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#204394435Wednesday, December 14, 2016 10:50 PM GMT

On November 8th, 2016, Hillary Rodham Clinton won the 2016 Presidential Election with 290 Electoral votes. Politicians and other government figures in the Lone Star State of Texas feared this particular result of the election and promised secession, and fulfilled that promise. The state of Texas wrote its Declaration of Independence and its Constitution and unofficially seceded from the United States. On December 20th, 2016, United States government officials, President Barack Obama and his Vice President Joseph Biden met with the United Nations in New York City, New York. The meeting ended with the former state of Texas now its own country with its own economy, military and where were state borders became national borders. The United States recognized itself as a country with 49 states. The secession had gone smoothly. Texas elected George W. Bush as its president along with his vice president and cat Chorito. Texas then identified itself as the Republic of Texas. On May 5th, 2017, a United Nations criminal case was opened on the Republic of Texas. For a while, Texas had been under fire from accusations and suspicions that arms and weapons were being purchased from dangerous and skeptical sellers. Some of these weapons were banned and illegalized by UN. After Texas neatly prevented spy satellites from obtaining photos of these storage sites where the weapons were held, the UN requested that its criminal investigators were to be let inside the borders of Texas to investigate and confirm the suspected weapons. Texas declined. Texas saw this as a threat and began to prepare itself in the event of a strategic war. To prevent Texas from obtaining any more of these so called illegal weapons, the United States, United Nations and Mexico agreed to form a land, water and air blockade on Texas. A combination of troops from United States and United Nations were sent to blockade Texas. Texas then completely closed its borders, no one could get in, or out. The Lone State War began when the United States launched an air raid to destroy the sites where the illegal and banned weapons were. The Republic of Texas, identifying this as a declaration of war, officially went to war with the United States by returning an air raid on border cities. This would go on to become a fierce war between two powerful nations, as Texas and the US clashed, Texas began to suffer its own domestic issues. Texas President Bush had resigned close to the end of his first term when his cat Chorito died. Another man replaced George Bush, His name was John Smith, and was described as a madman. Smith called for even more weapons involvement in the war, and this tore apart the lives of those who lived in Texas. Chaos ensued in Texas as the nation became an isolationist and radical power. Cities became unsafe, hyperinflation occurred, riots happened and if you were a resident in a border city, you never knew until US Air Force planes dropped b0ms over your home. The public tried to revolt against the government, but were quickly silenced. You are a resident in the Texas border city of Alto. Alto was built for production of arms and weapons for the war effort. The factories in which they are built are either destroyed from US military forces or are unsafe to work in. You must survive the b0mmings that happen too frequently, the thieves and the radical police force. Life in Texas is sad, but you must overcome the obstacles to survive to the end of the war when the merciful US troops come to rescue you from the ruins of Texas.

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