(to stop online daters,or bad words) 8.)Exploiter fire-wall(to keep exploiters from exploiting) 9.)Club(Appropriate) 10.)Music&Emotes&Dances(Appropriate) 11.)Seasons(when it comes to an holiday change the features and colors to match that season or holiday)(players would like that at it would get a big hit!) 12.)Admin(YOUR OWN ADMIN so you can add in your own features and your own commands) 13.)school(non-scripted) 14.)Cars(Needed to have unlimited regen and need to be working) 15.)Server clean up time(Clean up trash & unused items or non-working cars) 16.)Parks,Pools,Skate parks,Lights,Beach's,cliffs,Islands,Secret places 17.)Secret Badges(Hidden around the game to make it more fun) 18.)Gear shop(To buy certain gears like Magic Carpets,Skate boards,Etc...) 19.)Items(To start when you join the game you'll have something like a regular skateboard..Etc) 20.)V.i.p (MAINLY THING NEEDED TO EARN SOME ROBUX)(EXAMPLE)(DJ:2000 ROBUX to control music in the club(APPROPRIATE SONGS ONLY) 21.)Parking Lots&Bigger spaces for cars(reason why we don't need to be crowded much in the game) 22.)Scripts(Teleport to houses like (Go To House *Clicks *teleport's to house *Spawns in front oh house) 23.)Foods(Ha ha people like to eat right?) 24.)Starbucks(Yah we all need that oh and mc donalds) 25.)Players Choice to use R6 Or R15(how to do that Develop>Games>Choose the game you want to add click the icon with the arrow>Configure Game>CHOOSE) 26.)Intro(#Loading Screen)(So players Wouldnt have to wait and leave because everything isnt loaded yet and there player is grey so you want a loading screen so players wont have to wait)(make it detailed players like that)(Requires Hard Scripting for detailed Intro's Put your self in a challenge and do it) 27.)Rides 28.)sports fields(SPorts) 29.)Mall or shops 30.)Offices(Jobs,2 floors or more) 31.)Phones(requires scripting eligible if can) 32.)ATM(to buy cash from it so you can buy gears or more items from VIP) 33.)Apartments(Starter houses if making high quality games to buy) 34.)Sprint,Walk button (not to fast not to slow) 35.)Hat store(Can buy hats & your choice) 36.)Pet store(to adobt) 37.)Adobtion center(To adobt morphing babies haha) 38.)Seasons(To rain,snow,etc...) 39.)Message other people private 40.)own chat system(to make it cooler) 41.)Lag system(to prevent bricks,players,scripts to lag then break 42.)Morph buttons 43.)Roleplay name(All players like that) 44.)not to advance or##o##ketchy players want to play something good in my opinion n 45.)Radios(robux only) 46.)Hoverboard(Robux only) 47.)Boats(need to be working but not too big you know what i mean) 48.)Mega V.I.P(Robux only *Including Gear) 49.)Tip:Make an admin gamepass but make it non-abusing but make it cost a lot of ROBUX to make huge amount of profit 50.)Realistic die or fall damage 51.)Fishing poles(and earn cash only for high quality games) 52.)Daily award for playing your game(To make players play your game daily) 53.)Couple of Admins,Mod's to find or catch exploiters if the exploit system never works 54.)Smooth models(To prevent complete lag unless you have a lag system that exiles lag) 55.)Sunsets(Afternoon),Sunrises(Morning)--Day cycle 56.)Barriers to prevent glitching or taking shortcuts to make players stay in longer 57.)Own Skybox 58.)PvP area to fight for cash(circle to fight in death match if they enter on the fighting pad they will be given a sword they cannot exit untill they die last one remaining wins and earns +15 cash) 59.)Cafe to have workers work there to earn 1+ cash 60.)earnable cash wage system to earn cash 61.)Staff room or house (only staffs can enter for free in V.I.P rooms) 62.)time system(to watch the time) 63.)Male or Female (when they join the game they can choose one) 64.)after you choose^ you'll be given instruction on how to play 65.)Plants,Trees,Candy(to find around the game to get +2 cash) 66.)Limited Items(For seasons that last around that time) 67.)Foods(to actually eat) 68.)Health Systems(to check if your hunger or sick or ti#################olor changer(Scripted) 70.)Transportion(Bikes,Hoverboards,Skateboards,Helicopters(For Police or army jobs)) Thanks! I'd want to learn how to code Im Always Full Of Ideas!
#200706840Sunday, October 30, 2016 9:22 AM GMT

Ok, some ideas. All of these are programmable (I've mentally worked out the basic code prior to posting), and if you would like details on how to make it, please PM me - I may already have code to give you! (I've asterisked any ideas which would be fairly easy for you to monetise). 1*) Multi-game coins: Basically you can make money on any one of your games, and transfer it to others. (Like I said, PM me if you want the code/details) 2) Chat script + History: Simply enough, a chat script for your game, combined with an ability for it to store the 'x' most recent messages sent on the server. 3) Non-ROBLOX moderation: Because we all know the ROBLOX moderation system is terrible! It would report to moderators, selected by you, incidents players would like to report, using (as information) the chat log above, and a 3D 'video' of nearby blocks/players etc. 4) Multi-game achievements: Similar code to number 1, this would allow player achievement information throughout different servers. Examples of achievements: 4.1) Recruiter: Bring 'x' players into the game. (Possibly combined with money per player recruited). 4.2) Met ____: Similar to the famous player system in Club Penguin (I know - it's a game for far younger players - but the logic is still good, it excites people), it would allow players to get excited about events. 4.3) Events participated in: If a player joins the game, or completes a certain activity, during an event they are duly rewarded. 5) Player profile data: Players can click on you, and see all of your achievements, money, time played etc. 6*) Perks: Obtained with either in-game/multi-game/R$ payments, or from achievements. 7*) Animation packs: Pretty simple idea, but not really used often enough. You could even have people upload their own player animations (albeit going through moderation first) to use, and even to allow others to use. 8*) Self-made Packages: Using one of the catalog APIs found as a free model, you could allow players to customize their appearance in game, save it (or multiple models), and possibly even send it to other players. 9*) In-game PM: Of course with a moderation option, this would allow people to send messages to each other - pretty much 'what it says on the tin' as it were. You could extend it to allow other players to send each other 'attachments' - in other words animation packs or self-created catalog packages. 10*) Player Sales: Players would be able to pay a small amount to place one of their items in the catalog for a period of time and allow other people to buy it (both in-game, and using the 3rd party transaction tool, with R$). 11) Your own music: People could play music to their game, uploaded to ROBLOX, and possibly purchased with in-game currency. 12*) BoomBox: Many versions of this already exist - it's a 3D sound in a part, which a player can select. 13*) Instant DJ: People can play music including sound effects, so that those nearby can hear it. 14*) Save-and-sell DJ: Players can save their work as a DJ and sell is to those with BoomBoxes or as an automated DJ track. 15*) Shout: Allow players to shout across servers and games (requiring some sort of payment to reduce the volume of shouts). Also require a permission which is lost very easily (so that any shout infringement will result in a ban). 16) Minigames: Games that anyone can play for in-game money - small and often collaborative, including teamwork to help players mingle. And general features for the game: 17) Phone/Tablet: Instead of ScreenGuis, you can utilise SurfaceGuis and camera animations to provide a far more user-friendly interface. You could possibly even (fairly simply) provide an API to allow scripters to upload 'apps' which they could make (in-game/multi-game) profit from. 18) Join Player: Simple teleport-to-player feature (both must accept). 19) CanCollide = false Torsos: One of the few things here I'm not completely sure how to do; but it should be very simple (I'm guessing HumanoidRootPart.CanCollide = false) - this would allow far less glitchy interactions for multiple players in a similar area. Many of the earlier features will not only work for this game, but for many of your games. They will also work across the games of multiple players, allowing you to collaborate easily with other game makers to support each other. I know I haven't presented as many ideas as other people, but I'd like to point out that my ideas are all very major in terms of player and developer interactions, whilst still being fairly simple to implement. More ideas might come, not 100% sure...
#200707029Sunday, October 30, 2016 9:33 AM GMT

20) Vehicles: Just about all the traditional ones - cars, boats, planes, hoverboards, skateboards, motorbikes. Perhaps forms of flight (iron man suits would be cool - and fairly simple with BodyThrust and BodyForces) 21) Complex weather and seasonal effects: Using particle effects for snow, rain, leaves etc, or possibly using moving parts to include more complex effects such as wind. 22) Moving hangout: Over time you may change the physical location in which the hangout is set - perhaps for events - (mostly for how it affects lighting and the time of day etc.)
#200707105Sunday, October 30, 2016 9:38 AM GMT

23) Just general Club Penguin style: Houses (you can open them to the public or friends and customize them) and pets (which can be given costumes, animations etc...) 24) Building furniture: Using small blocks to build up larger items of furniture, one can sell the furniture to other players. Again, an API could be used to allow programmers to utilise simple functions such as CFraming within the model.
#200707207Sunday, October 30, 2016 9:45 AM GMT

25) Giveaways and prizes: Similar to events, give small items or abilities to players 26) Simple trade system: Allow players to trade simple in-game items in a secure environment. 27) World-builder: Allow players to build, using both an API for code and traditional builder's baseparts, new places for events, which can be submitted to yourself for moderation, which would allow players to add to the game, whilst you direct the actual direction in which the game travels.
#200708226Sunday, October 30, 2016 11:06 AM GMT

I will work for you. I has the same as you. i has free models games. i say you can best start with building a minigames place with random rounds. it's the best start for learning how to script. this game looks like a nintendo party game. but you can get a good skill for scripting and guis i think an obby (obstacle course) is also a nice start to build. you can practice from building (you will only need a script for kill bricks). but you can get a good skill for building the best 2 games to practice is a minigames place and an obstacle course. Yes, i will help you! i will learn you. you can hire me!
#200708528Sunday, October 30, 2016 11:27 AM GMT

Wow all that can be said is said... But its ok all I have here to say is keep it professional while keeping the kids of roblox entertained ;D good luck everyone.
#200710473Sunday, October 30, 2016 1:08 PM GMT

Agreed, zebb. Good luck!
#200717291Sunday, October 30, 2016 4:41 PM GMT

I'm so excited! The scores are gonna be announced today! Good luck to everyone who participated! Too bad we can't all win.
#200735540Sunday, October 30, 2016 11:20 PM GMT

Hope I win Im so excited to hear the results who wins!! OML
#200748420Monday, October 31, 2016 5:17 AM GMT

Being Postponed Tomorrow In the morning...!--Dark1020 Postponed Come Back Tomorrow And Find Who's The Winners!!--Skypto IM SO EXCITED
#200748658Monday, October 31, 2016 5:28 AM GMT

1.)Better Roleplay Names(As when you spawn in you'll redirect into Neutral so they can choose if they want to be a baby or adult ETC...) 2.)Morphs,Clothing,Faces(Optional) 3.)Houses(Don't need to be big but good enough) 4.)Cash systems(not to long neither short on getting paid each minute or second up to you) 5.)Day and Night Cycle(Not to short Neither to Long) 6.)Stores(for clothing,hats,etc...) 7.)Safe Chat(to stop online daters,or bad words) 8.)Exploiter fire-wall(to keep exploiters from exploiting) 9.)Club(Appropriate) 10.)Music&Emotes&Dances(Appropriate) 11.)Seasons(when it comes to an holiday change the features and colors to match that season or holiday)(players would like that at it would get a big hit!) 12.)Admin(YOUR OWN ADMIN so you can add in your own features and your own commands) 13.)school(non-scripted) 14.)Cars(Needed to have unlimited regen and need to be working) 15.)Server clean up time(Clean up trash & unused items or non-working cars) 16.)Parks,Pools,Skate parks,Lights,Beach's,cliffs,Islands,Secret places 17.)Secret Badges(Hidden around the game to make it more fun) 18.)Gear shop(To buy certain gears like Magic Carpets,Skate boards,Etc...) 19.)Items(To start when you join the game you'll have something like a regular skateboard..Etc) 20.)V.i.p (MAINLY THING NEEDED TO EARN SOME ROBUX)(EXAMPLE)(DJ:2000 ROBUX to control music in the club(APPROPRIATE SONGS ONLY) 21.)Parking Lots&Bigger spaces for cars(reason why we don't need to be crowded much in the game) 22.)Scripts(Teleport to houses like (Go To House *Clicks *teleport's to house *Spawns in front oh house) 23.)Foods(Ha ha people like to eat right?) 24.)Starbucks(Yah we all need that oh and mc donalds) 25.)Players Choice to use R6 Or R15(how to do that Develop>Games>Choose the game you want to add click the icon with the arrow>Configure Game>CHOOSE) 26.)Intro(#Loading Screen)(So players Wouldnt have to wait and leave because everything isnt loaded yet and there player is grey so you want a loading screen so players wont have to wait)(make it detailed players like that)(Requires Hard Scripting for detailed Intro's Put your self in a challenge and do it) 27.)Rides 28.)sports fields(SPorts) 29.)Mall or shops 30.)Offices(Jobs,2 floors or more) 31.)Phones(requires scripting eligible if can) 32.)ATM(to buy cash from it so you can buy gears or more items from VIP) 33.)Apartments(Starter houses if making high quality games to buy) 34.)Sprint,Walk button (not to fast not to slow) 35.)Hat store(Can buy hats & your choice) 36.)Pet store(to adobt) 37.)Adobtion center(To adobt morphing babies haha) 38.)Seasons(To rain,snow,etc...) 39.)Message other people private 40.)own chat system(to make it cooler) 41.)Lag system(to prevent bricks,players,scripts to lag then break 42.)Morph buttons 43.)Roleplay name(All players like that) 44.)not to advance or##o##ketchy players want to play something good in my opinion n 45.)Radios(robux only) 46.)Hoverboard(Robux only) 47.)Boats(need to be working but not too big you know what i mean) 48.)Mega V.I.P(Robux only *Including Gear) 49.)Tip:Make an admin gamepass but make it non-abusing but make it cost a lot of ROBUX to make huge amount of profit 50.)Realistic die or fall damage 51.)Fishing poles(and earn cash only for high quality games) 52.)Daily award for playing your game(To make players play your game daily) 53.)Couple of Admins,Mod's to find or catch exploiters if the exploit system never works 54.)Smooth models(To prevent complete lag unless you have a lag system that exiles lag) 55.)Sunsets(Afternoon),Sunrises(Morning)--Day cycle 56.)Barriers to prevent glitching or taking shortcuts to make players stay in longer 57.)Own Skybox 58.)PvP area to fight for cash(circle to fight in death match if they enter on the fighting pad they will be given a sword they cannot exit untill they die last one remaining wins and earns +15 cash) 59.)Cafe to have workers work there to earn 1+ cash 60.)earnable cash wage system to earn cash 61.)Staff room or house (only staffs can enter for free in V.I.P rooms) 62.)time system(to watch the time) 63.)Male or Female (when they join the game they can choose one) 64.)after you choose^ you'll be given instruction on how to play 65.)Plants,Trees,Candy(to find around the game to get +2 cash) 66.)Limited Items(For seasons that last around that time) 67.)Foods(to actually eat) 68.)Health Systems(to check if your hunger or sick or tired) 70.)Transportion(Bikes,Hoverboards,Skateboards,Helicopters(For Police or army jobs)) 71.)Water(to swim in at po##########################arks(water slides) 72.)Zoo's(Animals) 73.)Pet command's 74.)Robbing Jobs 75.)Police Job 76.)Vet Job 77.)Nurse Job 78.)Houses(To Save) 79.)Save & Reset & Demolish House & Load 80.)Patchable Glitches Plans 81.)Rivers Postponed Come Back Tomorrow And Find Who's The Winners!!--Skypto IM SO EXCITED --Hope I Win
#200772397Monday, October 31, 2016 11:48 PM GMT

I haven't heard from the owner in almost 2 days. Is the contest cancelled? I really hope not. I was so excited for this...
#200775146Tuesday, November 01, 2016 12:59 AM GMT

How did this turn into a contest.
#200777472Tuesday, November 01, 2016 1:55 AM GMT

The winners will be announced tomorrow afternoon sorry was postponed because of halloween
#200779923Tuesday, November 01, 2016 3:04 AM GMT

Yeah okay thanks for letting us know... If i do win... i just need 1550 Thats all i need i dont need 2k just 1550