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#202044860Sunday, November 20, 2016 8:25 PM GMT

The United States of America... a peaceful environment, a loving community. So why, why you may ask, why do we have leaders? Leaders pull us together at times and help us stick together. Perhaps you have heard the quote, "Together we stand; divided we fall." As we know we should be leaders, we must vote these leaders. I stand here before all of you, speaking my point. I wish to be President of the United States for a couple of reasons, and I shall list them in here. But before I do, I ask that you vote me, not because of friendship, but because of my ideas. My first idea was that one agency must have a tryout per day. This will help people get in and not be so bored coming down to Austin.My second idea was for officers to have a "stakeout" on the criminal. If a criminal kills another officer, and another officer comes in to arrest him, he has to see that criminal do crime. This will help "fade" rogue arresting. Thirdly, rogue officers. Rogue officers happen mostly when there is another State when they are being offered something, and they do not have enough space for it; so instead of just leaving, like a normal person, they cause destruction. If an officer does go rogue, another officer must get evidence. If enough evidence is proven, this officer shall go to Federal Prison. I have more ideas, politically and nationally, but to get these ideas, please, vote me in as President of the United States. There may be many candidates that are your friends; but in my opinion, my ideas are very strong. Thank you for listening to my speech. Presidential Candidate, Awsomeboy2202
#202046438Sunday, November 20, 2016 8:46 PM GMT

What's your party? The "I can't find the right forum to post" party LMAO
#202046451Sunday, November 20, 2016 8:47 PM GMT

I guess you're running for president in a group? If so, then you're on the wrong sub-forum. "Suggestions & Ideas" (S&I) is a sub-forum for users to bring in suggestions to help improve ROBLOX as a whole. This isn't the place for group related topics (unless you're suggesting to improve the group system on ROBLOX). Here's the correct sub-forum, "Clans & Guilds" (C&G). All group related discussions go there. C&G: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=32

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