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#206162257Monday, January 02, 2017 7:38 AM GMT

Rules of Engagement [ROE]: 1.) DO NOT engage civilians. 2.) DO NOT engage USCPF or CDF. 3.) ACMF, feral mutants, and bandits are SHOOT/CAPTURE ON SIGHT in Tracktown or the sewers. 4.) Attempt to assist civilians that are being harassed by ACMF, feral mutants, or bandits IF IT DOESN'T JEOPARDIZE YOUR MISSION. 5.) If USCPF or CDF come under attack from ACMF, feral mutants, or bandits try to help IF IT DOESN'T JEOPARDIZE YOUR MISSION. 6.) Try to end situations with as less violence as possible. If your life is threatened lethal force is allowed (PTK still applies). Note: Their is always special cases where these rules may be altered/broken if need be. If it happens unnecessarily you WILL BE PUNISHED! Equipment: We normally use dark colored jacket with a cheap rig with a self sewn Tracktown Flag (nicknamed: "Three Colors"). CUSTOMS ARE ALLOWED WITHOUT APPROVAL BUT KEVLAR AND OTHER BODY ARMOR IS NOT ALLOWED, YOU MUST BUY IT FROM THE STORE, THIS INCLUDES COPYING! (you could strap a stop sign to your back if you want but thats pretty much it) Something you don't like? Too bad unless your an After The Flash administrator your opinion doesn't matter. no reply for u >:(

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