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#204249985Monday, December 12, 2016 10:00 PM GMT

Hello everyone , if your reading this , you are probably wondering what all the ranks in the Cortex fleet mean , ill go over them and how to get them. Fan/Supporter: This is the most basic rank , its technicly not even part of the fleet. Fan is the rank you get for joining the group , while supporter is achived by donateing to the group/fleet. Recruit: This is the 3rd rank , you can get this rank by going to a tryout, the rank is more of a learner then a battler , Try outs are held by commanders and higher ranks. Pilot: Pilot is the main rank of the fleet , they ussally are in something like a bastion raiding and defending , to get this rank you have to go to a pilot training and have to be a recruit for it. 2nd class means your complete with your training , 1st class means your good in combat and soon choosen to maybe become a officer Officer: After youve shown skill, a commander plus will rank you up. This is a higher rank then pilot , and to get this rank you have to have a ship thats destroyer+ These are leaders for smaller missions or in bigger missions ussally are in the attack or defense , and sometimes allways serve under the squad leader. Squad leader: You get this rank if you show great skill , tactical knowlage and a powerfull ship. You have command over a squad with this rank. Commander: You get this rank when you gotten notice of a admiral (Fleet admiral and Grand Admiral Echo in cluded)To get noticed, you have to have shown great skill in combat , tactics,Ship knowlage , a good ship , and some extra stuff. You will have command over 2 squads with this rank. Admiral: Hand picked by Grand admiral Echo or Fleet admiral K.G . These have control over all other ranks under them.

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