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#203647995Tuesday, December 06, 2016 1:26 AM GMT

Hello my fellow France Citizens and staff, I come to inform you to vote me for President. I want to speak to the people, I want to rise up as one, I will protect the country from danger, I'm a strong loyal leader.. Our country is not the richest but, I feel like I can change a lot of things! A bit about me, My name is iiPrince12345, I am currently a Parliamentary Senate, I make laws and make sure things are running as told. I want to run for president cause I feel the need to what It takes to RUN the country, I want to make sure we are prepared and ready. I want to have more jobs, I want more freedom, more protest rights, less military abuse, more police. I am a loyal and prepared person. Please vote for me and France will be great. Here are some things I will fix and improve to tell the citizens we are the best.. Military- We need to fix the military, I have seen military troops calling each other names, we are getting killed from the Civilians. We need better Military. I think we should host Severe trainings to get these Military men all ready, We should all be prepared from what danger could come against us. I feel we should have active guard duties such as, Only 2 Military men guarding the Door to the Presidents Office/room. Military Forces should only be on call in there military base. All military men should train and some may guard the base. All military forces should remain in base unless danger was upon us. Police- Police forces should be more prepared, if there was a active shooting going on they should be ready, they should be armed with handcuffs, a pistol, and a assault rifle. Police should have certain jobs, some of the jobs should be Border Patrol, Prison Guard, Patrol, and much others to list. Police should have a active jail for criminals who break the law. We should work together as a COUNTRY to keep EVERYONE safe. Terror- We should be ready, we need armed men, TRAINED military, and active duty. If we can follow those things we will have less Threats and Terr#########acks, I will talk more about this if there is a Debate held. Reducing hate on other religions- we should stop hating on other religions. If we stop this, we could ally with other country's and earn more citizens and more riches. If we get more riches our country will be prepared and much more population... This is all I have to say for now but I have much more support ready! So please, VOTE FOR PRINCE TODAY :) -Prince

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