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#204513554Friday, December 16, 2016 5:07 PM GMT

Section 1 - Game Start/End 1.1 - The game will officially start with an (umpire) present and at least 4 players from each team. EXCEPTION: If a team has 3 players, a team is eligible to play, but a team with 4+ players will not be penalized, leading to a 4v3. 1.2 - The minimum to play an official UBL game is 4v3 and at most 6v6. 1.3 - An UBL game will last 5 innings, 3 outs per inning. 1.4 - In the event of a tie after 5 innings, the game will go on to extras. 1.5 No advantage play past 4v3 Section 2 - Pitching 2.1 - Pitchers are allowed to pitch the whole game. 2.2 - Teams have the option to have their pitcher pitch but not bat (PITCHERS WHO ARE ELECTED NOT TO HIT MAY USE UP TO 3 BREAKING BALL PITCHES | Pitchers who hit may not) 2.3 - In the event a pitcher throws 3+ innings in a game they are ineligible to pitch the next game 2.4 - Balks are auto balls and/or a free advance for whichever runner(s) is on. A balk can be caused by a) The pitcher pitching off the mound, b) the pitcher jumping more than once before pitching, or c) the pitcher landing off the mound following a pitch. EXCEPTION: A balk will not be called if the pitcher jumps and does not pitch ONLY in the event of a pickoff attempt. 2.5 - The pitcher CAN NOT run towards the batter after they have pitched. If done, the batter will automatically be walked regardless of the outcome of the play. 2.6 - The strike zone is set above the plate at the ROBLOXians shoulder down the its “knee” (half the leg). 2.7- EEPHUS ARE BALLS. Section 3 - Batting 3.1 - All batters must be in the batter’s box. If the batter is outside, a strike will be called. EXCEPTION: The batter may leave the box when the pitch is delivered. 3.2 – If the bat is put away during the pitch it will be a called strike 3.3 – If the player moves(turning counts) into the ball, then it will be a ball or strike depending on location, rather than a HBP 3.4 - If a batter makes contact with the ball and does not make an attempt to swing, it is a NS. It will count as a foul 3.5 - If the batter does not move and the ball hits the batter, it is a HBP. NOTE: If the batter does not move, but the ball hits the handle/arm and creates a hit, it will be a NS. 3.6 - Home runs are no bounce and GRDs are 1+. 3.7 - 4 No Swings in 1 at bat results in an out 3.8 – Teams will be allotted bench slots EXCEPTION: Slots are only usable if the team has 7+ players at the game(6v6 will still be forced) Section 4 - Baserunning 4.1 - A base runner must run on the dirt paths in the infield. EXCEPTION: The fielder may step on the grass in the event of a) stepping on first and standing to the right of the base and/or b) a Baserunner round 1st or 3rd to advance to another base. 4.2 - If a runner holds out the bat while running and creates an INT, the runner is Auto Out. NOTE: Although it is not enforced, you will not be out for a bat run, but it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you do not to risk an event of INT. 4.3 - If a runner is hit by a ball off the bat with no defensive interference, he is out. 4.4 - If a runner is struck by a fielded ball, he is not out unless he makes an attempt to get in the way. 4.5 - Runners may jump to avoid the tag at ANY base, but obstructions may still be called if the runner purposefully jumps into the ball. 4.6 You cannot slide into first base but the runner is permitted to slide into any other base Section 5 - Fielding 5.1 - Infielders are not required but outfielders are. 5.2 - In the event of a play at 1B, if the fielder makes it impossible for the Baserunner to make it to first, a block will be called. 5.3 - If the fielders are on top of the walls or in the stands when the pitch is delivered(and ball is hit to the fielder), it will result in an auto base 5.4 - if there are more than 3 outfielders, an extra ball will be counted along with whatever the pitch actually was. In the event of a strike being thrown on a 3-2 count with 4 outfielders, a walk will be given Section 6 - Umpires, Video Replay, and Challenges 6.1 - Only approved umpires of UBL can officiate a UBL game. 6.2 - One (1) umpire is necessary for games and additional umpires may be used as well. 6.3 - Both teams have one available challenge each game. If a challenge is called and the challenge is won, the team will keep the challenge, but if lost, the challenge will be to waste. NOTE: Plays that are not challengable are balls/strikes and lag. 6.4 - WARNINGS MUST BE ISSUED BEFORE EJECTION 6.5 - If a manager is ejected, he will be allowed to stay but not able to coach/play. 6.6 - If no video replay is available, the umpires will come together to discuss the play. If no decision can be made, a redo will be in place. Section 7 - Miscellaneous 7.1 - If a field is deemed unplayable due to lag or no admin, the field location will move. 7.2 - In the event of Rule 7.1 happening, both owners can decide to restart the game ONLY before the 3rd inning. 7.3 - If any personal information/pictures are released, the culprit will be suspended 5 games on first offense. If a second offense is done, the suspension will be up to the Commissioner. 7.4 - All signings must me messaged to the Commissioner with proof of the free agent accepting. 7.5 - Any attempts at using a player who is not on the roster in a game will result in a 3 game suspension for both the player and the coach. Section 8 - Stadiums 8.1 – All Stadiums must be collected by the group and held as group games 8.2 – All stadiums must use this infield template - http://www.roblox.com/NRBA-S10-Infield-item?id=305469071

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