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#20545935Friday, February 05, 2010 1:04 AM GMT

This is a remake of The Dead Forest, so I can't let this die. Different storyline, pretty good if I say so myself. This is kind of a wierd RP story, but it's good. THIS IS NOT A PRIVATE THREAD! I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A PRIVATE THREAD! Anyone is allowed to join, never too late ok? I worked hard on this, but took 30 minutes to type this. Though it took an hour on coming up with the storyline. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story:(This part is the story from the Prologue.) Today is April 1, 3032. You live on a planet called Dafur, and it once was filled with humans like yourself. Though the disaster on January 1, 3031, changed all that. Thousands of meteors fell from the sky. People screamed, children cried, and your family died in front of you. You witnessed it all, and as you ran for help, you were hit by a small, glowing meteor. You blacked out, and you got knocked out into a coma. You woke up on this very day. You saw the ruins of houses, buildings, but no dead bodies. You thought that you were the only one left, but went out to search for others anyways. As you searched, you felt a strange feeling... (Chapter 1, the continued part.) Me, Eric, Erin, and Vanare traveled through a forest, and spotted zombies there, and then we were consumed by darkness. Just a while ago, we found out that we had powers, like controling water. Now we must find out what has caused this madness of zombies, and rescue survivors before it's too late... (Chapter 2, the continued part.) We all stumbled upon a village, a one that was populated. That's when it was attacked by monsters. After we defeated them, we slept after a hard day. When we woke up, we found ourselves in a cell, imprisoned by the locals for some reason unknown. I, Zach, mumbled some words and the whole village was picked up, and thrown somewhere all together. What happened? What made the locals imprison us? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules:1. No ubering, powerplaying, etc. 2.Don't go off the story, you'll just mess everything up. 3.You can be other things then human, but you tell me what it is, and ask for permission. 4.Listen to me, or be banned from RPing on this thread. 5.Don't tell new joiners they can't join because it's too late and all. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character sheet(You can have up to 4 characters!): Name: Age: Gender: Weapon:(You may have a futuristic weapon.) Powers:(Yeah, that's what the strange feeling is.) Bag:(Up to 4 items, you may also have extra weapons.) Appearance: Height: Bio:(Can add this, but you don't have to.) Likes:(Can add this, but you don't have to.) Dislikes:(Can add this, but you don't have to.) Here's mine: Name:Zach Aquastar Age:13 Gender:Male Weapon:Dual Aqua Crystal Blades Powers:Able to control water Bag:Chocolate cake, a picture of his family, an extra sweater, and a lazor gunblade Appearance:Messy black hair, white skin, blue eyes, a white t-shirt with a dark blue sweater overtop, blue jeans, red and white striped sneakers Height:6'2 Bio:He saw his family die before his eyes, but he's always cheery. Likes:Chocolate cake Dislikes:Waiting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I will be oftenly checking this, so post whenever. Have fun! :D
#20546558Friday, February 05, 2010 1:15 AM GMT

#20546585Friday, February 05, 2010 1:16 AM GMT

Name: Erin Biwelle Age: 15 Gender: M Weapon: Energy Knife Powers:Speed and the abilty to usmmon fire on my command Bag:Flashlight,gum,water and a G18 pistol. (Auto pistol) Appearance: Dark blonde hair,almost covers eyes, eyes are brown, red polo shirt and blue baggy pants. Height: 5 foot 4 inches Bio:(Can add this, but you don't have to.) Likes:(Can add this, but you don't have to.) Dislikes:(Can add this, but you don't have to.) (I have returned!)
#20559622Friday, February 05, 2010 12:22 PM GMT

(i have 5 minuts, let me get the sheet)
#20559633Friday, February 05, 2010 12:23 PM GMT

Name: Eric Age: 19 Gender: M Weapon: His Body Powers: Strength(supa strngth=P) Bag: Water Bottle, 3 loafs of bread Appearance:Blonde hair coverd by a Black and White hat. a green, riped up shirt. Green pants, and Gray Shoes Height: 7'4 Bio:He had a growth spurt when he was 12, making him about 5 inches taller then avrage. he is brave, and will do anything to help people in trouble Likes:Computers Dislikes: Not being listned to.
#20559984Friday, February 05, 2010 12:48 PM GMT

(Ok. RP NOW. =P) I woke up an hour later after the typhoon picked us up. I found myself on a blanket, but not handcuffed this time. I rubbed my hands, since they were still hurting from the tightness of the handcuffs. I sat up, wobbling a bit trying to get up, and saw a girl cooking something. I went up to her and asked, "Hey, how are you doing? Where am I? Who are you?" She turned around and said with a grin, "Finally, you're awake! You sleepyheads fell out of the sky, and some homes and other people, but they were dead. I found you guys in this one cell, handcuffed. So I grabbed the police man's key and got you out of those things." I almost lost track of what she was saying. She talked a bit too fast to my liking. "Umm, ok? Well my name is Zach, Zach Aquastar. So where are we, and what's your name?" I asked politely. "My name is Zoe. Zoe Lightheart." She said, bowing. "No need bow, c'mon, I'm not a king you know...Ugh...!" I kneeled down, feeling the bad, hungry sensation. "Are you ok Zach!? I think you're pretty hungry, so try some of this." She said, kneeling down and poured some soup in my mouth. "Oh...that's pretty good. Ugh...Man I am pretty hungry..." I mumbled. She kept pouring a little soup in my mouth, I started feeling better. (New character! I will be controling her you know; Name: Zoe Lightheart Age: 13 Gender: F Weapon: Sonic Guitar Gun Powers:The power of light Bag:Cooking tools, and recipes, and food Appearance:http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=3518500 Height: 6'2 Bio:She always cheers everyone up, even though her parents died because of the meteors Likes:Playing her guitar Dislikes:Darkness
#20570585Friday, February 05, 2010 8:41 PM GMT

(Hellogoodbye? Coolblue? SignedYourNightmare? Anyone?)
#20570998Friday, February 05, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

(just got back) Eric:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*falls off bed*ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
#20571067Friday, February 05, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

(Acid, you're on a blanket on the ground if you read my last post. >,>)
#20571236Friday, February 05, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

(sorry, i read it, but i might of skiped that part, ignore mai last post) Eric:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*dreaming* Eric:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, DONT EAT MAI TACO Chuck Norris:*eats taco and farts to the moon* Eric:*wakes up*MAI TACO!!!!!!!
#20571355Friday, February 05, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

(Good spelling and grammer please? =3) I start shaking Eric to snap out of it.
#20571622Friday, February 05, 2010 9:02 PM GMT

(ok) Eric:*fully wakes up*sorry, i was dreamin
#20571811Friday, February 05, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

I carry Eric over to Zoe. "Hey, Zoe, this guy, Eric, needs something to eat." I smirk. "Ok ok, here you go..." She starts feeding Eric soup. I start patting Eric on the back like he's a baby that needs to burp. "Aaaawww. Little Eric needs to be fed!" I snicker. "Oh come on Zach, put him down." Zoe laughs a bit.
#20572122Friday, February 05, 2010 9:12 PM GMT

Eric:Both of you shut up, or ill throw both of you 50 feet
#20572286Friday, February 05, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

"C'mon, take a joke Eric." I said, snicker still. "Zach, that's really enough! And you Eric, you have wierd imagination. Nobody can throw anything fifty feet!" She said, not knowing about powers, and little did she know that she did too.
#20572399Friday, February 05, 2010 9:17 PM GMT

Eric:actuly, i can, ak him*points to Zach*
#20572985Friday, February 05, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

"Yeah, he really can." I said plainly. "Wha, whaaaa!?" She stared at Eric with amazed look. I waved my hands around, and water formed into a ball, and then a shark. It started swimming around me, even though there was no water, and it was water. Zoe fainted after seeing my little act. A few seconds later Zoe got up, and pinched herself. "So I'm really not dreaming..." Zoe said, but she still really didn't know if it was true. "How...how did you do that!?" She frantically asked. "Well, the day of the meteors, they rained down from the heavens. That's when I was hit by a small, glowing meteor. That's how I got these powers." I smiled. "Hey...I was hit by one too! I wonder what I can do..." She started snapping her fingers, and then light came down from the sky. As the light shined through the dark, lightless sky, in turned into a bunny. A cute, furry bunny. "Whoa..." Zoe stared in amazement. She started petting it. The bunny like that. (Wow. Look at this dialogue I typed up, it's long. =O)
#20573158Friday, February 05, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

(holy cow, thats big) Eric:i was to, and i have super strength
#20573351Friday, February 05, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

(The other one above my last post, and under the Storyline is BIGGER. =O I'm changing my RP style now.) Zoe:I start playing with the bunny, it's pretty cute. Zach:I hop onto my shark and ride it. "WEEEEEE!" I screamed, as the shark moved zig-zag.
#20573410Friday, February 05, 2010 9:35 PM GMT

Eric:*sits down*Im just gonna relax now....*starts relaxing*
#20573598Friday, February 05, 2010 9:38 PM GMT

Zach:The shark starts swimming right above Eric, like he's prey. Zoe:I hold the bunny in my hands, feeding it.
#20573652Friday, February 05, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

Eric:*lloks up at the shark*hi......
#20573904Friday, February 05, 2010 9:44 PM GMT

Zach:"WHEEEEEEEE!" I yell.
#20573950Friday, February 05, 2010 9:44 PM GMT

Eric:-_- (i got to go in a few, ill probably be botted of unexp- crap, heres my little bro right now-_-. bye)
#20574034Friday, February 05, 2010 9:46 PM GMT

*Cough! Cough!* I get up. "Where the heck am I!? And who are you?" I point at Zoe. I had finally woken up. I was dreaming of waffles... Tasty waffles.

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