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#205757854Thursday, December 29, 2016 1:21 PM GMT

1947 - Cold War starts April 4, 1949 - NATO is established February 22, 1951 - A gang in Siversk blows up a small military base, injuring about 10 soldiers, but killing all 5 gang members in the process. February 23, 1951 - The True Liberators sparks up again due to a new rule placed on Siversk stating that all citizens of Siversk must be monitored daily due to the gang outbreak, using the same tactic as before. February 27, 1951 - The True Liberators now have influence most of Siversk, almost enough to influence the Siversk officials. There have not been any attacks yet, only the idea. March 7, 1951 - A small attack on a gulag occurs, freeing 20 prisoners and damaging about 20% of the entire building. 40 people are killed in total, half being TL members, the other half being guards. March 9, 1951 - Another attack occurs, this time on the town hall. The building is destroyed, killing everyone inside, with a grand total of about 500 people killed. About 200 being TL members, the other being officials or visiting civilians. March 10, 1951 - The USSR responds to this by increasing the monitoring of civilians. This causes the Revolt to become more popular, despite the extreme ways of attempting to get what they want. March 13, 1951 - The TL goes back underground, with most of the people lost. March 18, 1951 - The USSR places multiple soldiers on every street carefully watching each civilian as they do their daily routine. This angers many. March 20, 1951 - The TL increases in popularity, starting to plot an attack. April 20, 1951 - Exactly a month later, the True Liberators destroy about 20% of the Lower End, causing massive panic among civilians. The military come at them relatively fast, trying to subdue the threat as quickly as possible. The government is notified, and the Ukrainian and Russian SSR start their routes to Siversk. April 21, 1951 - The USSR crush the threat after about a day, however leaving most of the town destroyed and in ruins. The monitoring of the civilians increases. April 30, 1951 - The civilians of Siversk, still in terror, rarely leave their homes unless forced to. No one dares to even speak of revolting. It is peaceful for around 2 years. May 20, 1951 - The re-construction of the Lower End takes place. May 16, 1952 - The re-construction is complete. December 6, 1954 - The USSR starts to loosen it's watch on civilians with two successful years. Ten people take this opportunity to create an underground rebel group known as the Siversk Revolt to ensure that this rule is destroyed. December 8, 1954 - The Siversk Revolt starts to recruit members rapidly. Many start to agree and side with them, while some start to think they could be a replica of the TL, or worse. December 10, 1954 - The Siversk Revolt attack a government building in Town Square. It collapses and is demolished on the spot. 50 total people were killed, 20 being revolt members, the other 30 being officials or civilians. This splits the town apart into four factions: The Soviets, Revolters, Doves (oppose all violence), and the Uncommitted (don't oppose or support anyone). December 12, 1954 - The Doves start a small protest stating that the Revolters and Soviets should leave everyone in peace. The Revolters respond by attacking some of the protesters, and the USSR kills the attackers. This happens for weeks until the Revolters end it. December 29, 1954 - The Revolters march into the Lower End, killing any protester or Soviet in sight. They destroy about 50% of the town and kill thousands of soldiers, starting the Lower End Crisis. December 30, 1954 - The Revolters successfully destroy 75% of the town, although their numbers have dropped drastically from around 1,000 to around 250. The USSR launches five RPG-2s on the town, destroying all of it, and everyone in it, killing around 600 total people. This makes the town even more war torn, making both Dove and Revolt ideas become popular. December 31, 1954 - The Lower End Crisis has ended, and NATO sets up a peacekeeping operation in the war torn Siversk. January 3, 1955 - NATO arrives in Siversk, starting in Italy and going undetected traveling by land. They attack the Revolters and the Soviets. January 4, 1955 - The Siversk Soviet Military Force prevents word of NATO arriving in order to prevent the town from collapsing entirely. This causes massive riots, while NATO tries to detain all of them, including Soviet interference. Every NATO country sends in small amounts of troops to help detain Siversk and restore it, while the Revolters and Doves try to push everyone against them out. The war still goes on. Choose your side.

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