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#204220671Monday, December 12, 2016 1:32 PM GMT

[The following are a list of powers that you, Rping as a meta, are permitted to use, however, some require gamepasses, or admin approval] Super strength [amazing strength, lift around 15 tons] Super speed [Amazing speed, run around 350 MPH] flight [Human flight, fly at speeds of 100 MPH] Heat vision [Fire compressed beams of plasma out of your eyes, heated to 5000 Kelvin] Invisibility [become totally invisible to the naked eye] Kinetic blast [Fire waves of kinetic blast from your body] Sonic scream [Your very voice breaks the sound barrier, causing shockwaves to shoot from your mouth, your forced to whisper everything] Healing factor [Recover from nearly any wound in amazing time, the only way to die is if your brain is destroyed] []Gamepass powers[] Hyper strength [Extreme strength, lift up to 68 tons] Hyper speed [Extreme speed, run 1,255 MPH] Energy absorption [Absorb most energy - along as it generates with in the body's limits, E.G you cannot absorb the energy of a bazooka] Density change [make yourself as light as air, or as hard as rock] Hyper Healing [You basically cant die, PTK is not required on you, since you cannot die] Bone claws [sharp bone claws protrude from your knuckles, you are also granted a strong healing factor - admin approval is also needed after your buy this game pass.] If you would like to have a power not shown on this list, please get admin approval.
#204302059Tuesday, December 13, 2016 5:33 PM GMT

yeah i got to say something about the Hyper Healing i feel like people will abuse this power, unless if you chop their head off they can't heal like you said with the normal healing factor.
#205156532Friday, December 23, 2016 1:57 PM GMT

@shanepithie The power is approval only, so Not many people will use it. The Only Reason it is Approval only is because it can be abused.

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