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#205759805Thursday, December 29, 2016 2:05 PM GMT

It was tournament day. Lords and knights from all around had come to the Western Kingdom to celebrate the Lady of the Divine Council's 18th name day in a tremendous tourney. All of it nothing to get so worked up about, Sandor thought, as he had only entered because of the money. Tourneys are for two uses, impressing women and gaining coins, only one of which Sandor was interested in. It was small work, mainly green boys who had come looking for knighthood, and to gain some money on the side of course. Sandor, unusually was concentrating, but this time, millions were on the line today. He must have knocked out 20 combatants before reaching the semi-finals. The son of the Lord of The North, Rickard Karstark was fierce but arrogant and let Sandor splinter his shield and his helm went flying, along with Rickard himself. The last fight of the semi-finals was about to begin. "This will be interesting" jested Sandor to his father, "I'll be surprised if this lad survives past this day, Sandor" his father replied. It was true, his brother Gregor had a reputation of 'accidentally' killing inexperienced men in tournaments, and today he was up against what looked like a glorified green boy, a newborn knight they named "The Knight of Flowers" because of the roses embroidered on his glistening white armour. Bets were being made on his brother immediately, but Sandor noticed the hints. The green boy's mare was in season, a classic trick, but hard to spot. Sandor leaned over to his father, "Bet on the green boy"whispered Sandor"Look, his mare is in season".His father laughed, "So it is, but I cannot bet against my own son". The fight began, Gregor's stallion charging at the Knight of Flowers, but he made no attempt to do the same. Right at the last moment, his brother's stallion reared in the air, throwing Gregor in to the stands and the horn blowed on the green boy's side, he had won by using a child's trick. Gregor was furious, screaming as he charged out of the stands himself. He swung his blade straight at the Knight's head, but a steel battleaxe swung, parrying the fatal blow. It was Sandor, and his brother turned his rage to him. As the Knight of Flowers was hurried off the sand field, Gregor threw at his brothers face, all of which were parried without counter. Gregor buckled to fatal blow to the legs, and slowly raised to his feet. "YOU WILL PAY!", he screamed as he fled tail of the tourney field. The green boy gave the day to Sandor, and let him win. Later on that day, after having many drinks, Sandor was approached by a women, who introduced herself as Thyr'iem, and asked him if he'd like to join the Squadron of the West...

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