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#204516997Friday, December 16, 2016 6:17 PM GMT

TL;DR below. I don't understand ROBLOX anymore. One day they decide to screw up with NBCs and remove Tickets, then the next day they give Christmas gifts for free. And they're all bad gifts! If ROBLOX really cared about NBCs, they would've kept the tickets. Or at least do competitions like they did back in the day (remember, veterans?). Now, ROBLOX literally depends on our subscriptions and ROBUX purchases. And guess what? They screwed December up. By giving us FREE gifts. We subscribed to trade, get ROBUX, get lots of places and join lots of groups. We also subscribed to get expensive hats an NBC would suffer to get. We bought ROBUX for the same reason. But, by giving everyone a free hat, guess what? NO MONEY. No one will spend a penny on ROBLOX! Especially this month! No revenue will be made and your Income Statement/Balance Sheet will include heavy losses during the December month (excluding monthly subscriptions)! Guys, I have been in ROBLOX since 2010, I know what I am talking about. I know most of you will be retaliating towards this thread since most of you are people registered after the banning of Tickets and aren't even BC, but still. We payed money for a reason, we're supposed to get what we want. Not crappy gifts. I'm expecting ROBLOX to sell at least SOME gifts that you have to spend ROBUX on before January. Otherwise, I guess we shouldn't look forward to next Christmas, if we'll even stay here by then... P.S If you joined in 2016 and be like: "dud its chrismas it suposed to be fre!!1!" then I recommend you to leave. tl;dr bad grammer - BC should spend the robux they're given to purchase gifts (dont sell gifts for free), and free gifts should try to be good looking at the least. otherwise, no revenue for roblox. also make competitions for NBC/BC for hats, dont just give away free gifts. "Hi", he said.
#204517134Friday, December 16, 2016 6:20 PM GMT

Idk if this is true but I found this video watch it. And again idk if the video is true: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFvk9d3JZNM
#204517355Friday, December 16, 2016 6:25 PM GMT

Been here since 2010, and now I hear about a Giftsplosion? I saw every christmas gift every year (except 2011 and 2014) and never heard of a Giftsplosion. Look at my inventory, no free gifts whatsoever, other than some small amounts which happen rarely. "Hi", he said.
#204517426Friday, December 16, 2016 6:26 PM GMT

Yea. I joined in 2013, but i remember back when gifts were actually worth getting. Now its like roblox has given up. Any event is sponsored now. And i think more people would have stayed if tix didnt go away. Like seriously, NBC's counted on that stuff (including me), and roblox just became money hungry. The sponsored events also tell you that. Literally every event now is sponsored. Roblox has just became another game company that says that their game is "free" but you need to pay money to get advantages in other games and to look good. tl;dr Roblox became money hungry, its now a bad thing.
#204517639Friday, December 16, 2016 6:30 PM GMT

@Nathan, Oh by the way, I did get some free gifts. But guess what? I earned them. I didn't get them for free, I had to play games for several hours to get them. They say time is money. @The, This is very true. Apparently now BC/ROBUX revenue isn't enough so now they have to get sponsored constantly, and by bad companies lol. "Hi", he said.
#204517665Friday, December 16, 2016 6:30 PM GMT

maybe they need money because they are running out of money to keep the site up and other reasons like on the video, it showed slingshot telling how they need to spend money to read each email and (probably idk) they need money to create one hat or something even though it sounds kinda stupid
#204518120Friday, December 16, 2016 6:39 PM GMT

giftsplosion was "simplified" because people were spamming their inbox on how to obtain gifts and apparently slingshotjunkie said that opening a mail costs them money
#204518153Friday, December 16, 2016 6:40 PM GMT

you are so spoiled and ungrateful "there all bad gifts" kid, atleast you got free gifts from roblox a meme a day keeps the teachers away
#204519085Friday, December 16, 2016 7:00 PM GMT

I like the holiday glasses I have on tho
#204604251Saturday, December 17, 2016 8:50 PM GMT

Be happy that ROBLOX is saved and you didn't waste your robux. print ("Exotic Butters")
#204604699Saturday, December 17, 2016 8:56 PM GMT

#204604723Saturday, December 17, 2016 8:56 PM GMT

Even the halloween gifts are garbage. Last year, I spent 50 robux on a gift to get a bat beanie worth 1 ticket. A BAT BEANIE. registered sergeant of the goose army
#204605717Saturday, December 17, 2016 9:09 PM GMT

Put simply they removed tix because they knew it was hurting the sales of robux. Put this in to perspective 1# They removed tix 2# Sales of bc tbc obc and any future bc of sorts go up 3# More money... 4# Hurts the reputation of roblox 5# Still say "ITS FREE!!!!" 6# If this comment is remove i will upload to Youtube due to the fact you are removing my fredom of speach. 7# People who fail to buy bc leaves roblox because they feel left out 8# Less people saying bring tix back 9# Illusion of roblox doing good In reality they might as well just steal kids allowances.
#204664260Sunday, December 18, 2016 12:01 PM GMT

man i'm pretty sure i remember whenever i used to make these arguments. i don't think you understand the point behind the free gifts. earlier this month, they released a couple of hats that suspiciously seem like they would come out of gifts. things like Santa Headrow, Candy Cane Swordpack, Snowman Disguise etc etc. not only that, but just today they released those 3 Doombuckets. The point here? people were able to earn gifts before, so they wouldn't pay for them. if roblox releases 3 low quality free hats, it looks like theyre giving us hats out of their own good will. but after this, they release hats that could've been rewarded to us for achieving a goal, and make you have to pay for them instead of being able to earn them. it tricks everyone who isn't able to look past roblox's PR and see that everything on this site is now done for money instead of the benefit of the players. everything is now designed to cater to developers and show off roblox's success. they do DevEx because they can show off "hey look! this game developers client lets you earn like 240k salary!". it's the reason they choose to keep up these garbage sponsored events instead of canceling DevEx even though it ends up giving away 240k every year to some random eastern european prick.
#204664677Sunday, December 18, 2016 12:13 PM GMT

such a good thread
#204667078Sunday, December 18, 2016 1:27 PM GMT

Probably not that pertinent but ROBLOX was too lazy to add a captcha to prevent "Botting", It's so redundant.
#204667124Sunday, December 18, 2016 1:28 PM GMT

Yeah I agree its bad, Another great Game Decision by roblox! https://www.roblox.com/games/569861696/FacePalm

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