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#203433609Saturday, December 03, 2016 10:14 PM GMT

Basically me and all the guys from Bloxton have kind of decided enough is enough in terms of Ro-Soccer, RIFA etc. The game has become a joke in our eyes especially with RO Soccer just promoting #### #### and the laggiest players as the best players, which so isn't the case. RIFA is much better for player development and actually showing technical ability, but it is currently close to being a complete joke and I don't think this will change anytime soon. I rated Pads idea to do this on a Forum, so here we go. Firstly, id like to say what an incredible time i've had playing RO-Soccer from late 2011 too 2016. The game was incredible to me in the early years, and developing and experiencing new things as a Ro-Soccer player is definitely up there with the best moments in anybody's Ro-Soccer time. My most memorable club was obviously Bloxton which ill get onto later in this post, but there was some other quality clubs. Bloxpoli was the club I was scouted to by Pad, playing alongside and against world class players was sureal at the time considering I had little to no experience before where we reached the DMC Final, only to be beaten to the trophy by RMA, or 'Stoke' as Pad called them when ripping into their entire side after the game because we lost, a pretty funny moment that looking back at it. Ro Dark was also a very good club and I have to thank tomeen and Fer for providing me with an opportunity to play for them and improve as a player. I was in quite a few national teams throughout my career, I never really stuck to one side as lots folded etc, but Scotland was probably the one I enjoyed the most so thanks to Alien for that, tamsters management was pretty funny as well, a different, more laid back approach you could say. Bloxton was obviously my main club throughout the time I spent on ROBLOX, despite a bad falling out. I played lots of games for Bloxton and this is where I changed position from Striker to CDM in the latter stages. Bloxton was the team where I met most of the friends that I am still in contact and play PS4 with (Challenge us on Pro Clubs if you dare folks were in div 1) I won quite a few titles with Bloxton and genuinely enjoyed my entire time their because at the end of the day, you cant beat winning AND playing with your mates on Ro-Soccer, you can never usually find that combination. We showed what it meant to play with your friends getting to the final with Argentina in RIFA, no arguments or squad trouble just enjoying and playing great football. Ill get onto the players in abit. Whilst mentioning RIFA, I think it needs to be said that they have potential to be a great replacement for Ro-Soccer and could attract lots of new players if some of them cut the arrogant, self centered attitude, stopped being corrupt and biased and just genuinely run it better. Getting onto my best mates on ROBLOX - Pad has probably been the most significant and influential person in my Ro-Soccer career, first scouting me out of the blue for Bloxpoli, believing in me, training me for hours (Lumping balls into the mixer) and signing me for most of the teams hes taken management of really. This guy was a quality player who lit up the pitch with his fast feet and stunning solo runs (debatable greedy at times but nobodies perfect) and could really pick a pass and change a game. His Management style was firm but liked us to play an attractive style of football all the time and influenced playing out from the back whilst also being good fun and making it enjoyable for everyone, in terms of management he was very tactically intelligent and would be likened to Pep Guardiola with the spirit of Jurgen Klopp. The other friends I met playing for Bloxton and the other clubs that filtered through to Bloxton are Cool, Ski, Nate, Bad, Bounce, Tahmid, Bol, Dj and others I may of forgot. These guys made my time thoroughly enjoyable. Nate was a quality character to have around and our chats about the girls he'd ###### ## with the night before in the early hours of the morning were something to listen too, whilst also giving all of us advice in the meantime, a ladies man, N.Studge. Cool was an incredible RS player and funny to be around, thought very frustrating as in our Skype Group his failed attempts at talking to his bird every night are driving some of us insane. Ive known ski the longest out of everyone and albeit having quite a few falling's out were mates now and hes Mr. Reliable on Pro Clubs (when he isn't out getting high or working). Bad is genuinely one of the funniest, random guys i've met who always manages to take the mick out of Pads family in a different way every day and plenty of other things, he really needs a shave but apart from that a top geeza. Bol and Bounce used to be under the terrifying wrath of Itacoz and used to be proper w*****, but they saw the light and came to our incredible club and completely changed. Bounce gets constant abuse after that painting but takes it on the chin, is an all round funny genuine guy who doesn't mind speaking what he thinks and I rate that. I wouldn't say I know bol personally that well, but hes one of the nicer geezas to come out of RS and had nothing bad to say about anyone. DJ was incredibly annoying at times but a good laugh, he may be accepted back into SAFC Clubs if he stops doing pointless Ronaldo chops, but hey it resembled his quality tekkers on Ro Soccer. (Dabbing N****) Tahmid is Mr Nerd, proved by the constant good grades hes getting and helping us year olders with our homework, you cant fault the guy and his selfies just get better and better. These guys have truly made my time on ROBLOX quality and I hope to keep in contact with them in the future. Id like to say that I know I wasn't the most popular figure on RO-Soccer, and I'd Like To Take This Opportunity To Apologize... To Absolutely Nobody. If anybody has negative opinions of me then I really don't care because some of you need to grow up, and realize there is more to life than arguing with people over this game because I was usually just sticking up for my mates. I hope you all have a great time on ROBLOX and Ro-Soccer, and please when young inexperienced players ask you for trials etc, be nice, polite and considerate about it instead of instantly banning or making a fool of them because that was you once and that is why Ro-Soccer doesn't have enough players. Cheers for all of the experiences. R Rojo

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