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#201348091Friday, November 11, 2016 2:14 AM GMT

So, some people on ROBLOX join ROBLOX because they are bullied/Depressed/Stressed/Anxious, and other things. And they just try making friends because they feel alone. I feel like the ROBLOX community just doesn't welcome them here, and it's not safe for depressed kids like me anymore. Many people treat depressed kids like depression is just stupid, and the kid is wanting attention, I used to want people to understand I had depression, but no one cared and said that I was just an attention seeker. I wasn't, and now I'm here, after a year, to share this. Kids on ROBLOX, like me, just feel so... Alone, like I used to last year. I think ROBLOX can at least welcome players more, because when I joined, I never knew this such thing called "depression" or "stress" and more. I also have a feeling about an answer about this, yet I'm not so sure. Kids/People don't understand "depression" because they never had it. Yet, I don't know if depressed kids are even cared for anymore. I don't think we understand the meaning of "depression" or "stress" or "anxiety". I'm just gonna conclude it here, I have dinner to eat. Well, ROBLOX, just try to make something to make depressed kids/people happy, somewhat, atleast. - I suggest trying to give free shirt offers like "Keep Calm and Stop Stressing" or at least have those for free. Could also try maybe encouraging depressed people to seek help and tell others their personal needs. (Like for instance, again, shirt thing, "Seek Help" or "You Mean Everything" or something like that.) Also spreading awareness, like maybe add an event spreading awareness. Encourage players to help others seek happiness. Like, try making groups or give daily messages to other people to encourage people to give advice and have feelings for everyone.

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