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#204481625Friday, December 16, 2016 3:29 AM GMT

Many people do not know what a team owner in KBA means. This Forum will explain everything you need to know about being a team owner. ♚Table Of Contents♚ I. How To Become a Team Owner. II. Team Owner's Responsibility. III. Hiring/Firing Team's Coaches. IV. Offering/Releasing/Trading Players. V. Way's To Be Fired. VI. Winning Playoffs Rewards. ♚================================================♚ ♚====================♚ .I###====================♚ ♚The best way to become a team owner is by messaging Me(SuperSalynXI) or the commissioner. Just send in a application and answer it honestly[Located Right Under This Sentence. --♚1.How Active are you? --♚2.Have you ever done something like this before? If so where? --♚3. Will you make sure your team is active and has a winning record? --♚4. Will you hire people to help you run your team like a head coach?[Its ok if you do not wanna hire anyone to help you] --♚5. Did you Read the rule book and understand the rules of the league? --♚6. How Often will your team Host practices? --♚7. Have you been suspended or worse from KBA? If you answered yes than Why? --♚8. Any Other Info We Should know? ♚================================================♚ ♚====================♚ .II. ♚====================♚ ♚As a team owner you will be faced with many challenges. A list will be bellow this sentence on what your priority's are as a team owner. --♚1. Your main job is making sure your team is active. Having practices and scrims is a good way to show your a active team. {Good way to do this is by hiring Coaches to run the team for you if your not on or just dont feel like showing.} --♚2. You are responsible for what your Players/Coaches do. {Example 1: Imagine one of your players on your team is a alt and is on another team. If that happens your team will suffer because of it. Example 2: Imagine one of your coaches go on a rampage and does something like illegally ranks players. You will be the one we will blame and that could be a factor on why you might lose your job.} ♚================================================♚ ♚====================♚ .III. ♚====================♚ ♚As a team owner you might not have time 24/7 to run your team. So you might wanna hire coaches to do it for you. You as the Owner of the Team do not have to be active, as long as your team is active you are fine. A List will be bellow this to help you with key points on how hiring/Firing Coaches work. ♚Hiring♚ --♚1. You may only have 1 Head Coach & 2 Assistant Coaches. --♚2. You have to offer coaches on the wall and we have to see him reply with i accept the BLANK Offer. --♚3. You must message a Commissioner after a coach accepts a offer so we can script him into admin scripts. ♚Fireing♚ --♚1. You may fire a Coach for any reason you feel fit it is your team we do not care what you do as long as your a active team. ♚================================================♚ ♚====================♚ .IV. ♚====================♚ ♚Offering/Releasing/Trading players is a major part about roblox basketball. It helps us keep order in the group and keep people from using the same player on multi teams. A list will be bellow this to help you understand the key points on offering/Releasing/Trading players. ♚Offering♚ --♚1. In order to even think of offering a player he cannot already be on a team. If he is already on a team simple offer a trade to another team owner or coach. --♚2. To Offer a player simply write on the wall. [TeamName Offers PlayersName] If they reply with [I accept] Simply rank them to your team. Your head coach can also offer players. ♚Releasing♚ --♚1. You may release a player for any reason you see fit. Only other rank that may release players from your team is the head coach. --♚2. To Release a player say [TeamName Releases PlayersName] Than simply rank him to F/A's. ♚Trading♚ --♚1. To offer a trade simple message another Head Coach or Team Owner with a offer. ♚================================================♚ ♚====================♚ .V. ♚====================♚ ♚Every Team Owner has the same punishment if they fail to do or did the following. --♚1. Number one reason people are fired from team owner is there team wasnt active and FF'ed 2 games. --♚2. Your team doesn't have at the least 8 players within a week. --♚3. You were caught doing something against the rules. like illegally ranking players. --♚4. Your team has been doing stuff against the rules like coaches illegally ranking players. ♚================================================♚ ♚====================♚ .VI. ♚====================♚ ♚If your team wins the playoffs the owner of the team is given the choice on who gets the 1k robux prize. It is his choice on who gets the some robux from the 1k prize if he wants he can take it all for himself. Sincerely sorry for my grammar if it was trash. Sorry If my Grammar is trash.

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