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#205775934Thursday, December 29, 2016 6:05 PM GMT

This forum post will have different sections for coaches, player's, staff, and board of directors. SECTION 1: Coaches SECTION 2: PLAYER'S SECTION 3: STAFF SECTION 4: BOARD OF DIRECTORS This forum will explain the roles of the ranks in the group for drafts. This is extremely important. Which ever rank you are (not including player's), please read through the entire set of rules to assure you understand every bit of it. If the rules are not followed, a punishment will be inquired. 1. COACHES Coaches. You have the most important role in this draft, drafting the players. You must follow the rules. Your players DON'T have to be at the draft hall to be drafted. It is inconclusive whether or not coaches will be allowed to trade picks for players. Most likely, this rule will not take place in this draft. RULES 1. Please don't spam the chat. This goes for every rank in the group. Having a clean chat will help the draft go smoother and quicker. 2. Don't complain if someone stole your pick. This is just a childish move and will prove to all staff+ members that you might not be ready to coach. 3. Picks will be forfeited if you are not at the draft. If you have the chance, pm your draft lists to one of the Board Of Director+. 4. Don't walk onto the stage. We will have admins guarding the door to the stage just in case. Although we have guards at the door, please don't try to get passed. This will result in a punishment. The punishment being banned from the draft hall, but suspended for 2 games. 2. PLAYERS This group doesn't have a wide variety of rules. The only one being, respect the staff members decision. Basically, just don't disobey rules any staff member paces down. 3. STAFF/REFF You have the ability to create rules and make players follow them. You are not allowed to ban from the draft hall, although you will be allowed to kick from the hall. You also have to follow rules that anyone with a rank higher then yours applies. 4. BOARD OF DIRECTOR You have the same abilities as the staff members. You can kick people from the hall, while also being able to ban people from the hall. You can use fly commands and others of such sort. Also, like the staff members, you must follow any rules that are made by anyone of a higher rank This is the complete list of rules for each rank. Please follow the rules that apply to your position. We want this draft to work in an orderly fashion. That will make the draft run smoothly, as said before. Thank you ~ Brennen 1604s

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