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#200964526Saturday, November 05, 2016 10:43 AM GMT

Year: 1994 \ = Flashbacks Place: Abandoned Residence | = Current Time Owner: [REDACTED] |||||||||||| It was a cold night, John nipped at the last drags of his cigs with a routine type way of going about it. This wasn't new to him. "Damn, I better get moving." said the fellow, realizing he was paid for urban exploration. You (Reader) are Nate/Nancy. John looked at you, cold stare burning through your soul. "You come with, this stuff can prove dangerous" said john, at this point, it sparked every fiber of your being. The curiosity that claimed your family. That night.... \\\\\\\\\\\\ You felt really sick, not to mention the monsoon outside your bedroom window. You drop your speakers, those are expensive! You're so bad! Wait.. what? You realized you were rather, ahem, wild today. You go to the kitchen, and hear your music. "My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why...", wait, that isn't out yet. But now is not the time to be nit picky. He stabbed them all, then looked at me. There is nothing you recollect after that. |||||||||||| "HEY!" John exclaimed, explaining we had a flat tire. You grunted in disbelief, a maze area with a seemingly vacated mansion was on a hill. You both enter the maze, walking around for hours. Though you both knew it seemed like minutes. A growling comes from behind you. You both abruptly turn around, it's really hard to describe what you see. Ruby eyes, crimson teeth, black scales. It moved, each step shook the ground about, whilst you started to run. You grabbed Johns hand. Running around the maze. The statues seemingly gazing upon you. Judging the worthless mass of 7% water 93% Human Trash going past it. You both make it to the mansion. You land on john... You both look at each other. "Thanks for the softer lan-" John cut in, "Don't mention it, alright?" in a mixed of embarrassment and pride. The mansion proved bigger, now wasn't the time to confess anyways.
#200972685Saturday, November 05, 2016 2:34 PM GMT

#200982857Saturday, November 05, 2016 5:29 PM GMT

"11" doesn't explain "77", unless I subtract or add. But what reason?

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