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#201860925Friday, November 18, 2016 10:19 PM GMT

Welcome to the Fairy Tail Rebirth forum,here we'll be discussing rules and the info for the Game, As well for covering the starter magics also! [Rules/Info] 1.)No Cheating and You must RP! 2.)No abuse for the game will be tolerated,if any is seen you'll get a warning,then a ban! 3.)Dragon Slayers are chosen by The Owner(Me.),there will be chances for other magics. 4.)2nd Generation Dragon Slayers will be in gamepasses!(Other then Lightning of course.) 5.)During MRP,OOC will tolerate into a warning,then a kick,then a 1 day ban.(If repeated,perma-banned.) That's it for Rules and Info,now onto the Starter Magics. [Starter Magic] :Fire Magic :Ice-Make :Celestial :Rainbow Fire Magic :Lightning :Beast Transformation(depends what) :Animal Form(depends what) :Wood-Make :Iron-Make :Water Magic :Smoke Magic :Perfume Magic :Jet Magic :Storm Magic :Sand Magic :Card Magic Those are the Starter Magics! Feel Free to use one of them for your character. (Permission only needed for Beast or Animal,so I know what you're using,everything else is available and doesn't need my permisson!) {Character Sheet} This is what your RP-scription should relate. Age/Height |Magic| |(If your a slayer you'd put that here below your magic)| "-custom quote isn't nesscessary-" That's it for the forum for now,thanks for reading and have fun Roleplaying!

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