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#205194221Friday, December 23, 2016 9:51 PM GMT

Good Evening, It has come to my attention during recent incidents that there is a lot of confusion over procedure and powers. This small article is just to clear a few things up. We are a ROLEPLAYING group. This means we aim to mimic the lives of police officers as closely as possible. If an officer is off-duty or suspended, they are NOT to commit crime, else their employment with the police service could be terminated. This is due to them receiving criminal records and it affecting their CRB checks. However, one aspect of not mimicking real life is the line managers. As there are separate issues over exiling rights, it has been decided by myself and the Chief Constable, that any member of staff can only have their employment contract terminated if ALL Chief Officers are in agreement. This varies slightly for the termination of an employment contract of a Chief Officer, as that is ultimately the decision of the Chief Constable. All other decisions* including promotions, demotions, transfers, etc. must be approved by the following: Chief Constable Deputy Chief Constable Assistant Chief Constable (x1) Unit Commander ((Chief) Supt) If a decision is NOT made by ALL of the above, the decision is invalid and will be reverted. The initiating officer will then be dealt with by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. *excluding emergency decisions in cases of admin abuse, tool abuse or any issue of an urgent nature. If an officer is blacklisted from a particular department, this is PERMANENT, unless said officer can prove themselves to the Unit Commander. Officer should not beg to be un-blacklisted, else it will be non-revocable. If there are any queries regarding the above information, or any information surrounding procedures and powers, don't hesitate to contact me in-game or shooting me a message on Skype. I can be found at aidan.lord1 Regards, Deputy Chief Constable 831 COLLINS Authorised by: Chief Constable Matthew_Found Deputy Chief Constable AidanCoIIins

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