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#203546510Sunday, December 04, 2016 11:19 PM GMT

Warfare. Complete, utter, warfare. It was insane. Ever since the Aborption Act in 20558XX, children, both homeless, not homeless, and ugly have been roaming the streets, trying to escape the vile adults who wish to kill all children. You are among these homeless children. Weapons are scattered across the streets and so are dead bodies. Kill some other kids, adults, or yourself. It's always a bright day in Metropolis No. 24492 (However many Metropolis/Utopia cities there's been) BUT FIRST, we have to establish some stuff. One, who the heck are you and why should I know? What do you look like? If you're u(filter)gly, I hate you already. What are you? A turtle? A kangaroo? Just kidding, you're human. Finally, don't kill yourself. I was just kidding before.
#203633348Monday, December 05, 2016 10:45 PM GMT


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