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#200609709Thursday, October 27, 2016 10:23 PM GMT

Me and a group about of 100 players are huge fans and love playing the game R2D. We spend lots of time in the game and even make youtube channels about R2D. But lately a whole bunch of hackers have been messing up the game. Infact it messed up all the ranks and people started having negative money and over millions of cash to buy whatever they please. Some hackers hacked inappropriate songs, pictures and gameplay. This includes ###### and other disturbing things. I have been playing R2D for a while and like the game. Once PlaceReBuilder found out about all the hackers he just left the game and in the game description he basically said that he gave up on the game and there are too many hackers. I and about 100 of my friends are pissed because Place is not doing anything to prevent the hackers and either is ROBLOX. Me and a whole bunch of people want the old R2D back! We want Place to keep trying to fix the game and improve R2D was my favourite game and always be. So please reply if you agree.

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