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#200665318Saturday, October 29, 2016 1:06 PM GMT

WHKR Trios Tournament for 100,000 TIX Sponsored by BLOXI CLEAN is a one night event taking place at the 2300 Arena. This event will consist of teams from around the world and some of the best wrestlers offered in LARP. So far the teams participating at the event are... Team EXTREME - "Original Mascot of EHW" LastOutlaw, "The Hardcore Legend" Cactus Kane, and "the Party Wrecker" Christopher Willings This team consist of the EHW Originals durring it's heydays in 2012/Early 2013. Many of these guys would become successful to their own extend later in their careers. This team is aiming to make one last hurrah for the company that put the "E in EXTREME". Team INDY - Adert Cole, Dave Klseki, and (Mystery Partner) These guy's are one of the standard bearer of the Indepedent Ro-Wrestling scene with them joining this Mysterious partner yet to be revealed. These guy's have achieve greatness and more to come. Team Canada - Toronto Titan, Bryce Bradley and Matthew Firestone The underdogs in this team are significant, poised to score an upset here may lead to shock waves heard around the world. Yet, never underestimate their abilities for these guy's surprise you with you least expect it. Team PURORESU - Kentalk Kobashi, TJ Black and Katsuyori Shibata The Absolute Champion, the standard bearer of Odo Style and the sole representation of Strong Style team up for the first time EVER in the United States, aiming to leave this place with respect and fighting spirit. This team may just be the dark horse of the tournament. --- Also competing in the tournament but not confirmed for the team: Jeremy Prato and Daniel Rose. There are slots open if you want to participate in the tournament on a first come first serve basis. With your partners agreeing and confirming to join.

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