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#204181877Monday, December 12, 2016 12:57 AM GMT

There are going to be different PoVs (PoV=Point of View) so bare with me PoV~Rebecca Weisle (Pronounced as Veh-sill) My name Is Rebecca Weisle. Some hated humans used to call me miss weasel because of how teachers mis-pronounced my last name, today many people get confused. My brother Alexander Weisle, didn't get called anything, well as a witch doctor, he kept to himself practicing everyday. Of course when we were little he attempted to touch me some of his skills, but I was heading my way to being a swashbuckler, I felt it in my boys type thing. It was in the middle of the day and I simply open the door to a knock of the mail man. Rubbing my eyes of tiredness, I've been practicing too much. Well I can't remember what I did staying up all night. Twas too long ago. "A letter for you and your brother ma'am" The mail man said. "aye, thanks" I say taking it from the slight short mail man. Not long after he leaves and I shut the door behind me. As I read I yell to my brother to come down from his room. "Bilmey!" I yell while my brother stomps down with his massive boots. "What's got you in a fisherman's knot?" he asks. I splutter out "we've got a letter from her majesty". He looks at me with one eye brow raised. "Ye know there's more than one queen, more than one islands". "I know I know" I say reading a tad more of the letter. "It's her majesty from Scupper Island" now my brother is crossing his arms "well what she wanting from us?". I stop reading and look up at him because of his high heeled boots and of his height of course. "all she wants is us to go to her castle and she'll explain there" I say. "Ye saying we be going to her castle not know whats its all for?" he's says squinting. "I'm saying we be going now before we get the black spot" I say grabbing some stuff. Alex sighs and grabs his massive cloak and puts a few cards in the massive pits of the pockets. I climb in our little boat that could possibly hold 4 lubbers. "Ye ready?" I ask grabbing the wheel that steers our small boat. "I got me stuff so of course I'm ready, let be going". PoV~John Gordon My name is John Gordon. I have an unusual brother with red eyes and glasses, and when I mean red eyes, he was born with them, so no threat there. Some lubbers called him the devil's son when he was little, he didn't mind it though, he would scare them off by hissing a few mumbled words under his breath scaring those lubbers off. Someone knocks on the door. I get up from a chair and slowly open the creaky door. "What ye be wanting?" I ask. It's the mail man. "I have a letter for ye and ye brother" He replies. I close the door and look at the envelop. There's a wax seal on it saying 'Scupper Island' with it's emblem inside of it. A skull with one eye socket as an X. I yell out to my brother, He comes racing down with his blouse half unbuttoned. "What is it?" he asks while I'm reading the letter. "Avast ye reading and tell what is it" he yells. I look up finishing the letter and look dead into one of his red eyes. "It's from her majesty" "Which majesty?" he asks in a loud tone. "Blimey! calm ye self down and take a seat and listen to me words" I tell him off. He plops himself down on one of a wooden chair and puts his head on his arm as it rests on his knee. "Tis from her Majesty from Scupper Island and she be want us to go to her". "what she be wanting?" he asks. I roll my eyes and sigh "I woulda told ye, but it doesn't say, we better be going, because tis letter be sealed by a wax seal". "let' be going" he says buttoning the rest of his blouse and putting his coat on and heading out the door with me following behind. PoV~Luke Spinner My name is Luke Spinner. I have brown hair and brown eyes. So does my sister, Brianna Spinner and we live alone in a quite small house. like many other pirates, our parents have been ship wrecked and they haven't been found yet, sadly. A knock on the door disturbed my building of a extension to mine and me sisters boat. I get up dusting off whatever material I was working with and opened the door to a mail man with an eye-patch on his left eye. "Got a letter for ye" he said bringing out a wax sealed envelop from his massive bag. "What happened to ye eye?" I ask as I take the letter from him. "Non of ye business" he said and left by going on his small boat and steering away from me house. 'Rude' I thought closing the door behind me. 'Scupper Island' I say out loud reading the wax sealing. "Brianna!" I yell as I open the letter reading more of it's writing. "What ye be wanting?" she asks as she slides down the stairs by the railing. "It be her majesty from Scupper Island, she be wanting us to go to her Majesty's castle" I reply. "Why?" she asks, "Doesn't say, but she be giving us a Dance the hempen jig if we don't" I look up and see my sister wrapping her hand around her neck and gulping. "We best be going if we don't to get hanged" she says grabbing her coat of the hanger, she turns around as she opens the door "or ye be wanting to be dead if you don't" she sprints out in the yard and hopping in our small boat. Grabbing my jacket that matches my blouse, a small tint of purple while my jacket is a dark heavy purple, I chase after her. TO BE CONTINUED (bare with me for a long story) Rebecca Weisle-goodpeoplegowild John Gordon-premiumsalad Luke Spinner-One60YT
#204181967Monday, December 12, 2016 12:58 AM GMT

If ye be wanting more, Leave a nice comment to boost me doubts.
#204182072Monday, December 12, 2016 12:59 AM GMT

Nice comment that boosts doubts One60
#204220400Monday, December 12, 2016 1:26 PM GMT

I barley skimmed through it but it was decent

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