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#204249461Monday, December 12, 2016 9:53 PM GMT

Hello, I am ready to take on the responsibility of being the Secretary of This Aviation group, I will put in my full interest into this group, I will help the department and Docklands. I will try my best to keep my activity level up, I have experience with Aviation Groups, I will make sure that I pitch in some of your ideas to the director, I will find a way to have flights start again, I will host trainings and Tryouts, when ever I am available. I will make sure that I act mature if I achieve this Job. I will also make sure that I pick the proper people for the job, I will not pick by Favorites I will get some applications in for the jobs, and Possibly Elections for Director. There would be 2 Directors, and 2 Deputy's. There would also be about 5-8 Board of Directors. Experience: This is my ranks in Aviation Groups. TRC aviation command, Chief Master Sergeant. (was) DDoA- Secretary RDOA- Secretary of Aviation (was) Last term RDOA: Director (was) Last term Rockport Ailrines: I was a Chief Operational Officer Rockport rank: Cabinet (was)Last term DDOA: SoA (Cabinet x2) Docklands CoS (cabinet x1) Speech: Hello, I am ready to take on the responsibility of being the Secretary of This Aviation group, I will put in my full interest into this group, I will help the department and Docklandsi. I will try my best to keep my activity level up, I have experience with Aviation Groups, I will make sure that I pitch in some of your ideas to the director, I will find a way to have flights start again, I will host trainings and Tryouts, when ever I am available. I will make sure that I act mature if I achieve this Job. I will also make sure that I pick the proper people for the job, I will not pick by Favorites I will get some applications in for the jobs, and Possibly Elections for Director. There would be 2 Directors, and 2 Deputy's. There would also be about 5-8 Board of Directors, I will also try and get the Department some Advertisers Some things to try and get added: -I will try and get a bigger Training Center -Make the Department as active as it can be -Recruit a lot more members -Get the proper people to fill in the ranks -Instructor/Interview System to get into the Department -Updated Rules and Guidlines -Advertisements -I will also try and get us a swag uniform #Blue4DDOA DPD HR Super||DPD:LD DHoLD OG_Bllxe
#204249790Monday, December 12, 2016 9:58 PM GMT

#204252431Monday, December 12, 2016 10:29 PM GMT

#204257532Monday, December 12, 2016 11:40 PM GMT

Support. Signed, FDoC Captain Matthew I DDoC Warden/Chief Officer
#204310771Tuesday, December 13, 2016 8:44 PM GMT

Support Signed House candidate.
#204312070Tuesday, December 13, 2016 9:05 PM GMT

#204313211Tuesday, December 13, 2016 9:20 PM GMT

#204317088Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:19 PM GMT

Support and officially endorsed! Redneck4Deputy! :) ➢ [Retired] - State of Docklands: Lieutenant Governor. ➢ [Retired] - Docklands Special Forces: Commissioner ➢ [Retired] - Docklands News Production: Secretary ➢ [Retired] - State of Docklands: House of Representatives ➢ [Retired] - Docklands National Guard: General ➢ [Retired] - Docklands Department of Transportation: Senior Deputy Director. ➢ [Retired] - Docklands Department of Justice: Court Justice ➢ [Retired] - Docklands Department of Justice: Supreme Court Justice. ➢ [Retired] - (Docklands) City of Harford: Mayor. Thanks, - John.
#204318710Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:42 PM GMT

#Support From a fellow aviator I am in love with aviation and hope for the best! ItalianAviatorRBLX
#204320049Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:59 PM GMT

Nay, Your a Exploiter, Have done many Criminal Acts, And Are Inactive. As well You have NEVER done anything for DoA with past times as Sec. BTW You don't Elect this rank you Applied for it. Signed, 13bowler
#204329676Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:05 AM GMT

#204338134Wednesday, December 14, 2016 2:45 AM GMT

@13 exactly what i was going to say. also he used his abilities to scam someone

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