#22986704Wednesday, March 24, 2010 10:50 PM GMT

"Yeah, a little graphic, but then again, that's life. Now, onto actual training. In some situations, you may need to cause a distraction, so you can retrieve or destroy the target. There are two conventional ways to do this. First, you can destroy a secondary, less guarded target, or you can fake shift changes. But why go with conventional? Here take this." Andy grabbed a small controller, and drab, grey sphere, and tossed them to Elisa.
#22987019Wednesday, March 24, 2010 10:56 PM GMT

Elisa caught them. But has no clue on what to do with them.
#22987070Wednesday, March 24, 2010 10:56 PM GMT

"Press the center red button on the controller.", Andy instructed Elisa.
#22987454Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

She pressed the wrong button
#22987925Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:10 PM GMT

The orb dashed at Andy, who managed to duck hsi head in time, as it crashed into the wall, and exploded. "Holy crap...which button did you press?"
#22988298Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:17 PM GMT

"This WAS the button you wanted me to press.....right?" She blinked a couple of times
#22988464Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:19 PM GMT

"No, the OTHER center red button! That's the self-destruct button you pressed!", Andy exclaimed. He grabbed another orb, and tossed it at Elisa. "Alright, this time, press the correct button. And try not to kill me."
#22988793Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:25 PM GMT

"Im sorry..okay?" She then pressed the correct button
#22989029Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:28 PM GMT

The orb floated up about a foot and a half, and stayed there."This is a recon drone. It has a small laser-cannon, for taking out infantry, and the self-destruct feature, as you so kindly demonstrated. Now, put these on.", Andy said, handing Elisa what looked like a scouter.
#23006243Thursday, March 25, 2010 6:45 AM GMT

"Cool." She puts them on A perfect fit.
#23006370Thursday, March 25, 2010 7:10 AM GMT

omg the orb broke. we must use the gue stick bob!
#23010538Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:08 PM GMT

[@appleman:That is spam, and is not appreciated in the forums, let alone RP. So please stop attempting to troll.] Andy said to Elisa,"Now that device, when activated, overlays the veiw of what the orb is seeing, onto your vision. To activate it, just press the button on the side. It also works as a long-range radio."
#23010600Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:13 PM GMT

"How far?" She did what she was told.Following instructions.
#23010668Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:20 PM GMT

"The radio is good for at least a few hundred kilometers from a Syndicate radio beacon, so pretty much anywhere but the far side of Tyran." ----------------------------- Meanwhile, in the skies near the base: Regulus fired his EMP cannons , which hit a Tyranian fighter, sending it plummeting into Colossus. "Looks likes that's the last of 'em.", Elite 2, Regulus's wingman said. Regulus replied,"Negative Elite 2, we got....6 SQUADRONS OF FIGHTERs AND BOMBERS!!! Elite 1 to Elite Command, we need back-up, ASAP!" Command respond,"Roger that, launching back-up Elite squadrons 2 through 5."
#23015437Thursday, March 25, 2010 6:50 PM GMT

why wont this thread die._.
#23053292Friday, March 26, 2010 3:21 PM GMT

"So let me get this straight,I can view whatever the droid is looking at while I,at the same time tell the commanding officer the exact statistics of what the droid is displaying!!" She said.
#23117184Saturday, March 27, 2010 5:25 PM GMT

"Pretty much. Also, the recon droid an be used to take out your primary target, with the secondary self-destruct. I wouldn't activate it in here, else we'll probably both be fried and served with a side of potato wedges.", Andy said. He continued,"Now, for your first training session. It's a SaD mission, where you'll have to take down a Tyranian power plant. You'll have the recon driod, 5 fusion charges, and the EMP Gauss. I'll be in the side room if you have any questions." Andy opened a dorr on the norht wall, and stepped inside. He then pressed a series of controls, which caused the training chamber to morph into a Tyranian power plant. Andy said in the loudspeaker,"Good luck, and let the mission begin."
#23161894Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:15 AM GMT

Elisa took the necessary items,she entered the facility being a little cautious. She then set the recon droid on the ground and with the controller,she activated it,the droid was then used to look beyond the wall without exposing her presence. She turned the scouter on,looking through to see an armed Tyranian guard. "Easy." she said. The guard spun round,walking closer towards Elisa's area. "Who's there?" The guard asked "Me." Elisa used the trigger attatched to the controller and the drone opened fire upon the guard. She continued with the drone switched off. She looked around the building for the main generator. More guards. 8 of them which is impossible to take out alone. She saw a dark corridor with hanging lights,she took out the gauss rifle quietly and silently fired upon the lights while the guards were looking away. She then used the dark passage to sneak past the guards,careful not to break or drop anything. A locked door blocked her path. "Keypads," she mumbled,she then sighed for air,providing oxygen to think. She then headed for the Engineer's post, no guards were stationed there. "Thank goodness," A guard suddenly appeared behind her. "Freeze." He shocked Elisa,causing her to gasp. She put her hands up. She suddenly closed the guard's mouth and stomped on his foot. Then knocked him out with kick to the head. Elisa continued searching for the engineer. But she had a better Idea,
#23162899Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:52 AM GMT

Cause a distraction, blow the door open, plant the charges, run like hell. A crazy and risky plan,but she had confidence. She planted one fusion charge,visible to the engineer when he gets back. She then went back to the keypad door and planted a second bomb at the door. "HELP! A BOMB!" She heard the engineer distress. The 8 guards all rushed to the situation. Elisa,being in a safe and dark area,took out the detonator for charges 1 and 2,she pressed both down. "Boom." She covered her ears as 2 explosions were heard.Elisa sprinted to the broken door and started planting charges,hidden from view this time. She rushed out,but 2 guards started firing at her. She spun around only to be shot in her leg,she fell onto the ground. She rolled for cover and used the rifle to shoot at the enemy. She then looked at her "Injured" leg,she saw blood. She poked the wound,she felt pain,but her fingers told her that she was touching her tights,not flesh. "Realism..heh" Elisa then limped to safety,taking out guards on the way. She proudly took out her detonator and pressed the button, ending the mission with a loud bang. When she opened her eyes a virtual guard was standing infront of her, He fired at Elisa with his automatic weapon,point blank. Elisa was "dead"
#23177731Sunday, March 28, 2010 3:30 PM GMT

Bumped for Tannadice to reed.
#23180074Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:15 PM GMT

Andy said,"You completed the mission, but you died. You should have used the recon drones secondary self-destruct for the big group. It would have taken out the entire group. Now, please step into the side room, while I show you how it's done."
#23184375Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:32 PM GMT

"But the whole group was spread out!" She said as she pressed down her knee to get up. "But alright." She walked towards the side room,the viewing room,not the control room.
#23186023Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:58 PM GMT

She leaned towards the opened door,looking at Andy, "But wouldn't that explosion alert bigger groups of guards?" She blinked 3 times in confusion
#23228936Monday, March 29, 2010 3:14 PM GMT

"Possibly, but then again, there were only 12 guards inside the plant."
#23230453Monday, March 29, 2010 4:07 PM GMT

Elisa went into the viewing room and sat down.