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#20331539Sunday, January 31, 2010 3:49 AM GMT

While on build mode, when click exit, you can save. Its the opposite for when you are on play mode, which is very bad for me, and my friends. On my place, I need to save my friends work on my building place, but the new updates ruined that, and I can't save my friends things, or my updates, on play mode. My suggestion for an update, is to allow the owner of a place, to save his/her own place from play mode, not just build mode.
#20331947Sunday, January 31, 2010 3:56 AM GMT

Yes. Only OWNER. Not player....
#20391763Monday, February 01, 2010 3:13 AM GMT

Ya, they should update it, and make its so the owner can save the place, from build mode.
#20392563Monday, February 01, 2010 3:29 AM GMT

Im still trying to understand why you would want to update your game to be what it was when you were playing and possibly break it. ~-~-~-~-~Newe6000~-~-~-~-~ ~-~Owner of a SHOT-GUN-CHAIN-GUN-ROCKET-LAUNCHER-SNIPER-FLAMETHROWER~-~
#20392843Monday, February 01, 2010 3:34 AM GMT

I don't understand what your talking about. I want to save my friends stuff on my building place, not break my place...
#20392886Monday, February 01, 2010 3:35 AM GMT

Good idea..
#20392904Monday, February 01, 2010 3:35 AM GMT

Riight. Im sorry but the fatal flaw with this is if you dont own the place svaeing it = Copying the whole place and possibility to steal. Come to think of it this is an idea to remove an update. Rule breaker. End thread. ~-~-~-~-~Newe6000~-~-~-~-~ ~-~Owner of a SHOT-GUN-CHAIN-GUN-ROCKET-LAUNCHER-SNIPER-FLAMETHROWER~-~
#20393788Monday, February 01, 2010 3:56 AM GMT

Ok, wth? IDK If you read it properly, but my original post states, that me, the owner of the place, wanted to save, my own place, to keep my friends work, not on their place, but on my own. The new update wrecked that, so I want an update that fixes it, not removes the old update, so both your posts are irrelevant, and could be considered rule breaking, if you want to play it that way. People make mistakes.
#25769009Saturday, May 15, 2010 5:55 PM GMT

i used to do group activitys with my friends and like if we were making a house and everyone would build there room now i have to do more of the work and half the time its hard cause u dont know what they want T.T
#26512865Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:25 PM GMT

Ya, I know, me too D= It's fun building with your friends, but now I can't save thier work DX
#26513574Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:38 PM GMT

I agree with a save thingy so i don't have to worry about not having to do it ALL OVER AGAIN
#26513661Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:39 PM GMT

yeah, they used to have that. WHY DID THEY REMOVE IT?!?!?!?!?
#26514268Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:51 PM GMT

@newe6000 Roblox techinically broke his own rule (Pssshhhh what a hypocrite) There used to be a save in build mode

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