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#204270382Tuesday, December 13, 2016 2:21 AM GMT

As many of us know, ROBLOX just isn't what it used to be. Or, you could say it just isn't what it could be. I'm going to be stating what could make ROBLOX better in my opinion. Hopefully, you guys agree and maybe just maybe an admin will be lurking and will throw this up to the developers. Here we go. [1] - Market/Currency Problem After TIX were removed, we were promised many new features coming for everybody that would make the removal of TIX much easier to get past, this included allowing regular users to develop certain things for the catalog. As well as, a replacement for TIX or something that would satisfy us or make things easier for NBC's, now that TIX were gone. These things haven't happened. This was roughly a year ago when those promises were made. The best thing they've done is make more shirts and pants free for everybody in the catalog, but realistically that is it. I recommend an alternative currency that has some difference in value from TIX is implemented. I'm absolute about the fact there are more alternatives to my suggestion, and better ones at that, but that's all I can think of right now. [2] - Equal Pay Opportunity I understand BC's have given ROBLOX money and with that, do deserve advantages. Which is fine with me and most NBC's. I've seen it from both sides, I was once a BC and am now an NBC. I'm not asking NBC's are given ROBUX too, but currently the only way NBC's can get ROBUX is working for someone or a group and receiving a group payout. If they were able to, they could also get gamepasses. Compared to BC's though, this is so much less of an opportunity list to receive payment. I'd like to see NBC's be able to at least sell shirts. Or an easier way for BC to donate to NBC's. Currently my friends if they donate to me, have to go through a huge market fee. I'm very lazy. There are many more that could be added. If you have more leave them in the replies to this.

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