#20590336Saturday, February 06, 2010 2:18 AM GMT

Vec I jump out of my tree,Unsheathing my sword.I run next to (Forgot name) and pull some gauze out of my bag. "This might hurt a little." I mutter and grip the hilt of the dagger. "COVER ME!" I yell to the archer closest to me.
#20591082Saturday, February 06, 2010 2:32 AM GMT

(Name's Phar, btw. I should start with the name thing) Phar I felt the sting of an herb healing my wound as I regained consciousness. "Thanks," I managed to mumble as I opened my eyes. I kicked the ground and dragged myself towards the closest cover. "I'll be good here until I recover. I think there is something with me and wounds that keeps coming back," I joked as I leaned my back against the trunk of a moderate sized tree. "You," I ordered a hefty looking elf, "Help me here." He hoisted me onto a branch of the tree "Thanks, mate," I said as I pulled out my crossbow. I fired shot after shot at any human I could see. Mostly, I was only able to hit the soldiers engaged in close-quarters with the elves, due to the tree leaves in my range of sight. "Dangit," I whispered to myself, "Out of crossbow bolts."
#20591164Saturday, February 06, 2010 2:34 AM GMT

Vec I climb into the tree and hand him a few from my quiver. I move higher up so I could see.
#20593445Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:07 AM GMT

"Thanks," I mumbled as I steadied my aim. Arrows weren't the best to use with crossbows but they were the best I have for now, and I'm not well enough to handle an archer's bow yet. I grabbed the branch of the tree and swung myself down. I landed on my feet hard and my knees buckled. "Still healing," I breathed. "Steady! Fire!" I commanded. A thousand arrows went up, and a thousand arrows hit their targets. Once again, the remainders fled, but no backup could come this time. "Finish them!" I yelled, as the elves gave their battlecries fo victory and fired arrow after arrow at the fleers.
#20593553Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:09 AM GMT

Vec I jump to another tree and shoot some more.
#20593803Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:13 AM GMT

The remaining humans were brought into a line when all of them have been caught or injured. "Tie them up," I ordered calmly. The elves tied up the captives. None of them even tried to resist being tied up. "Search them, make sure they don't have hidden weapons," I said. Once the captives were secured, we had them questioned one by one. None of them gave us word. "Leave them here for a day," I said."We need answers of where the human army is camping and where they are striking next."
#20593907Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:15 AM GMT

Vec I come up beside him."If we leave them here,The rest will come back for them"
#20594108Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:18 AM GMT

Phar "Good thought," I said. "Bring them to the village. Cover their mouthes with a rag so they can't call for help. Put food in front of them but they will not be able to eat it."
#20594192Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:19 AM GMT

Vec I jog around and pick up a bunch of arrows.
#20594445Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:23 AM GMT

"Also, I want the wounded captives healed. The battle is over, let no more blood be shed and no animals will come to feast on our captives." We cleaned up the battlefield. We buried our killed elves and the killed humans were also buried. The arrows have been recollected. The captives have been carried to the village and tied to stakes. Freshly cooked food was placed infront of them, just out of their reach. Night finally fell as the lanterns of the village were blown out.
#20594589Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:26 AM GMT

Vec I blew my lantern out and laid in my bed.
#20595118Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:35 AM GMT

Phar Morning came. I came down and found myself breakfast. I went towards the area the captives were held. I gasped as I saw the sight. The ropes were cut and the captives excaped. They also burnt down the trees around the area they were held prisoner. Luckily, the rain but the fires out before it reached it. Unluckily, They probably know where they were held captive and will probably tell their leaders where. Maybe they don't know the exact position of the village yet. I grabbed my horn and ran to the Elven camps. Costom, nowadays, is that you must blow a horn a pattern, otherwise, you will be shot with arrows if you are seen. I blew my horn thre times. A scout came to me and brought me to the camp. "Sir, the captives have escaped some how. Their markings did not lead towards the village. They do not know where us elves live yet. No doubt a major battle will follow today. Round up your troops and alert the other camps before it's to late," I said.
#20595311Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:39 AM GMT

Vec I stretched in ym bed.
#20707223Monday, February 08, 2010 1:07 AM GMT

Phar I came back to the village after making sure that they were sending elves to alert other camps. "Dang, I'm always hungry," I muttered to myself as I bought a chicken from the forest opening. After eating most of it and leaving the rest for later, I climbed back down my tree.
#20849852Thursday, February 11, 2010 1:25 AM GMT

(Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.) We needed more allies if we were to survive the winter, and we needed more quickly. We could either hire mercenaries, or, more risky, getting allied with the Frost Dragons. Ofcourse, our leader said we should ally with the Frost Dragons since there "stronger". I have a feeling this is going to be a long winter...
#21202517Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:16 AM GMT

(Sorry, Haven't posted in a while) Phar I thought in my head, Frost Dragons, or mercenary elves. I knew Frost Dragons always hated humans. Mercenaries will turn their backs on us as soon as some one pays them more for their work. Dragons would be more loyal, and won't turn their backs on us. They will be hard to tame but it's going to be worth it. Maybe we could catch a young one and train it. That would be much easier than taming fully grown ones. I got up and walked into the woods. I shivered as I remembered I was not wearing any leather hide under my green tunic. I climbed back up my tree, put on the hide, then the tunic, and climbed back down. My long ears were getting cold. I trudged towards the forest opening. "Anyone selling animal hide hats, or some wool caps?" I asked as I cupped my hands over my ears. "Yeah, man, over here. I got both. Which one ya like?" Answered a shabby looking merchant. "Hmm, I'll buy that one," I said, pointing at a greenish knit hat. "Good choice, mate," He said, pulling the hat off a hook and handing it to me. "That'll be fourty bronze pieces, please," he said, holding out his hand. I opened my rucksack and grabbed a fifty Bronze piece. "Keep the change," I told him as I put on my new cap. I walked back to my tree. I breathed in the cold winter air as I thought once again. It's cold. Frost Dragons would adapt better to this enviroment. They could probably adapt to warmer climates, aswell. Mercenaries...mercenaries, I thought. My father used to fight for the Elven Army. My guardian told me a long time ago. Killed by a mercenary that was offered twice as much pay. It was a slaughter fest. The mercenary was killed by a human on the battlefield due to confusion. Mercenaries are just outcasts, looking for money for their brute strength. Stealing from the soldiers at night, making deals with the enemy during the day. Often "accidentally" setting whole villages aflame. No mercenaries, I thought.
#21203021Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:22 AM GMT

Vec I jump out of bed and walk out of the tent.
#21233013Wednesday, February 17, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

My feet were getting cold now. The fresh snow on the ground went through my boots. I have used them for too many battles. I need new ones. I walked back to the forest opening. I saw a merchant selling clothing. I approached him. "Morning, sir, are you selling boots?" I asked. "I'm sorry, no," he answered. "Do you know where to find some good boots, that won't leak through and are durable?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Hmm... I think if you look around here, you will find a vendor," He answered
#21237894Wednesday, February 17, 2010 10:07 PM GMT

Vec I grab something to eat.
#21363343Saturday, February 20, 2010 4:11 AM GMT

Phar I finally got some battle boots. Steel plates, leather, threaded tightly together. What about those escaped prisoners? Where have they gone? I expect them to tell their commanders about where they were held but not a human has been seen since. It's a little bit suspicious.
#21382202Saturday, February 20, 2010 4:11 PM GMT

I walk around the village,investigating.
#21385422Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:01 PM GMT

Phar I walked back to the place where the captives were held. No noise here at all. The trees they burned down will grow back in the spring. Where did they go, I asked myself, I'm sure they would've planned an attack by now. I heard a slight rustling in a bush infront of me. Next thing I saw was a steel crossbow bolt flying right at me. I attempted to dodge it but it still hit me next to my shoulder. The force of it made me spin and fall. I heard whispers as two human scouts came out to check if I were dead. I laid still until they came close to check my heart beat. When they were both next to me, I was still playing dead and wasn't breathing, my hand slowly crept to my dagger. when I reached it, I quickly killed both of them. I slit one in the neck and gave the other a very deep wound in the face before stabbing him. I attempted to get back up but the pain was overcoming me. The crossbow bolt was lodged deep. I tried to hold the wound while getting up without using my arms. I finally got up and walked slowly back to the village. I tripped over a rock and fell face first into the snow. I groaned in agony as my face burned from the cold and my wound touched the ice. I got back up again and walked back to the village.
#21385755Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:07 PM GMT

Vec I spotted Phar struggling to the village.I rush over to him. "What ddi you get yourself into this time?" I wonder aloud,helping him walk.
#21386526Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:20 PM GMT

Phar "I wandered to the area the captives were held. It was an ambush. Two scouts. I killed the both with my dagger. They used a heavy crossbow. The crossbow bolt had a metal tip. I believe there were more there but they didn't finish me off," I told her.
#21386623Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:22 PM GMT

Vec I forwn,as I prod the wound. "I need to go back to my tent.My herbs are there.."