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#206132484Monday, January 02, 2017 12:42 AM GMT

Alright these are my thoughts on Teams Ranked Based on the 2 weeks so far. If you wanna do one of these, Do One and Send me a Link, I love to read these! 6th Place- Dragons- Dragons are struggling, They really are. They've been a bit Inactive. They look strong, but they just break down during games. They aren't on sync with each other. They have a good Offense, but they aren't aggressive. During Week Two, they shoulda got Passes off Sooner. There Defense Wasn't good Either. There was always a guy opened on the Wolves because the Dragons were Unorganized. They struggle on both sides of the field. If they practice more I assure you they will be better. Right Now they are 0-2 Predictions for Dragons- If they Practice More, they are sure enough to come back and make it to the play-Offs and maybe when the whole thing. Right now they are Listed the "UnderDogs". 5th Place- Warlords- Warlords are just as much struggling with the Dragons. They have Been through like 4 F/O's Since the start. Even as we type, they don't Have an F/O. Week one they got lucky, playing a team that forfeited. Right now, I don't know how good or bad there Defense/Offense are because, They got None! They need to get a good team and I think they can go all the way. Right now they are 1-1. Predictions- The Warlords are capable of Winning most of there games from here til the end of the Season. They just need a Coach that can guide them through Practices, so they will be ready for the game. I think they are another Underdog, but they are listed "TheComeBackers". 4th Place- Keepers- Keepers are another team that are struggling. Now, Don't get me wrong, This is probably one of the best teams. But I can put you up there you are now 0-2. You play amazingly. You have a good Offensive line up. Your Defense is Ok, but they need to be worked on. Every time Wolverines had the ball, Wolverines would score. They do need to be more active, holding practices. Other than that, they can make it to the Play-Offs! Predicitions- If they work on their defense and are more active, they are making it to the play-off's. 3rd- Now this is a tough one but I have to give it to the Wolves. One reason they are number 3, is because they forfeited Week one. Now don't get me wrong, 3rd spot is good to be at. Right now, they are Play-Off's material. They can do it. They literally just played a game and Shut a team out. They have a good Defense. There Offense is a Little Shaky. They get sacked a decent amount. They have a lot of people. They need to Improve on Discipline. Most of there players coulda got Ejected today. They overall are a good team. Predictions- If they have a good starting line up. They will make it to the Olympic Bowl, maybe even go 7-1. 2nd- Now A lot of People might be mad at me for this decision but I think most people can agree. I'm Giving this spot to Hawks. Week One, Hawks had it easy, they got a quick and easy Forfeit. Week 2 was a little more harder, but it still ended up as a Forfeit. They have a good Offense. There Defense could be fixed a little more. They don't contain well, all the offense needs to do is go long, and then cut back forward. The team does get Juked easily. But they are Managing. They are 2-0 right now for a reason. They also could get there team ejected from the game, because they are not well Disciplined. Predictions- Get a better Defense. If this happens, I guarantee you they could go 8-0 maybe lose a close game for 7-1. They can make play-offs and go and win the Olympic Bowl. 1- Congragulations, Wolverines I'm giving this to you. Now Let me tell you about the Wolverines. They are a great team All Around. They have a good Defense and Offense. They are a little messy with Offense, but Overall they are a good Team. They basically score every time they have a ball. Week One, When it was tied up 21-21 they were passed a ball and Mixed someone for a Touchdown. This Led to a Forfeit. Week Two was there Hardest game. They played the Keepers and went Overtime. They stopped the Keepers at 9 Seconds left of Overtime. Lastly, they through a HailMarry and caught it in the touchdown to win the game. And this happened to be the first game for F/O. Infact he was hired 30 Minutes before the game started! Anyways they are a good team Overall, and that's why they are 2-0 Predictions- Keep this up, they make the Play-offs and Win the Olypmic Bowl for sure, even if all the other teams are good and better. MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A COMMENT AND IF YOU WANNA DO ONE MAKE SURE YOU DO IT ON FORUMS AND SEND ME LINK TO THEM!
#206143342Monday, January 02, 2017 2:46 AM GMT

Totally accurate we aren't "disciplined" cause we argue over all the BS calls we get ok.
#206187910Monday, January 02, 2017 4:51 PM GMT

#206199902Monday, January 02, 2017 6:59 PM GMT

Wow not accurate at all "2-0 Lead by the new FO SPIT WHO MADE THIS TEAM HUH? AND I GET 0 CREDIT AT ALL

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