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#206343038Wednesday, January 04, 2017 2:48 AM GMT

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAB 105 AUDIO RECORDING Scientist Kole: Put the antidote into the dead body, remember, if any thing goes wrong, just run! Scientist Carissa: Okay. -Injects antidote- Dead person (Now zombie): -Bites Scientist Carissa- Unknown: -SCREAMS- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RECORDING OVER, NO MORE DATA FOUND The date is 2018, December 31, 8:00 PM. You have heard of the virus, you thought it was just some outbreak. But no, the outbreak spread to your area, your trying to escape. CHARACTER SHEET Name: Appearance: Personality: Weapons: Items: Backstory: Flaws: EXTRA: Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: Weapons: Items: Backstory: Flaws: Extra: (Sorry that its all one, it just went this way:C)
#206344091Wednesday, January 04, 2017 3:02 AM GMT

[BUMP 1]

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