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#200979490Saturday, November 05, 2016 4:43 PM GMT

I'll be quite honest, I am bad with my wallet. Not terrible though, I still pay my bills and make it by every month. I am 24 years old, and maybe this game has grown out, or I have. Allot has changed in roblox, the community, and maybe the staff? I never use to look behind the scenes of what made roblox, but clearly they are in charge of some amount of changes, no matter how many games are made by devoted fans. Playing this for nearly 10 years on and off, it's been interesting, I could never play it endlessly, there were huge gaps in what the game brought, but it wasn't always for the better. It was surprising to see new physics, and larger game data. But many of the greatest games were small & mysterious what the next thing would be. Just an opinion of course. To the point though, I have frivolously spent hundreds of dollars on single games with online purchases in just a few months, I have no regrets of doing it either. It brought me entertainment. I refuse to attempt to find a way around it, as long as I'm enjoying myself, I work hard for my money. I feel accomplished by my job that I've helped society a little bit, so I can relax. I'm not really asking for change immediately, just for this to be read & thought about. I use to enjoy what tickets could give me, robux in a minor nutshell was nice for a broke kid. Of course I still found a way to make money, but I never did spend it on roblox. Lately I've been urged to buy builders club, or roblox, but it just doesn't seem worth it. There are literally single items in the hands of players that cost way more than they are worth. If I spend anything at all I expect it to be something I can use often and value it every time I enter a new game. Without much of a true free way to earn these things, prices should decline. Theres plenty of cool things. I wont buy them. The thing is, I would spend MORE money if I were able to obtain these things easier with my cash. I think to myself man next paycheck maybe I can get this. But then I dont have a set, wow this could take all year to get a handful of things. A particular tank MMO that is free to play, I have spent nearly $800 in just 2 months, maybe 1500 with some gifts that I sent to my friends. Just food for thought. I got a real life physical prize for this journey too. A T-shirt that I framed... But for the past few months I've been mainly playing 1985-1995 games. I stopped playing this other game due to a small break I took, and missed out on part of a collection I had, I refuse to play it if I cannot have it. Simply put, I was paying somebody elses rent & life possibly, but a minor fluke and they lost me. And maybe you guys too, I'll be back, but if you want me to spend anything, there do need to be changes. Simply look at my inventory, It's obviouse what I'm after. Once I obtain it, I'd move onto more things, spending money is easy once it's earned.

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