#204058882Saturday, December 10, 2016 8:06 PM GMT

(Sawyer is accepted. Also, success I didn't even introduce the Titan of Terror yet.)
#204059285Saturday, December 10, 2016 8:12 PM GMT

(is success around. if not, Faction, let's meet up in the city outskirts. we'll say that your character crash landed nearby the city, and I'll activate my AMSU as well)
#204063025Saturday, December 10, 2016 9:05 PM GMT

(No, he's not. I might speed up the roleplay myself because the big event I have planned may only start 8 years later if this pace keeps up.)
#204063830Saturday, December 10, 2016 9:16 PM GMT

(I kinda need Mario to continue roleplaying, otherwise I'd be roleplaying at a faster pace.)
#204072752Saturday, December 10, 2016 11:16 PM GMT

(Is it ok to have a quick story of my character doing something, then joining the others maybe?)
#204076568Saturday, December 10, 2016 11:59 PM GMT

(@Faction, you willing to meet up Al with Eric?)
#204080391Sunday, December 11, 2016 12:43 AM GMT

(Roq I was just kidding lmao. I just got back, so yeah I'll speed it up)
#204080628Sunday, December 11, 2016 12:46 AM GMT

(Oh, wait, it really was Krathlork. "Dyslexia" am i right?)
#204080731Sunday, December 11, 2016 12:47 AM GMT

(Amen. Also, can someone answer my question?)
#204080839Sunday, December 11, 2016 12:48 AM GMT

("I might speed up the roleplay myself because the big event I have planned may only start 8 years later if this pace keeps up." Wait a second wait a second I don't want to come off as rude but Roq, I've already said that I can't be with you guys every single minute I've also already stated that admins are A-OK to continue other people's story without worries of derailing my original plans, because I'm fine with it if they do)
#204080965Sunday, December 11, 2016 12:49 AM GMT

(@success, so is it okay for my character to meet up with Faction's via the city limit thing?)
#204081032Sunday, December 11, 2016 12:50 AM GMT

(Backstories are alright, actually! Whether your character remembers getting here is up to you. You can pretty much do whatever you want before meeting others (and after, haha))
#204081174Sunday, December 11, 2016 12:51 AM GMT

(@Peram Yessiree! Like I said, the only thing that can stop Eric and Albert from meeting each other is the blizzard.)
#204081423Sunday, December 11, 2016 12:54 AM GMT

(Might've well write my introduction into the story. May post it sometime before the weekend ends.)
#204082717Sunday, December 11, 2016 1:08 AM GMT

Eric I brought up my Data Scope, derived from the same tech as the Neural Link Armor, but in the form of a simple one-eyed eye-piece. Upon putting it on, I brought Tracker, my personal AI, up. "Good to see you again Eric. Thought you were a goner after that AMSU crash." "Good to see you as well Tracker. Now, I'm going to try and rendezvous with MOB, but it's going to be difficult with all this snow outside." Looking outside the window of the cafe, I could tell that the blizzard is getting noticeably worse. Just because my pilot suit was rated for cold temperatures did not mean that it was designed to withstand it for long periods of time. "Tracker, could you check up on my AMSU's status again? If possible, I want to try and make it back to the wreckage to take shelter and find a bit more supplies." "Will do. And... status is up. Hmm, it looks like the AMSU was just in a low-power mode after that crash. Seems like the SCD's connection was just lost, so we just need to reconnect it to give it the power it needs." Excellent. Now I have a means of transportation, but it'll be difficult to try and conceal the gigantic AMSU from this city. Then again, I'm sure Senior Airman Arlington is having the same issue right now. After exiting the cafe, I found myself in the midst of the blizzard. Sure, the temperatures are freezing cold, but I can last at least an hour in this weather, just enough time to make it back to my AMSU. Once I reached the AMSU, I entered the familiar cockpit module once more, slipping into the somewhat frozen Neural Link Armor as usual. Tracker transferred himself into the AMSU's mainframe, and started up the ignition sequence. "Eric, the SCD is reconnected now. AMSU should start back up in 3...2...1... up." Firebolt-01 is back online. It feels good to be back. "Alright Tracker. We're going to have to reconfigure the OESS to try and conceal ourselves as we move to rendezvous with Senior Airman Arlington." "Roger that. Already working on it." With my AMSU now rather invisible to most eyes, I switched the comms on to contact Al Arlington. "This is Firebolt-01 to MOB, can you hear me, over? I'm moving over to your last reported position on the IFF Scanner, so hang on, over."
#204103774Sunday, December 11, 2016 5:36 AM GMT

#204130871Sunday, December 11, 2016 2:58 PM GMT

((Am new to zee RP so.. Can't help ya, marc.)) "Leon and Snake Eyes. Neato." He smiled, then proceeding to shake Leon's hand. Midri wasn't sure if he could trust them but, ah well. The three seem to be lost, too. "I'll uh, go help Cassandra with the campfire thing." Midri knelt across his fellow Greek, helping her push snow out of the way. "Uh, do you know where we are? I'm kinda lost."
#204139675Sunday, December 11, 2016 5:00 PM GMT

(Minor dialogue tops.) -Cassandra- The Greek was interrupted from her thoughts about her elder sister when Midri came up and began to help her. When he asked the tomboy about their location, she mildly shrugged. "Well, not really... I highly doubt I'm still in the 1500s. The Ottoman Empire still around here? 'Cause I'm trying to figure out if they're the ones who made those strange horseless machines om the road I was on, or Hephaestus himself..." At this, she winced because she knew her weapons were made of the Greek god's own holy ore. That didn't mean she was grateful towards him, though- when her sister needed the help of the gods the most, they had simply abandoned her because she was just a loose end to them, even a threat towards them because she had chosen to guard the Soul Edge for the sake of her daughter... And besides, Cassandra couldn't help but feel like the gods could have done SOMETHING to cure Pyrrha and/or Sophie from that damned sword's influence.
#204139910Sunday, December 11, 2016 5:03 PM GMT

(Add on to reflect her emotions. Also a little surprised that Midri doesn't recognize Cassandra or at least Snake Eyes, unless Soul Calibur and G.I. Joe doesn't exist in the Riordan timeline.) -Cassandra- She realized she was scowling at the other Greek after pausing from her train of thoughts, and shook her head trying to clear them. "Sorry... Just thinking about my sister," Cassie explained hastily.
#204141368Sunday, December 11, 2016 5:20 PM GMT

RUBY She looked at Rotom. "Uh.. I'll have salad for now." WEISS "I'd like a hotdog with mustard." BLAKE She's standing up, but she's having issues standing in high heels. "Cheeseburger, please." YANG "Hmm... Maybe I'll go with spaghetti." JAUNE Miss? He called me "miss"? Oh, whatever. This is what happened when you end up in a body that one of the main writers of RWBY plays as... "Rotom, hey!... Um, mashed potatoes please." NORA What's this loud-North and South doing here? ...Wait, he still wants me to say what kind of food I want to eat. Ah, okay. I'll come up with something to eat. Um... Sunday roast, pizza, a taco, or an English Sandwich... Or what about fish and crisps? Okay, might as well go with a batch of English Sandwiches. "Hmm... I'd like some English Sandwiches, please." PYRRHA "Spam, please." REN "I'll have a sandwich."
#204144820Sunday, December 11, 2016 6:00 PM GMT

((Not a single hint of 'em existing from what I have read from Rick Riordan. And if they did, Midri never stayed at Camp Half Blood long enough to hear about 'em.)) Midri blinked. "1500s. Hephaestus. Your sister. Horseless carriage. Huh. What a normal day." He tried to laugh, but ended up coughing. Oh, if only he listened to Grover when he taught Greek Mythology. "..What happened to your sister?"
#204147805Sunday, December 11, 2016 6:35 PM GMT

(I'm not saying that, like, the events of Soul Calibur and G.I. Joe take place before Riordan's mythological timeline, but, like in terms of media. Amulet might be a bit sketchy- I myself have never heard of it until Rox brought Redbeard in- but if Midri had any exposure to the video game and/or comics maybe he'd recognize them. I dunno. But I digress.) -Cassandra- The swordswoman hesitated for a few moments as she looked up at Midri, unable to keep her mixture of sadness and bitterness- the former for her probably deceased sister and the latter at her "gods". She chewed her lip for a couple of moments, trying to determine how to word it. But then she realized "I... guess we can save that for campfire stories when the others come, huh? Share our stories and whatnot before? Because I have a feeling that the other two A) will want to hear both of our stories later, and B) are from completely different places than us- or at the very least, different backgrounds." She glanced down at the ground that they had dug out, and she figured that would do for now. But there was one other question she had. Time to cross the bridge. "You don't happen to have anything that could light a fire up, do ya? Maybe flint and steel?"
#204149408Sunday, December 11, 2016 6:51 PM GMT

(That reminds me- Agent 935 will NOT be my anti-godmod character. Cyber Silverback, a new character from Dead Ops Arcade II, will take that place.) -Albert- Upon hearing Eric after EDWARD's scan, he nodded until he realized the other Silentian couldn't see that. "Alright. I can't do anything where I am- my AMSU's gonna be buried underneath snow in a couple a' hours, and the only city near me is a handful of miles away. Until then I'm a sitting duck!"
#204150373Sunday, December 11, 2016 7:02 PM GMT

// Leon Redbeard & Snake Eyes \\ Snake Eyes & Leon had been busy chopping the huge branches the silent ninja had brought over. Overhearing Cassandra, Leon looked over at Snake Eyes' holster and what remained positioned inside of it. "Hey," Leon said, yet Snake Eyes didn't look over. Assuming he was listening (not like he had a choice), Leon began again. "They're trying to start the fire. Think you can lend them your ammo?" Snake Eyes slowly turned his head towards Leon, which he presumed was a no. Suddenly, Snake Eyes unstrapped his gun from his leg holster and placed it on top of the huge branch. "I've...never used one of these. I'd hate to break it." Snake Eyes looked at Leon again and grunted. He picked up the gun and walked over to the soon-to-be fireplace and shot down at it a few times until he ran out of bullets. Small sparks ignited and soon enough, a small flame began. Snake Eyes then tossed the gun, nearby Midri and Cassandra, it still being loaded. Leon, still over to side where the two had been chopping branches, watched. (If this is a late post, then ignore it. I only searched up "Can you start a fire with a gun" and most of the results were positive, though I didn't actually read the articles.)
#204152458Sunday, December 11, 2016 7:22 PM GMT

(Man, whenever Noobey is offline, you're online and vice versa, lol.) -Cassandra- The medeival warrior flinched a couple of times as Snake Eyes fired his device. She glanced towards the gun, which she felt was a bit like Cervantes'- curse that damned pirate- pistol sword, but unlike the ancient pirate Snake Eyes' weapon could fire repeatedly by the looks of it. Thank goodness he didn't try to use it on her earlier- actually, why didn't he? He would've had the upper hand against the Greek had he whipped out this multi-shot pistol... "Well, I guess the fire problem is solved..." She shrugged mildly as she cleared her thoughts before wiping her Nemea Shield off with her sleeve. She glanced into her reflection and stared for a few moments before glancing around. "Ya think we could get some seats while we're at it?" The blonde mused off-handedly before standing up and wiping her gloves. She turned to then glance at a fallen log nearby before walking over and trying to heave it to the camp herself, only succeeding in moving it a couple of inches at a time. She regardless kept trying, as she didn't want to simply give in.